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Sixteenth Minute (of Fame)

iHeart Podcast Network

Sixteenth Minute (of Fame) is a weekly show from Jamie Loftus that takes a closer look at the internet’s main characters – one part reported, one part interviews, and one part Jamie collapsing her permanently internet-damaged brain. Whether it’s an enduring meme or a dreaded Character of the Day distinction, it’s the kind of notoriety that often results in little money, unwarranted attention, and a confusing blurred line of consent. What do you do when you get more attention and judgement than any one person is built to handle? The Sixteenth Minute of Fame is the place where we figure that out, putting people in the context of the moment they've been frozen inside of.


United States


Sixteenth Minute (of Fame) is a weekly show from Jamie Loftus that takes a closer look at the internet’s main characters – one part reported, one part interviews, and one part Jamie collapsing her permanently internet-damaged brain. Whether it’s an enduring meme or a dreaded Character of the Day distinction, it’s the kind of notoriety that often results in little money, unwarranted attention, and a confusing blurred line of consent. What do you do when you get more attention and judgement than any one person is built to handle? The Sixteenth Minute of Fame is the place where we figure that out, putting people in the context of the moment they've been frozen inside of.



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oh, by the way, f*** you: liam kyle sullivan and kelly, pt. 2

Jamie continues her conversation with Liam Kyle Sullivan, AKA Kelly of "Shoes" fame, Mrs. Cunningham of "Muffins" fame, and an actor and comedian workshopping a show about what it all means. Bonus: Jamie's cousin Chloe stops by to explain why kids from New England had no idea Mrs. Cunningham was "doing an accent." Come to The Bechdel Cast's Oscars Spectacular Celebration this Sunday: See Liam's show in Los Angeles this Thursday: Follow Liam: See for privacy information.


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ohmygod, shoes: liam kyle sullivan and KELLY

This episode rules. This episode does not suck! Jamie meets up with Liam Kyle Sullivan, one of YouTube's earliest stars with his character Kelly of "Shoes," "Muffins," and much more, before he workshopped his one-person show in Los Angeles. Nearly two decades out from Shoes, Liam reflects on learning what YouTube was by becoming famous on it, how Hollywood struggled to translate internet fame to conventional media in the 2000s, and how his relationship with Kelly has changed over the years. Do these two still have their New England accents? Well, yes. Come to The Bechdel Cast's Oscars Spectacular Celebration this Sunday: See Liam's show in Los Angeles this Thursday: Follow Liam: See for privacy information.


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zoë roth the disaster girl: a lifetime of virality

When Zoë Roth was four years old, her dad snapped a photo of her in front of a neighborhood home being burned with its owners permission to clear the land -- and the rest is internet history. This week, Jamie goes in depth with Zoë twenty years later about becoming a meme just as she started to form memories, how she's chosen to interact (or not interact) with it over the years, and why she chose to forge her own path. Also, a deep dive into meme managers, and why there are so many dead cats with representation. Get tickets to the Bechdel Cast show at Dynasty Typewriter here: See for privacy information.


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the backrooms: a blurry photo that changed the internet

Our weirdest episode yet? Let's GO. This week, Jamie gets to the bottom of the backrooms, one of the most famous images on the internet -- posted to a horror-themed 4chan board in 2019, one blurry picture of an empty expanse of offices inspired teenage horror fans, online sleuths, and adults sinking into existential dread alike. We're looking at all three corners of the backrooms' history, from its legacy as a monster-filled creepypasta for the teens, a 'liminal space' for doomscrolling millennials, and a place to be tracked down by the detectives entrenched in lost media. Spoiler alert: the REAL backrooms are alive, well, and started a GoFundMe in Wisconsin. Give to the Backrooms GoFundMe here: Follow Sara Bimo's work here: Follow Peter Heft's work here: Watch Kendra Gaylord's video on the backrooms: Watch Farrell McGuire's video here: See for privacy information.


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CZM Rewind: left shark, ten years later

In honor of the ten year anniversary of the left shark moment at the Super Bowl XLIX halftime show in 2015, a very specila rerun! Sixteenth Minute exclusive! We’ve got the first in depth interview with Bryan Gaw, aka the Left Shark himself. This week, Jamie revisits the 2015 Super Bowl saga that was Left Shark — the costumed cartilaginous fish that went rogue in 2015 beside Katy Perry during a chorus of ‘Teenage Dream,’ capturing the world’s heart. The person inside is just as lovable, and Jamie takes the bus to West Hollywood to meet dancer-turned-celebrity-stylist Bryan Gaw to revisit one of the internet’s few wholesome moments. Plus… ELLLLLVIS PRESTOOOO Follow Bryan Gaw here: And here: Original Air Date: 9.3.24 See for privacy information.


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hawk tuah bonus feat. ed zitron

You earned it, Sixteenth Minute listeners! As a little treat, Jamie talks with fellow Cool Zone Media host Ed Zitron of Better Offline about the nature of the Hawk Tuah crypto scam, and whether he thinks anything will come of the pending lawsuit. Listen to Better Offline: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | iHeart Ed's Links: Newsletter: See for privacy information.


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the hawk tuah coin crypto scam spectacular

Between June and December 2024, Haliey Welch completed one of the most astounding main character runs of all time. Beginning as someone with no social media, catapulted to fame all but against her will after talking to on-the-street YouTubers targeting drunk women, the end of the year saw Haliey "Hawk Tuah" Welch acting as the face of exploitative memecoin scandal. In our final part of the Hawk Tuah series, we look into the history of crypto, a play by play of the Hawk Coin scandal, and what it means when you scam before you can get scammed. Follow Molly White's work here: Watch Dan Olson's "Line Goes Up" here: Watch Coffeezilla's "exposing the hawk tuah scam" here: List of Displaced Black Families in Altadena: See for privacy information.


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2 hawk, 2 furious: the talk tuah era

In part two of our deep dive into Haliey Welch, aka Hawk Tuah Girl, Jamie looks at the media blitz Haliey was sent on after her viral moment and securing management. Without the Ellen Industrial Complex to reel her in, we dig into the world of vaguely conservative video podcasts, and how all roads lead to sports gambling scams. See for privacy information.


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girls gone wild 2024 (a hawk tuah bonus)

In a Hawk Tuah bonus episode, Jamie connects the man on the street TikTok content that made Haliey Welch famous to its media ancestor — the Girls Gone Wild craze of the 2000s. We talk with former GGW street team member and incredible podcaster Courtney Kocak to learn more about how exploiting drunk women for men’s profit became a million dollar industry. Follow Courtney’s work @courtneykocak and listen to Private Parts Unknown here: See for privacy information.


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hailey welch: how hawk tuah became a household name

Let's do some discourse on that thang. To start our series on 2024's Main Character Haliey Welch, AKA Hawk Tuah Girl, we're taking a closer look at how a Tennessee twenty-something with no social media and a factory job became a household name in a matter of weeks in 2024. Jamie looks at the culture of TikTok and YouTube man-on-the-street surveillance channels, and tracks where the channel that catapulted Haliey Welch to fame failed to get proper consent, what their business model is, and why Haliey decided to go into business for herself. Next time: the debt TikTok owes to Girls Gone Wild, and why Talk Tuah got more downloads than this podcast. See for privacy information.


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the LA Fires: who's being forgotten?

Wildfires have devastated Southern California in the past week, while mainstream media has remained fairly fixated on the wealthier communities and celebrities affected. Meanwhile, the majority of lives lost were in the middle class hovel of Altadena, and mutual aid efforts have blossomed across the city to address those affected. This week, Jamie reaches out to writers and organizers in Los Angeles to take a closer look at who will be at the forefront of this ongoing crisis. Theo Henderson of We the Unhoused speaks to how the unhoused and newly displaced have to navigate city hostility; independent reporter Alissa Walker explores how the fires will continually affect families and the risk of holding the Olympics in LA; Sara Reyes, Maebe A. Girl, and Rachel Sanoff of SELAH talk mutual aid in a time of crisis; and Mychal Threets tells Jamie about the importance of libraries and community spaces in the wake of tragedy. Displaced Black Families Mutual Aid: Follow Theo Henderson and We the Unhoused here: Follow Alissa Walker and Torched here: Follow SELAH here: Follow Mychal here: Tickets to The Bechdel Cast in San Francisco: Buy A Paradise Built in Hell: See for privacy information.


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CZM Rewind: 30-50 feral hogs

To celebrate Willie McNabb's big 30-50 feral hogs win, we're re-running his debut on the show! Next week, we're starting the year right with an in-depth look at Haliey "Hawk Tuah" Welch's moment in the spotlight that even surprised Jamie with how much research was required. LA, SF, and Portland tour dates here: --- Legit question for rural Americans - How do I kill the 30-50 feral hogs that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play? This week, Jamie finds out from the 30-50 hogs asker himself -- Willie McNabb. Plus, we catch up with Professor John Tomacek about the VERY REAL issue of feral hogs, and Karl Kasarda of inRangeTV about how 30-50 feral hogs tied into a larger conversation about American gun laws. Original Air Date: 6.25.24 See for privacy information.


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THE BEST INTERNET MOMENTS OF 2024: the minnie awards!

This week, Jamie hosts the iconic award show THE MINNIES, where listeners voted on their favorite moments on Sixteenth Minute this year and Jamie talks about the year in fifteenth-minute internet history. See you in the new year, babes! Bechdel Cast tour tickets here: Learn more about Kulture City here: See for privacy information.


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surviving the manosphere: teachers, researchers & ex-members speak out

In our final episode about the manosphere, Jamie talks to people who have been directly involved with and continue to navigate being targeted by the ever-evolving space over more than two decades. Three people across three generations explain how they got in and out of red pill and MRA spaces, a teacher in Texas explains their struggle to get through to teenagers taken in by Andrew Tate, and a researcher on incels expands on her struggle to manage her mental health while exploring a world that doesn't respect her autonomy. Names have been changed and interviews have been edited for clarity. Next week, for our final episode of 2024... something light! Get tickets to the Bechdel Cast tour here in LA, SF, and Portland OR -- livestream tickets available, too! See for privacy information.


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dismantling the manosphere with fd signifier & robert evans

You win, I'll talk to men -- and for part three of our manosphere series, it's two brilliant men who are experts in this space. After taking a wide look at the manosphere, Jamie speaks with FD Signifier and Robert Evans about their experience studying the manosphere, and what to expect in the near future. Our final part airs next week! Follow FD Signifier's work: Follow Robert Evans' work: See for privacy information.


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a woman's history of the manosphere, 2014-2024

In part 2 of our manosphere series, Jamie takes a look at what the manosphere has become since it became a mainstream topic a decade ago. She traces its media and in-community responses from Gamergate and the Isla Vista killings, through the first Trump administration, into the #MeToo era, around the Kavanaugh hearings, and all the way to manosphere podcasts being name-checked at the second Trump acceptance speech. How has this space mutated to enter our governing -- or was it always that way? Part 3 releases this Thursday. Listen to Boys Like Me (on the Toronto van attack): Feels Good Man: More on the Black manosphere: See for privacy information.


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we’re talking about the manosphere the wrong way

The manosphere isn't just one of the election's biggest trending topics, it's also one of the biggest outputters of internet main characters -- so why have most of the conversations around it been so unproductive? In our first part of our series on the manosphere, Jamie interrogates the flawed ways in which media is talking about this space, and traces its origins from the 1970s all the way to Gamergate and the Isla Vista shootings. Then, she speaks with researcher Becca Lewis about where we go from here. Follow Becca Lewis's work here: Men Who Hate Women by Laura Bates: Backlash by Susan Faludi: See for privacy information.


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the wicked witch of the east, bro

A video of two Canadian men screaming at each other about whether Glinda the Good Witch was a witch or a princess has been going viral every six months since 2018... but no one knows who they are. UNTIL NOW. Jamie sits down with living legend Matt Passero to talk about his moment of infinite virality, why he's the rare character of the day who wants nothing to do with the spotlight, and why Glinda is a princess, actually. WE GOT THE EXCLUSIVE, BABY! Follow Day Bond and see Matt's tattoo here!: See for privacy information.


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CZM Rewind: the dress

Hello Sixteenth Minute heads! We'll be back next week with a brand new interview with the guy from the ~*sHe cAmE dOwN iN a bUbBlE bRo*~ video, but this week we are re-airing our episode on the 2015 phenomenon of The Dress. Tickets to Jamie's show 11/29 in LA: Donate to the Native Women's Collective: --- In 2015, the world was gripped by one question: is this dress black and blue, or white and gold? No, no, I refuse to argue with you about it — but the story of The Dress is the dying breath of a pre-algorithm driven social media, the peak of Buzzfeed, and contains some dark truths about the internet. Featuring interviews with Taylor Lorenz (@taylorlorenz), author of Extremely Online and Max Fisher (@maxfisher22), author of The Chaos Machine. Original Air Date: 5.21.24 See for privacy information.


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tessica brown, the gorilla glue girl

For one day in 2021, all of social media was obsessing over... Gorilla Glue? Tessica Brown ran out of göt2b hair product and used Gorilla Glue instead and one month later, her hair hadn't moved at all. She turned to TikTok for help and immediately became a main character, prompting a complicated months-long saga that included custom surgery, Hollywood managers, a botched rap career, and some of the most startling and scary days of her life. Jamie talks to Tessica about the ordeal four years later and gets the real story. Follow Tessica here: Tickets to Jamie's LA show here: See for privacy information.
