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Catholic Answers Live

EWTN Catholic Radio

Catholic Answers LIVE is a daily, call-in radio program of Catholic apologetics and evangelization airing live from 6-8 pm ET.


San Diego, CA


Catholic Answers LIVE is a daily, call-in radio program of Catholic apologetics and evangelization airing live from 6-8 pm ET.






Catholic Answers Live P. O. Box 199000 San Diego, California 92159 888-318-7884

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#12080 AMA - Tim Staples

Questions Covered: 04:57 – How do I get my OCIA students more interested in the topics we discuss? 13:55 – What do we make of Jesus, Mary and Joseph getting expensive gifts from the magi but still only making the poor persons’ offering at the temple? Wouldn’t they have been rich? 22:16 – How do Catholics respond to people who are interested in Wesley Huff and what he teaches about the canon of scripture? 36:33 – What does the Catechism mean when it says that together with us Muslims adore the one true God? 45:05 – What’s our response to a non-Catholic who asks us about the ordo amoris? 51:00 – How can I practice humility? …


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#12079 Evangelizing Gen Z - Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR

Live from the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress. Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, joins us to talk about evangelization and Gen Z. Questions Covered: 12:50 – How can I expand the youth group I lead? I am a youth coordinator, how can I get kids to live what they learn out in the world? 18:30 – How do we evangelize to someone who is at peace with their life in their own religion? 46:54 – How do we use social media to move young people to person-to-person communication and the Eucharist? …


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#12078 What’s Your Protestant Challenge? - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 06:05 – Catholicism seems to be rules obsessed. 17:52 – How do I explain to protestants that they have tradition also? 23:45 – It seems like Catholics are inconsistent with their interpretation of the use of the word “until” in Scripture. 35:40 – How do Catholics reconcile the idea of a Catholic view of Jesus and Protestant view of Jesus? 44:21 – What exactly is tradition? …


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#12077 What’s Your Protestant Challenge? - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 05:54 – Help me respond to Protestants who say that Jesus had brothers. 13:23 – Our marriage to Christ can be dissolved and we can lose our salvation. But the marriage sacrament cannot be dissolved. Why the inconsistency? 19:57 – What are the Catholic mysteries? 29:29 – Protestants use the word “altar” a lot during their services or when they preach. He thinks they are incorrect to use it like they do, because an altar means sacrifice, and everything they do at “the altar” is misrepresenting? 40:57 – What is the culpability of Protestants with regards to mortal sin? They may not be aware that something is a mortal sin. 47:41 – I attended a protestant funeral and at the end the pastor went on an anti-Catholic rant. 52:26 – My co-worker says the modern church is part of the syllabus of errors. What’s that all about? …


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#12076 Why Aren’t You Catholic? - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 03:07 – Why do Catholics not do full submersion baptism? 12:40 – How does the Church defend the Pope from Orthodox objects, specifically Vatican 1? 19:04 – The Filioque was a change, not a development and I think it was just wrong. 30:43 – How do you refute the accusations of cannibalism? 40:24 – Are the statements on the papacy from the Early Church simply honorific? 48:04 – I still struggle with disagreeing with the pope without getting excommunicated? …


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#12075 Why Aren’t You Catholic? - Joe Heschmeyer

Questions Covered: 06:14 – How long does purgatory last? 19:26 – How can we realistically understand whether the Church’s claims about itself are true? 29:07 – I was close to coming back to Catholicism but then I heard about the 3 different revelations and I came to the conclusion that the Church essentially teaches Sola Scriptura. 44:44 – I’m not Catholic because if you follow the bible then you can’t be Catholic. …


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#12074 AMA: Catholicism - Jimmy Akin

Question Covered: 02:40 – How does a Catholic respond to the phrase “we can agree to disagree” when in an apologetics conversation? 07:09 – We know the CCC says we shouldn’t talk to mediums, but we can do prophetic prayer. How do I explain the difference to someone who visits mediums? 19:08 – Did the Jewish people of the first century expect a divine messiah? 28:55 – I’m going through a divorce. We are still both practicing Catholics. Why can’t the Church intervene to help us work it out? 39:23 – Is animal predation a consequence of original sin? 42:14 – Are the Jews in the current state of Israel the same Jews of the tribe of Judah? 47:56 – Is it true that a person going through RCIA could go to confession but won’t receive absolution until lent? 51:19 – I’m a new Catholic. Why does the priest say “we dare to say” right before the Our Father prayer? …


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#12073 AMA: Catholicism - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 04:19 – Was the power of binding and loosing meant to be passed down indefinitely? 14:16 – How does the Church minister to veterans who carry the burden of the memories of war? 20:11 – Does suffering necessitate consciousness? 22:35 – Could we use historical claims in favor of Catholicism as an apologetical strategy? 29:10 – How do I explain the idea of infant baptism to a protestant who is considering Catholicism? 36:01 – Why do we refer to Jesus returning as the second coming if technically it would be the third if we count his resurrection as another coming? 40:57 – I’m moving to a retirement community where they only offer one mass a month and don’t have the ability to drive. Is it okay for me to attend ecumenical services? 44:18 – Could Jesus have manifested through a different cultural lens in other places of the world? 46:28 – If technologies like contraception are bad then how come other technologies like pacemakers are good and permissible? 51:59 – Was polygamy a part of God’s permissive will? …


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#12072 Why Is Missing Mass a Mortal Sin? & Other Catholic Questions - Fr. Matthew Spencer

In this episode, Fr. Matthew Spencer tackles deep theological and moral questions, including God’s will vs. free will if and missing Mass as a mortal sin…


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#12071 The Holy Family and the Boyhood of Jesus - Steve Ray

Steve Ray answers questions about Jesus, from His meeting with John the Baptist and being called Rabbi to His time in the Temple and the differences in the Nativity accounts.…


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#12070 Why Do Catholics Believe Tradition Is Divinely Inspired? Plus More - Jimmy Akin

Jimmy Akin dives into big questions on Cain’s fear of others in Genesis, Catholic tradition vs. Sola Scriptura and many more questions!…


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#12069 Does Attending a Chaldean or Melkite Liturgy Fulfill My Sunday Obligation? - Jimmy Akin

Jimmy Akin tackles fascinating Catholic questions, from Sunday obligation at Eastern liturgies to Eucharistic reverence, and the best Bible translation.…


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#12068 Why Can’t Non-Catholics Receive Communion in the Catholic Church? - Tim Staples

Tim Staples tackles tough questions from non-Catholics, covering topics like bad popes, and why non-Catholics can't receive Communion.…


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#12067 Why Confess to a Priest Instead of Going Straight to God? - Tim Staples

Tim Staples answers questions from non-Catholics, tackling key topics like why Catholics confess to a priest instead of going straight to God, and much more…


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#12066 Addiction and Healing - Scott Weeman

Questions Covered: 10:46 – My wife died earlier this year and fell back into drinking. Does CIR offer a 12-step model? 14:43 – Thank you, Scott. I’ve been attending the pilot programs for CIR in my diocese. 19:17 – I just wanted to share how CIR helped me a year ago. 30:08 – How addictive is Marijuana? My son smokes a lot and I asked him to stop and refuses to quit. 35:07 – How can I find out if they have groups in my area? 41:08 – My 33-year-old son is suffering through all kinds of addicts. What advice can you offer and how can we help? 48:10 – Is there anything I can do if a neighbor is so caught in addiction that the kids are being neglected? I’ve become a money pit for them. …


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#12065 Which Books Are in Scripture? - William Albrecht

Questions Covered: 06:35 – Considering scholarship on Jn 8. How do we justify it being in the bible since it’s not in the earliest manuscripts? 13:21 – How does the Church rectify other churches’ canons when they enter into communion? 16:34 – Can you talk about Cyril Lucaris and the canon conflict 19:03 – How do we relate to the oriental canon? 20:42 – What is the council of Nicaea 1 and 2? Could there have been other books that were considered a part of the canon during those councils? 22:23 – Book of Judith. It says Nebuchadnezzar was king of Assyria and I’ve heard it said that is historically incorrect. Can you talk about it? 34:07 – Does Tobit 12:9 contradict Paul? 37:23 – Could you elaborate how we could persuasively argue how we should trust the Church on the canon, especially for laymen who don’t want to get into the scholarship? 44:13 – In Mark 10:13-16 a new translation. Question on if they changed the reference to the child from ‘him’ to ‘it’ to be inclusive? 46:17 – I’ve heard that the doxology of the Our Father (for thine is the kingdom…etc.) is a marginal gloss, and not part of the original text of scripture. If that’s the case, why is it still in there? 48:13 – Why should we trust these men to put the bible together and not others? …


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#12064 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 01:21 – How do the Jews have their sins forgiven if there’s no Temple or sacrifices being offered? 05:47 – Did King Solomon from the Book of Kings lose his soul? 10:50 – In Mark 5, when the possessed man recognizes Jesus as the Christ, is this example of a bestowed grace? 14:07 – Why in Gen 32:27-28 does Jacob’s name change to Israel, but then not used in full force until Gen 35? 19:17 – How does the Book of Revelation relate to cosmology? 23:17 – In today’s First Reading (Gen 1:26), God uses “we” and “us” in the creation of man. Who is this referring to? 33:16 – Why do we say that Jesus was Jewish? 40:28 – If demons could potentially know Jesus as the Christ, why didn’t the demons attack him as a child? 47:42 – Is it okay to read the Apocrypha? If so, which ones? Is there a particular order to read them? 50:19 – In John 14:6, when Jesus says “he’s the way, the truth, and the light”, is he being literal about being the truth? …


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#12063 Your Bible Questions - Jimmy Akin

Questions Covered: 02:37 – How do which parts of Esther are original Hebrew if we don’t have all the original Hebrew texts? 12:00 – Why did God pick St. Michael the Archangel to defeat Satan? 15:17 – From the Churches mentioned in the Bible, are any still remaining? 20:05 – Is the battle 2 Maccabees 10:29-38 (5 magical men leading the Jews) to be taken literally? 24:45 – How do you explain sanctification and justification in light of the book of James? 30:59 – What are the differences between the Catholic and Greek Orthodox canons of scripture? 33:28 – In the Bible, you hear of apparitions of Jesus or Mary. Have there been apparitions of other people from the Bible? 35:27 – If someone who received the gospel of Jesus and believed, should the Church immediately baptize him since we have a similar example in the Ethiopian eunuch? 42:45 – Why do we say “the Hebrew texts” when Hebrew is a more modern language? …


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#12062 The Whys of Catholic Beliefs - Karlo Broussard

Questions Covered: 04:00 – How would the Catholic Church respond to “The Church must make a subjective claim that it’s the objective interpreter of Scripture?” 14:06 – 2 Tim 3:16 proves Sola Scriptura. What is your response? 20:54 – Who is the peg that is referenced in Is. 22:22-25. Does it refer to the papacy at all? 30:25 – I’m a recent convert. What is the explanation for how the saints can hear? 35:42 – Why is the second commandment different for Catholics? 44:59 – Some Protestants say we shouldn’t trust the early church fathers because they contradicted each other. How do I respond? 48:51 – What’s the best argument in favor of use of relics? …


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#12061 Scriptural Apologetics - John Martignoni

Questions Covered: 19:57 – How can we as Catholics rebuke Protestants using scripture to back up public prophecy? 29:06 – What is the Catholic understanding of the Deuterocanonical books? Why do we have them versus not? Are they on the same level of authority as the Gospels? 36:20 – Why doesn’t Catholic apologetics draw from Scripture more often? 47:45 – My father says that we don’t need priests. How do I enter a conversation with him again? Does the Bible support a current priesthood? …
