Karmic Evolution, Astrologically Speaking with Sheri Horn Hasan
SHERI HORN HASAN JULY 11 looks at the energies of the upcoming July 16
SHERI HORN HASAN JULY 11 looks at the energies of the upcoming July 16 Capricorn New Moon partial lunar eclipse, discusses where & how this summer’s July 2 & July 16 eclipses may affect the U.S., and talks about the location of these eclipses & their potential meaning for several “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking” listeners!
KIM MARIE WEIMER discusses the Capricorn/Cancer South Node/North Node
KIM MARIE WEIMER discusses the Capricorn/Cancer South Node/North Node journey from an evolutionary astrology point of view in this replay from last fall’s nodal ingress! Join us Thursday, July 4, @11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET for a current Astro News You Can Use update, including more about the recent July 2 Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse & upcoming Mercury retrograde starting July 7!
MITCHELL LEWIS, financial astrologer,
MITCHELL LEWIS, financial astrologer, joins me to discuss 2020's heavy Capricorn influence, the current & future prospects for the U.S. stock market, cryptocurrencies, & the 2020 U.S. presidential election! We'll also ask him about the U.S. chart's upcoming Pluto Return, exact in Feb. 2022!
JAMES LYNN PAGE discusses the current astro-weather,
JAMES LYNN PAGE discusses the current astro-weather, including the upcoming July 2 Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse & the pending Saturn/Pluto meet up in Capricorn January 12, 2020! He'll also talk about his current book manuscript in progress, "Secrets of the Zodiac Signs!" JOIN us T as we also explore the low-down on next week's July 1 move by Mars into proud creative Leo, & Venus's July 3 slide into sensitive compassionate Cancer, & how this current July 3 Cancer New Moon Solar Eclipse is...
LOUISE EDINGTON, professional astrologer & author
LOUISE EDINGTON, professional astrologer & author, joins me to discuss dwarf planet ERIS--goddess of discord, chaos, & strife who sparked the Trojan War--& her current cycle with Pluto as they square dance through the heavens now! Louise will also outline Eris's meaning briefly by sign & house so you can identify her in your own chart! Also, don't miss this week’s Astro News You Can Use, including the upcoming Mars/North Node meet up & Mars opposite Saturn June 14, Jupiter square Neptune...
BRUCE SCOFIELD discusses the Saturn/Pluto & Jupiter/Saturn cycle
BRUCE SCOFIELD discusses the Saturn/Pluto & Jupiter/Saturn cycles, both due to begin anew in 2020, on this week’s “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” Find out more about what’s brewing now under these pending energies, and what we may expect next year & beyond…Also, don’t miss this week’s “Astro News You Can Use!”--including Mercury’s move into Cancer June 4, Venus into chatty Gemini June 8, & the upcoming Gemini Sun square Neptune & opposite Jupiter June 9/10. We’ll talk also...
VERNON ROBINSON, evolutionary astrologer,
VERNON ROBINSON, evolutionary astrologer, discusses the chart of the first African slave ship’s arrival in the colonies in 1619, on “Karmic Evolution’s Astrologically Speaking!” We’ll look at what this chart reveals about themes that relate to the U.S. Sibly chart’s Pluto return in 1860, the chart of the newly discovered Clotilda slave ship in Alabama dating back to 1860, & the upcoming Sibly chart's Pluto return in 2022! We’ll also examine this week's astro news, including the energies...
"The Professional Astrologer: Building a Successful Astrology Practice"
"The Professional Astrologer: Building a Successful Astrology Practice" from contributing author Jacqueline Janes!*
SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the meaning of the Saturn/Pluto
SHERI HORN HASAN discusses the meaning of the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in January 2020 through Houses 7-12, & what you can do to prepare for it now! Join me , to also hear more Astro News You Can Use for the week, including a review of this week’s Mercury/Uranus meet up in Taurus! See you then! Namaste…
SHERI HORN HASAN to learn how tomorrow's May 4 Taurus New Moon
SHERI HORN HASAN to learn how tomorrow's May 4 Taurus New Moon asks us to plant seeds that can grow into greater self-love & self-worth! Sheri will also talk about the how upcoming January 12, 2020, Saturn/Pluto conjunction may affect YOU if it’s moving through one of the first 6 Houses in your individual horoscope! Sheri will also announce the lucky winner of this week's giveaway--a FREE 1-Hour Karmic Evolution Natal Insight Reading!* * You don't have attend the live show to win! The winner...
ALEX MILLER, guest on this week’s show!
The Sun perfects its exact meet up with Uranus in Taurus April 22. Chances are good that by the time this conjunction perfects we’ve already felt its effects. When the Sun was in Aries as it approached Uranus in Taurus last week, the world witnessed the roof of the famous, historic, iconic Paris-based Notre Dame Cathedral burst into flames and lose one of its spires. Clearly, part of its infrastructure now needs repair. (Hold that thought…) When the Sun sailed into Taurus April 20 following...
MITCHELL LEWIS, NY-based financial & medical astrologer
MITCHELL LEWIS, NY-based financial & medical astrologer, joins me to discuss tomorrow's Libra Full Moon, & the financial implications of the current Jupiter in Sagittarius retrograde cycle April 10-August 11. He'll also discuss the upcoming retrograde journeys of Pluto (April 24-October 2) & Saturn (April 29-September 18)--both in Capricorn & currently traveling with the transiting karmic Capricorn South Node--& what’s on tap when Jupiter joins them December 2 in “captains of industry” and...
David Hamblin astrologer & author
David Hamblin astrologer & author to learn more about harmonic astrology and astrological aspect interpretations other than those traditionally used in natal chart analysis today, ! Additionally, David will discuss the charts of famous people from his book as interpreted through the lens of harmonic astrology, as well as the astrological meaning & “spiritual essence” of prime number aspects up to 31. And, one lucky winner will receive a free, signed copy of David's brand new book "Harmonic...
MICHAEL ZISIS, professional Toronto-based astrologer
MICHAEL ZISIS, professional Toronto-based astrologer, joins meto discuss the April 5 Aries New Moon! What house is it in for you? We’ll review this lunation’s implications for a fresh start despite its potentially problematic squares to Saturn, Pluto, & the South Node—all in Capricorn--& Mercury in Pisces’s pending square to Jupiter in Sagittarius! See you then! Namaste…
LYNN KOINER, a full-time professional astrologer since 1969
LYNN KOINER, a full-time professional astrologer since 1969, joins me to discuss the best way to express the energies of our 12th House planets! Learn how to avoid negative repercussions from the repression of these energies that can result in health issues! Lynn teaches and lectures on medical astrology and is very familiar with the astrological markers of physical manifestations of illness. we’ll discuss this, her astrological research on near-death experiences & UFO’s, and this week’s...
ERIN SULLIVAN, renowned astrologer, teacher, & author
https://karmicevolution.com/astrologically-speaking/ ERIN SULLIVAN, renowned astrologer, teacher, & author joins me to discuss this Mercury retrograde in water cycle, Uranus in Taurus, & the upcoming Saturn/Pluto conhttps://karmicevolution.com junction in January 2020! And of course this week's Astro News You Can Use, including the March 20 Libra New Moon! We’ll also announce the winner of Erin’s FREE give away--a personalized illustrated 88-page “Your Personal Heroic Journey” report,...
We talk about the Nodes -- both natal & transiting -- & their relationship to both our past life karma & what's going on currently within the collective!
ARMAND DIAZ- “Separating Aspects: “The Astrology of Break-Ups, Divorce,, and Other Partings”
ARMAND DIAZ--who'll be giving away A FREE signed copy of his book “Separating Aspects: “The Astrology of Break-Ups, Divorce, and Other Partings”- We'll talk about the upcoming March 5-28 Mercury retrograde cycle in Pisces, the March 6 Pisces New Moon, & Uranus’s re-entrance into Taurus that day until 2026 from the perspective of our relationships, with my guest Armand Diaz, professional relationship astrologer & author.
ANNE ORTLEE, professional astrologer
ANNE ORTLEE, professional astrologer, who’s giving away a FREE 2-HOUR CHIRON IN ARIES THROUGH THE AGES WEBINAR RECORDING, to discuss the historical cycles of Chiron in Aries, & the U.S. Chiron Return in 2024 on February 21 @ 11 a.m. PT & 2 p.m. ET! And don’t miss this week’s Astro News You Can Use, including Mercury’s square to Jupiter & his sextile to Venus/Pluto in Capricorn February 22 & 23, plus Venus conjunct the Capricorn South Node February 24! We’ll also look at the Pisces Sun...
JAMES LYNN PAGE, professional astrologer, tarot analyst, lecturer, teacher
http://karmicevolution.com/astrologically-speaking/ JAMES LYNN PAGE, professional astrologer, tarot analyst, lecturer, teacher, & author, discuss his new book “How Astrology Works, A Professional Astrologer Speaks Out!" James will answer questions about how to deal with astrological skeptics, what is synchronicity, what connection does the tarot make to astrology, how the astrological elements relate to the Myers-Briggs personality classifications, & more! And don’t forget this week’s “Astro...