Bible (YLT) 16: Nehemiah-logo

Bible (YLT) 16: Nehemiah

Young's Literal Translation

Nehemiah is the story of a man determined to restore the Temple, as well as the strength and integrity of the Nation of Israel. A lowly butler to a mighty king, Nehemiah rises to a postition of prominence among his people as he reminds them of their obligation to the Law of Moses. Nehemiah is a man of prayer and deep reverence to his God who is constantly on the look-out for his people, as well as for those who disobey the Law and the Sabbath day. (Introduction by Mark Penfold) Author - Young's Literal Translation. Narrator - LibriVox Community. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.


United States


Nehemiah is the story of a man determined to restore the Temple, as well as the strength and integrity of the Nation of Israel. A lowly butler to a mighty king, Nehemiah rises to a postition of prominence among his people as he reminds them of their obligation to the Law of Moses. Nehemiah is a man of prayer and deep reverence to his God who is constantly on the look-out for his people, as well as for those who disobey the Law and the Sabbath day. (Introduction by Mark Penfold) Author - Young's Literal Translation. Narrator - LibriVox Community. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.



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