God's Plan: For Heaven, Eternity and the Universe Explained
David M. Cogburn
I would like to begin by thanking my wonderful wife, Pamela, for continually encouraging me to write this book.
The title of this book, God's Plan for Heaven, Eternity, and the Universe Explained, is exactly that. This book will help you to easily understand God's plan from the beginning of creation all the way to when the human race is over and everyone is living inside eternity with God or separated from God. The only thing that matters for every human being is eternity, and all of God's plan is about how to know him and spend it with him. This book is very different. It is written for everyone, from people with little or no Bible knowledge to even people with advanced knowledge of the Bible who will learn things that most have never even thought about before.
God creating human beings, despite knowing we would sin against him from the very beginning and be born with a sinful nature, is by far the greatest thing God has ever done and will probably be the greatest thing he will ever do in all of eternity. The pleasure we bring him is incalculable, as you will see. This book will help you to understand not only what God has done in his plan, but more importantly why he has done it the way he has done it. Many will think this book is simply my opinion, but everything in this book is based directly on God's word in the Bible or indirectly based on what God has done according to his direct word in the Bible.
Duration - 4h 16m.
Author - David M. Cogburn.
Narrator - Andrew Baldwin.
Published Date - Friday, 20 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2023 David M. Cogburn ©.
United States
I would like to begin by thanking my wonderful wife, Pamela, for continually encouraging me to write this book. The title of this book, God's Plan for Heaven, Eternity, and the Universe Explained, is exactly that. This book will help you to easily understand God's plan from the beginning of creation all the way to when the human race is over and everyone is living inside eternity with God or separated from God. The only thing that matters for every human being is eternity, and all of God's plan is about how to know him and spend it with him. This book is very different. It is written for everyone, from people with little or no Bible knowledge to even people with advanced knowledge of the Bible who will learn things that most have never even thought about before. God creating human beings, despite knowing we would sin against him from the very beginning and be born with a sinful nature, is by far the greatest thing God has ever done and will probably be the greatest thing he will ever do in all of eternity. The pleasure we bring him is incalculable, as you will see. This book will help you to understand not only what God has done in his plan, but more importantly why he has done it the way he has done it. Many will think this book is simply my opinion, but everything in this book is based directly on God's word in the Bible or indirectly based on what God has done according to his direct word in the Bible. Duration - 4h 16m. Author - David M. Cogburn. Narrator - Andrew Baldwin. Published Date - Friday, 20 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 David M. Cogburn ©.
Opening Credits
1 synopsis
2 in the very beginning
3 beginning of relationships
4 gods plan begins for mankind
5 so whats the big deal about sin
6 god sends jesus
7 benefits of the holy spirit
8 what is the source of our beliefs
9 gods 7000 year time plan broken down
10 evidence that the end time should be in our lifetime
11 the rapture
12 the rapture fully explained
13 the tribulation
14 revelation 12
15 jesus millennial reign of 1000 years
16 heaven
17 non biblical sources for heaven
18 what happens following the great white throne judgment
19 conclusion
20 how to become born again
Ending Credits