The Miracles of Jesus Christ and His Apostles
Alfred Cherubim
In John 21:25, the writer and youngest Apostle of the twelve reminds us: the miraculous works of Jesus Christ in his thirty-three prolific years on Earth are too numerous to be counted. "If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written," states the New International Version of John's verse.
In The Miracles of Jesus Christ and His Apostles in the Bible: Divine Miracles with a Divine Purpose, pastor and author Alfred Cherubim takes a chronological look at the thirty-seven miracles of Jesus Christ recorded in the New Testament, throughout the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Beginning with the wedding feast in Cana where Jesus turned the water into wine and ending with His second catch of fish at the Sea of Tiberias, Cherubim provides the beloved Bible verses that describe each supernatural act of the Messiah.
One by one, in a growing crescendo, the miracles of Jesus unfold before readers' eyes and hearts, only to be followed by nineteen additional divine acts performed by His disciples-ordinary men aside from their association and communion with Jesus.
From Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:28-31) to Paul healing the sick on the island of Malta (Acts 28:9-10), Cherubim tells the reader to remember: in the end, all miracles are God's miracles.
As such, all are signs-accompanied by a message-that either meet a dire human need or confirm Jesus' identity and authority as the Son of God. The author reminds the reader that all Jesus' wondrous acts and those of His Apostles, although singular and extraordinary, exist for one divine reason. In the end, all miracles direct us to behold God's love, power, glory, and mercy, as they carry the ultimate message of eternal salvation to the beholder.
Duration - 2h 9m.
Author - Alfred Cherubim.
Narrator - Lori Loomis.
Published Date - Monday, 08 January 2024.
Copyright - © 2023 Spirit Media ©.
United States
In John 21:25, the writer and youngest Apostle of the twelve reminds us: the miraculous works of Jesus Christ in his thirty-three prolific years on Earth are too numerous to be counted. "If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written," states the New International Version of John's verse. In The Miracles of Jesus Christ and His Apostles in the Bible: Divine Miracles with a Divine Purpose, pastor and author Alfred Cherubim takes a chronological look at the thirty-seven miracles of Jesus Christ recorded in the New Testament, throughout the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Beginning with the wedding feast in Cana where Jesus turned the water into wine and ending with His second catch of fish at the Sea of Tiberias, Cherubim provides the beloved Bible verses that describe each supernatural act of the Messiah. One by one, in a growing crescendo, the miracles of Jesus unfold before readers' eyes and hearts, only to be followed by nineteen additional divine acts performed by His disciples-ordinary men aside from their association and communion with Jesus. From Peter walking on water (Matthew 14:28-31) to Paul healing the sick on the island of Malta (Acts 28:9-10), Cherubim tells the reader to remember: in the end, all miracles are God's miracles. As such, all are signs-accompanied by a message-that either meet a dire human need or confirm Jesus' identity and authority as the Son of God. The author reminds the reader that all Jesus' wondrous acts and those of His Apostles, although singular and extraordinary, exist for one divine reason. In the end, all miracles direct us to behold God's love, power, glory, and mercy, as they carry the ultimate message of eternal salvation to the beholder. Duration - 2h 9m. Author - Alfred Cherubim. Narrator - Lori Loomis. Published Date - Monday, 08 January 2024. Copyright - © 2023 Spirit Media ©.
Opening Credits
Divine Miracles
Jesus Turned Water into Wine
Jesus Heals an Official’s Son
Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit
Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-Law
Jesus Heals Many Sick and Oppressed
First Miraculous Catch of Fish on the Lake of Gennesaret
Jesus Cleanses a Man With Leprosy
Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Paralyzed Servant
Jesus Heals a Paralytic
Jesus Heals a Man’s Withered Hand
Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son
Jesus Calms a Raging Storm on the Sea
Jesus Casts Demons into a Herd of Pigs
Jesus Heals a Woman in the Crowd
Jesus Raises Jairus’ Daughter
Jesus Heals Two Blind Men
Jesus Heals a Man Who Was Unable to Speak
Jesus Heals an Invalid at Bethesda
Jesus Feeds 5,000-Plus Women and Children
Jesus Walks on Water
Jesus Heals Many Sick in Gennesaret
Jesus Heals a Gentile Woman’s Demon-Possessed Daughter
Jesus Heals a Deaf and Dumb Man
Jesus Feeds 4,000-Plus Women and Children
Jesus Heals a Blind Man at Bethsaida
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind by Spitting in His Eyes
Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
Miraculous Temple Tax in a Fish’s Mouth
Jesus Heals a Blind, Mute Demoniac
Jesus Heals a Woman Who Had Been Crippled for Eighteen Years
Jesus Heals a Man with Dropsy on the Sabbath
Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers
Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead in Bethany
Jesus Restores Sight to Bartimaeus in Jericho
Jesus Withers the Fig Tree
Jesus Heals a Servant’s Severed Ear
The Second Miraculous Catch of Fish at the Sea of Tiberias
Miracles of the Apostles of Jesus
Ending Credits