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From Nothing to Profit

Business & Economics Podcasts

Welcome to “From nothing to Profit, a photographers podcast”. Every week Kia Bondurant and Aubrey Lauren discuss topics that come up in their successful photography portrait studio business.


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Welcome to “From nothing to Profit, a photographers podcast”. Every week Kia Bondurant and Aubrey Lauren discuss topics that come up in their successful photography portrait studio business.



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Aging Gracefully

"Though my muscles may stiffen, though my skin may wrinkle, may I never find myself yawning at life." ~ Toyohiko Kagawa We think women of every age should be photographed and celebrated. Over the year's we've photographed lots of high school seniors. The world tries to tell us we should look like that 17 year old forever. Although that’s a beautiful age, it’s fleeting, still a child - literally. Striving to look like that is not only wildly unattainable, it does women a disservice. - Aubrey and Kia Join Aubrey and Kia as they discuss aging, their personal views on it and why they want to change the way we view aging for women. Every woman at every age is beautiful, powerful, valuable and should be celebrated.


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Healthy Lifestyle

Aubrey and Kia chat health and how they maintain a healthy lifestyle during their busy season. They share background on how their unique journeys brought them to value health and share their practical tips that you can start applying to your life today. Aubrey shares her top 8 tips in her daily schedule including her daily meal plan. We all love a meal plan! Kia shares the 4 ways that she is working to incorporate a healthy lifestyle into her every day life.


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An Interview with Andy Bondurant

Aubrey and Kia interview Kia's husband, Andy Bondurant. Although he is currently a pastor, his knowledge of photography and business goes beyond being a spouse of a photographer. Andy was the director of a large conference and membership organization for senior photographers, exhibited at every major photography convention and had a set and background company. Check out his answers to these questions: -Tell us what you are doing currently and how you got to where you are today? -Where do you see yourself in 5 years? -From someone who has watched the photography rather from a far, or up close for the last 20 years, what advice would you give photographers? -you’ve helped a lot of people through hard situations; When do you know it’s time to walk away from a business or job? -What would you say to someone who is creating a business for the first time? Our favorite quotes from the interview: Consistency compounds - Steve Magnus It’s not failure, its a moment in time - Andy Bondurant Click here to go to Andy's website Andy Bondurant's Instagram


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What to Wear: A Comprehensive Guide

Anytime that we can bring fashion into our businesses, it establishes expertise. Get caught up on the latest trends as Aubrey and Kia talk through their What to Wear Guide for Senior Girls. Find out what Aubrey and Kia suggest for each of these trends. Want to purchase the template for your studio or business, go here! And if you want to check out the pinterest boards for each style, follow this link.


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Top 10 Tips for Getting Into Speaking

As usual, Kia Bondurant and Aubrey Lauren have completely different perspectives on the speaking world. Aubrey is brand new to the scene with lots that she is excited to share and help other people with. Kia has been a national level speaker in the photography industry for years, even creating the speaking line up for a national event and hiring speakers herself. Kia and Aubrey share their tips for getting into speaking from both perspectives. If you speak or have something you want to share, this episode is for you. INC magazine's article on Steve Jobs 5 step presentation process The Successful Speaker: Five Steps for Booking Gigs, Getting Paid, and Building Your Platform Toastmasters Speaking Club Movement coach. Kristi Coaches Communicators.


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Surprise Episode: Girl Power!

International Women's Day is March 8 every year and typically goes by without a huge amount of fanfare. This year was different for Aubrey Lauren and Kia Bondurant. They didn't expect to have a lot to say, but this episode interrupted their podcasting schedule with its urgency. As business women who have grown up in a conservative tradition, Kia and Aubrey talk about how they are growing and changing in their view of women's roles in business and in life. Don't be surprised if you are surprised:) They certainly weren't expecting to share as much as they have! Hashtag Primetime News Article Did Women Burn Their Bras News Article Song of Songs 2:10-13


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Why We Prioritize Vision Casting Meetings

Do you paddle board at your business meetings? If so, it may be why you have trouble making them a priority. Each season, Kia and Aubrey meet to plan for what's coming up in their business. Listen to find out how they organize their meetings, where they hold them and what books they've learned from. If you need direction or tips for creating vision and direction in your business, check this episode out! Book recommendations The 5AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life. The 12 Week Year: Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others Do in 12 Months Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones


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Tips for Marketing to Each Generation: Part 2

Join Kia and Aubrey as they discuss using a marketing formula for each generation. From romantic and traditional boomers to tech savvy gen-z, leverage your knowledge to better serve each client type and communicate more effectively. Kia and Aubrey share personal experiences working with each different generation type. Since Kia is Gen X and Aubrey is a Millenial, you'll get their different perspectives on interacting with and marketing to each generation. A fantastic blog about Gen Z Best Channels for Each Generation Article Blog for Strategies to Differentiate Your Marketing to Each Generation


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Tips for Marketing to Each Generation: Part 1 of 2

One of the best tools to understand your clients and coworkers is knowledge about the different generations. What will motivate a Boomer will completely turn off a Gen Z teen and what will make a Gen X parent skeptical of your product will convince a Millennial parent you know what is going on. Listen to the first of a 2 part series on Kia Bondurant and Aubrey Lauren's approach to social media, buying trends and design direction for each of the generations! A fantastic blog about Gen Z Best Channels for Each Generation Article Blog for Strategies to Differentiate Your Marketing to Each Generation


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Day in the Life: Rigorous Routine vs. Spontaneity?

Are you curious about what actually goes on in a Day in the Life of Kia and Aubrey? Join Kia and Aubrey as they talk through their daily routines and share what their typical day looks like. They are often asked how they get so much done every day and you will see it takes 2 very different approaches! Aubrey is part of the 5 AM club and goes through each carefully thought out step of her rigorous morning and evening routines. This keeps her on a path to achieve the goals she sets for each day. Scroll down to see her morning and evening schedules. You may want to add these to your daily plans! No less productive, Kia is a complete contrast to Aubrey with her love of slow and relaxing mornings and days filled with spontaneity and creativity. It takes all kinds and you'll be encouraged to find new ways of making your days productive and enjoyable with this glimpse into daily studio life with Aubrey and Kia! 5am club book Link Aubrey's Good Morning Routine 🌞 4:45am - wake up, pray, meditate. 5:00 - make smoothie, get ready for workout 5:10 - work out for an hour 6:10 - straighten up house for cool down; dishes, clean counters, sweep, throw in laundry, plan food for day 6:30 - drink greens and tea; journal, devotional, read Torah/bible 7:15 - work on language 7:45 - read 50 pages non fiction 8:30ish - get ready for work 9:00ish - down in studio Aubrey's Good Evening Routine 🌙 5:00pm - make dinner 6:00 - free time; go on walk, spend time with fam, call friends, read, bake 8:30 - shower/bath, brush teeth, take off makeup 9:00 - finish non fiction reading for the day. 9:45 - plan the next days schedule and to do’s, review current day wins/losses 10:00 - quiet time. Pray, meditate 10:30 - sleep


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Get and Keep your Dream Job with Instagram! Episode 2 of 3 in the series

Want to know how to use Instagram when you don't have a business but work as an employee? Listen to this episode for the top 5 tips on using Instagram to get and keep your Dream Job! In this podcast episode, Kia and Aubrey discuss how they use instagram as an advantage in their jobs and practical tips on leveling up your social media. They also discuss how a few simple social media changes can protect you from missing out on potential job opportunities! Listen until the end to hear a great bonus tip on how to get directly in touch with your dream employer!


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Getting Personal with Instagram! 3 of 3 in a series - the BONUS instagram episode!

In this extra special BONUS episode of the Instagram series, Kia and Aubrey share how they use their personal Instagrams for their every day lives, rather than for business or promotion. In the first half of this podcast Aubrey shares how Instagram has become a type of dating app! She gives great tips on what does and doesn’t work for finding that significant other on Instagram. Be prepared to find out the best ways to slide into someone's dms and how to set up your feed to come across as someone truly dateable. The second half of the episode Kia shares her top tips for keeping Instagram enjoyable as a parent and gives some fun advice on creating your own personal "Mommagram". If you are a mom, you probably aren't a digital native so it's nice to hear another parent's perspective on what to share and not to share on social media. This episode was recorded before the holidays so feel free to get a little nostalgic when Aubrey and Kia both share about their seasonal bucket lists! Aubreys butternut squash recipe from Pinterest


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Best Instagram Strategies for Your Business! 1st in a Series

In the first episode of season 4, Kia Bondurant and Aubrey Lauren share their top 10 tips for Instagram for business. Both Aubrey and Kia have built their personal instagrams and two business accounts to convert clients, generate leads and inspire other business owners. Helpful Links: Download our social media guide here Donald Miller podcast on brand clarity The value of emojis article How to create an instagram aesthetic Our favorite app to plan ahead: Planoly


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Bo Nelson - An Entrepreneur Podcast

We invited Bo Nelson on as our first ever guest who is not involved in the photography industry. As a local business owner and entrepreneur in the Kansas City area, Bo has been pioneering new ways of selling coffee. His philosophical and creative concepts are an inspiration to any business. Listen in to Bo's thoughts on the next economy that encompasses memory, vibe and experience. Get ideas from the concepts he is using in his business as a living laboratory to get immediate feedback and figure out how to create the Heartbeat and SOUL that your brand needs! More about Josiah "Bo" Nelson: Thou Mayest Coffee Roasters is at the heart of a Kansas City movement driven by innovation and craft. Every day, artists, entrepreneurs, government leaders, non-profit and startup leaders connect over coffee at Thou Mayest, fueling their passion to advance their city. Co-owner/majority stakeholder Bo Nelson is a big reason why. Bo is a homegrown Kansas Citian, whose blend of rural and urban life experience reflects the city he serves. Bo grew up on a farm, working his family’s 10-acre nursery where he honed horticultural skills, learned business basics, and developed a hard work ethic that is evident in everything he does. Bo traveled the world, but felt the call back home, inspired to put his mark on the culture of the city he loves. Bo started Thou Mayest Coffee Roasters in 2012, built upon the idea that communities grow through connections and conversations over a good drink. Thou Mayest is named in reference to a passage from John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, and the shop’s design/atmosphere is equal parts Jacques Cousteau, Frank Zappa and the Boy Scouts of America. One visit and it’s evident that Bo has created a magnetic space that is itself alive, gathering people of all backgrounds and interests to have a drink and foster collaboration. Links: Thou Mayest Cafe Equinox


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Tara Rochelle - A Photographer Interview

You'll love our interview with Tara Rochelle! Follow along as we uncover the surprising journey of Tara Rochelle's senior imagery. When you see Tara Rochelle’s work, there is nuance and depth that is unusual in senior portraits - even senior portraits with such a fashion influence. After talking with Tara, it all begins to make sense. The layers of her experience - from her classical training to photographing weddings for years, time shooting model portfolios and now, senior portraits. More about Tara: Tara Rochelle is a senior photographer who infused fashion and editorial elements into her photography and has established a signature style that is known throughout the industry. She is located outside of Los Angeles, CA and has been photographing since high school. She has photographed celebrity weddings and celebrities, but now focuses on the high school senior market. Tara also loves to teach other photographers and has been a speaker at workshops and is always highly requested to be a keynote speaker at industry conferences! Links: Tara's Website Tara's Instagram Tara for Photographers


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Emil Rodgriguez-Powell - A Photography Interview

You'll love the energy and inspiration from this interview with Emil! Before her career as a photographer, Emil Rodriguez-Powell was a social worker in child welfare. It was great to be able to talk through some tough issues with Emil with her viewpoint as a photographer and a woman of color. You can see her creative work on @sliceoflimephoto (lime - Emil) get it? And her new businesses at @sourcethespace ad @sourcecreativehouse. With only 3 years in the business full time, Emil has skyrocketed to success. Can’t wait to see where she takes her penchant for GROWTH next! A little more about Emil: Emil is the Lime in Slice of Lime (no really, it’s her name, backwards!) Located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Emil has built a senior photography brand on the belief that “We all Shine Differently” and pushes herself to create images for her seniors that capture the spirit of who they are while giving them a memorable experience that they want to shout about from the rooftops. When not behind the lens, Emil can be found adding to her plant collection, listening to records with her hubby, Jason, and cuddling with her rescue dogs PODCAST:


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Carissa Davis - A Photographer Interview

Getting to do an interview with Carissa has been on Kia's list for a while now because Carissa's work is so bright and energetic. The great thing is that Carissa adds in so much meaning to her work with the charities and special projects that she supports with her business. If you are wanting to add more creativity and meaning to your photography and your business, this podcast episode is for you! Carissa Davis is a High School/Tween and Kids photographer and national educator. She is known for her bright, bold, fun imagery and her rep team known as the "Flamingos". As a mom of two girls , and working with a predominantly female client base , promoting “girl power” is top priority. Her business empowers young girls to be strong contributing members of society and encourages breaking barriers of competition amongst other women, all while building self confidence and growth. She is also an animal rights and Special Needs advocate pairing with organizations such as Emily’s Legacy and Night to Shine.


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Ronan Ryle - A Photography Interview

What a fantastic interview with Ronan Ryle of 3xm Solutions and BSA Academy! Ronan is a certified business coach with Profit First and Storybrand - both of which we love and have adopted for our business. He had so much wisdom to share about how to look at your business from a philosophical and a profit viewpoint. The best way to find out more is to join the Business Success Academy 14 day Challenge. Kia has done it, loved it and booked lots of sessions during the slow time of her year. When you click on the link, you’ll get 30 days membership for free! It’s an affiliate link so if you use it, Kia will get helped out as well! A little more about Ronan: Ronan as CEO of Infinity Group (3XM, Business Success Academy & Photovalue) has made it his mission to help Photographers Realize the difference their work makes to creating a healthy society in mind, body & spirit. By doing so, Photographers start to Respect themselves which is an essential first step to bridging the value gap with consumers. Only when these two pillars are achieved will Photographers get properly Rewarded for the important work they do. Ronan’s mission is to help photographers Be Seen, Be Heard, Be Understood by the consumer not for what they do but for the difference they make to the consumers life. That is how we bridge the value gap with the consumer. That is how we amplify the creation of a healthier society through photography. Photographers who become BSA Online Marketing Wizards are filing their studios all year round with higher paying clients while amplifying the creation of a healthier society through photography.


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Looking into 2021

Even though we are already well into the first quarter of 2021, there is still a lot of time to make things happen. Listen in as Matt and Kia discuss their personal and professional plans for this unprecedented year. And find out Kia's word of the year. It's only 2 letters. Can you guess it?


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Matt's New Job

We didn't see a lot of things coming in 2020 and this was definitely one of them. But unlike many of 2020's surprises, Matt becoming a financial planner is very exciting. Check out this podcast to find out what prompted Matt to switch careers again. If you didn't know, Matt started out as a high school math teacher, became a photographer and is now on to one of his dream jobs - helping people manage their futures. Matt shares his financial planning advice for photographers in this episode. Be sure to check it out! If you want to connect with Matt to find out more about planning your financial future, go to or email Disclosure: This material has been distributed for informational purposes only. All investments carry certain risk and there is no assurance that an investment will provide positive performance over any period of time. They are not intended to constitute legal, tax, securities or investment advice or a recommended course of action in any given situation. The projections discussed regarding the likelihood of various investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature, do not reflect actual investment results, and are not guarantees of future results. Matt Hoaglin is an Investment Advisor Representative with Dynamic Wealth Advisors dba Oxford Financial Planners. All investment advisory services are offered through Dynamic Wealth Advisors
