Economic, Business and Artificial Intelligence Common Knowledge Terms And Definitions
Steve Dafoe
Recently, I learned about General Artificial Intelligence and the implications it will have in our lives. The array of opinions crosses the full spectrum from the wonderful ways it will improve our lives to the fear it could unleash a ‘Self-Controlled Superintelligence’ that may not align itself with human social and ethical constructs. This subject is fast moving rocket and it is important that everyone understands some key terms when it comes to Artificial Intelligence. Whether you know it or not, AI touches your lives today and in future, will increase exponentially as it exerts this massive influence in our lives.
In addition, being a student of Economics and Business, I always seek to refresh my knowledge of key terms in these areas. Economics, Business and Politics overlap a great deal in academia and in real-world applications. Artificial Intelligence will add for the better bringing the fields of Business, Politics and Economics together for the betterment of society.
Contained within is a small list of common terms in the areas of Economics, Business and Artificial Intelligence. Political terms are not included here but you will read some definitions of Economics that do have an overlap of political inferences.
I hope these terms and definitions provide some insight into the world of economics, business, and artificial intelligence. They all affect your lives more than you realize.
Duration - 2h 36m.
Author - Steve Dafoe.
Narrator - Cory Stoutner.
Published Date - Wednesday, 17 January 2024.
Copyright - © 2024 Steve Dafoe ©.
United States
Recently, I learned about General Artificial Intelligence and the implications it will have in our lives. The array of opinions crosses the full spectrum from the wonderful ways it will improve our lives to the fear it could unleash a ‘Self-Controlled Superintelligence’ that may not align itself with human social and ethical constructs. This subject is fast moving rocket and it is important that everyone understands some key terms when it comes to Artificial Intelligence. Whether you know it or not, AI touches your lives today and in future, will increase exponentially as it exerts this massive influence in our lives. In addition, being a student of Economics and Business, I always seek to refresh my knowledge of key terms in these areas. Economics, Business and Politics overlap a great deal in academia and in real-world applications. Artificial Intelligence will add for the better bringing the fields of Business, Politics and Economics together for the betterment of society. Contained within is a small list of common terms in the areas of Economics, Business and Artificial Intelligence. Political terms are not included here but you will read some definitions of Economics that do have an overlap of political inferences. I hope these terms and definitions provide some insight into the world of economics, business, and artificial intelligence. They all affect your lives more than you realize. Duration - 2h 36m. Author - Steve Dafoe. Narrator - Cory Stoutner. Published Date - Wednesday, 17 January 2024. Copyright - © 2024 Steve Dafoe ©.
Opening Credits
Ebai terms preface
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Ebai terms bibliography
Ebai terms about the author
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