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Back to the Bible Canada with Dr. John Neufeld

Christian Talk

Daily Bible teaching with Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada.


Abbotsford, BC


Daily Bible teaching with Dr. John Neufeld from Back to the Bible Canada.





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Defining Faith: The Characteristics of Faith

What does it mean to live with a deep, unshakeable faith, even when God’s promises seem distant? In this episode, Dr. John highlights Hebrews 11:13-16, exploring how true faith endures, trusting in God’s promises even when they aren’t fulfilled in our lifetime. He explains how faith values the age to come over the present, seeing life on earth as temporary. Through the examples of Abraham and Moses, Dr. John challenges us to stay focused on our eternal home and live as sojourners in this world. Defining Faith: How should someone approach God? Do they offer a scorecard of their successes or an inventory of their better qualities? The Bible is clear. We come to God by faith, and we live our lives with God through faith. Since faith is central, we should understand what it is and how it works. In this series Dr. John teaches through Hebrews 11, a chapter on faith. Listen, not for stories of faith in the past, but as a guide for your life today.


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Defining Faith: Look What God Is Doing

In this episode, Dr. John explores how faith transforms the way we view the world, using the examples of Sarah and Abraham from Hebrews 11:11-12. Despite their doubts and challenges, they ultimately trusted in God's promises, and through faith, God enabled them to experience the impossible. Dr. John encourages us to live with that same confidence in God’s power, seeing everything through the eyes of faith, even when circumstances seem impossible. Defining Faith: How should someone approach God? Do they offer a scorecard of their successes or an inventory of their better qualities? The Bible is clear. We come to God by faith, and we live our lives with God through faith. Since faith is central, we should understand what it is and how it works. In this series Dr. John teaches through Hebrews 11, a chapter on faith. Listen, not for stories of faith in the past, but as a guide for your life today.


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Defining Faith: The Eternal City

What does it look like to step out in faith, even when the path is unclear? In Hebrews 11:8-10, Dr. John reflects on Abraham’s journey—leaving everything behind to trust God’s promises. Abraham’s story challenges us to live boldly, trusting that God's faithfulness will guide us. How can we embrace this kind of faith in our own lives? Defining Faith: How should someone approach God? Do they offer a scorecard of their successes or an inventory of their better qualities? The Bible is clear. We come to God by faith, and we live our lives with God through faith. Since faith is central, we should understand what it is and how it works. In this series Dr. John teaches through Hebrews 11, a chapter on faith. Listen, not for stories of faith in the past, but as a guide for your life today.


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Defining Faith: Drawing Near to God

What does it really mean to be spiritual? In today’s episode, Dr. John explores this question by looking at Hebrews 11:4-7, where the faith of Abel, Enoch, and Noah shines as an example. Spirituality isn’t about rituals or good works, but about trusting God fully, offering our best, and living in obedience. It’s only through faith that we can draw near to God and please Him. Defining Faith: How should someone approach God? Do they offer a scorecard of their successes or an inventory of their better qualities? The Bible is clear. We come to God by faith, and we live our lives with God through faith. Since faith is central, we should understand what it is and how it works. In this series Dr. John teaches through Hebrews 11, a chapter on faith. Listen, not for stories of faith in the past, but as a guide for your life today.


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Defining Faith: Defining Faith

Faith is more than wishful thinking—it’s a deep confidence in God’s promises. Hebrews 11:1-3 defines faith as assurance and conviction, shaping how we view our lives and future. In this message, we explore how faith gives meaning, purpose, and a firm foundation in an uncertain world. Defining Faith: How should someone approach God? Do they offer a scorecard of their successes or an inventory of their better qualities? The Bible is clear. We come to God by faith, and we live our lives with God through faith. Since faith is central, we should understand what it is and how it works. In this series Dr. John teaches through Hebrews 11, a chapter on faith. Listen, not for stories of faith in the past, but as a guide for your life today.


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Upholding the Truth: That the World May Know

In a world hungry for truth, how do we effectively share the gospel? In this episode, Dr. John Neufeld delves into the church's vital role in reflecting Christ's love. He emphasizes that evangelism is not just about words; it's about embodying God's truth in our daily lives. As we navigate our relationships and communities, we are called to demonstrate the hope and grace found in Christ. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: The High Calling of a Deacon

Have you ever wondered what true greatness looks like in the kingdom of God? In this episode of Back to the Bible Canada, Dr. John Neufeld explores the essential role of deacons in the church, as described in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. He highlights their key characteristics and responsibilities, demonstrating that true greatness comes from servanthood. Discover how deacons lead by meeting community needs and reflecting Christ's humility. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Qualified to Lead - Part 2

In this episode, Dr. John Neufeld continues his study of 1 Timothy 3:1-7, examining the qualifications of Christian leaders. He unpacks the essential characteristics that define a godly overseer, emphasizing integrity, self-control, and hospitality. Leadership in the church is not about popularity or giftedness but about character and faithfulness. Dr. John highlights how these qualities are crucial not just for leaders but for all believers seeking to grow in their faith. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Qualified to Lead - Part 1

In this episode, Dr. John Neufeld explores the biblical qualifications for church leadership, focusing on 1 Timothy 3:1-7. He highlights the vital role of elders and pastors in guiding the church and emphasizes that leadership isn’t just about a sense of calling—it requires godly character and integrity. Dr. John unpacks the New Testament’s perspective on church leaders as elders, shepherds, and overseers, showing how these roles shape a healthy and faithful church. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Called to Lead

Leadership in the church is a noble calling, but what does it mean to be an overseer? In today’s message, Dr. John explores 1 Timothy 3:1 and 1 Peter 5:1-4, showing how the Bible defines church leadership. He explains that elders, pastors, and overseers are not separate roles but different terms for the same office. Their responsibility? To teach, shepherd, and safeguard the church’s faithfulness to Scripture and unity in love. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Women in the Church

In this episode of "Upholding The Truth," Dr. John discusses the challenging passage from 1 Timothy 2:11-15 about women in the church. He emphasizes the need to understand this scripture in context, addressing the controversy surrounding it. Instead of restricting women’s roles, he focuses on the importance of learning biblical truth. Join Dr. John as he explores these tough topics and shares what it means to be part of the family of God. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: God's People at Prayer

In this episode, Dr. John discusses the importance of prayer in our faith, based on 1 Timothy 2:8-10. He encourages us to pray with pure hearts, without anger or arguments, while highlighting the unique challenges men and women face in their spiritual journeys. Tune in to discover how prayer can transform our relationship with God and others. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: The Good News to Our Neighbours

God calls the church to be a beacon of hope, praying for all people and reflecting His grace and truth. In this message, Dr. John explores 1 Timothy 2:1-7, highlighting God’s heart for the lost and our role in sharing the gospel. He encourages believers to engage in prayer and compassionate outreach, reminding us that God desires everyone to be saved and come to know the truth. Through our prayers, we take part in God’s mission to reach the world with His love. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Prayer and Evangelism

In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul shifts from internal church matters to God’s desire for all people to be saved. Dr. John explores how prayer plays a key role in evangelism, not just for personal growth but for reaching the lost. When the church prays for its leaders and community, it creates an environment where the gospel can be clearly seen and heard. This passage challenges us to embrace God’s heart for those who don’t yet know Him. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Fighting the Good Fight

The Christian life is a battle for truth. In this message, Dr. John unpacks Paul’s charge to Timothy to stand firm in faith, resist false teaching, and keep a clear conscience. Some abandoned their faith and suffered the consequences, but Paul reminds Timothy—and us—that standing firm in the gospel is always worth the fight. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: A Servant of Jesus

In today's episode, Dr. John examines 1 Timothy 1:12–17, where Paul reflects on his transformation from a persecutor of Christians to a servant of Christ. Paul recognizes that true contentment is found not in status or personal achievements but in serving Jesus. Dr. John unpacks how God's mercy and grace shape our purpose, showing that a life of service to Christ is the key to lasting fulfillment. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: The Law of God and the Gospel of Jesus

God's law is good—but only when used as He intended. Dr. John unpacks 1 Timothy 1:8-11, examining how false teachers misused the law and how Paul instructs Timothy to uphold the truth. Rather than a means of salvation, the law reveals sin and points us to Christ, showing our need for His grace. Understanding this distinction is key to living out the gospel. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Faithful to Your Calling

In 1 Timothy 1:3-11, Paul urges Timothy to stand firm in a difficult ministry assignment, confronting false teaching and leading with integrity. Despite the challenges, Timothy’s obedience serves as a powerful example for anyone facing tough circumstances. Dr. John unpacks what it means to stay faithful where God has placed us, even when the road is hard. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: The Story of a Local Church

In 1 Timothy, Paul instructs Timothy on how the church should conduct itself in the face of false teachings, leadership challenges, and cultural pressures. In today’s message, Dr. John explores the significance of the local church—using Ephesus as a powerful example—and why its health is crucial for proclaiming the truth of Christ. If the church is strong, the gospel shines; if it falters, darkness prevails. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.


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Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth

In this episode, Dr. John Neufeld begins a new series on 1 Timothy, focusing on upholding the truth in a world that often denies its existence. Looking at Jesus’ conversation with Pilate and Paul’s instructions to Timothy, he explores the unchanging nature of truth and its essential role in shaping gospel-centered leadership. Upholding the Truth: Upholding the Truth is a 15-message series focused on the study of 1 Timothy. Do you remember the words of Jesus to Pilate? “Everyone who is on the side of truth, listens to my voice.” The question might arise in our day, “is there such a thing as truth?” There is, and it never changes. It is found in the Word of God. Discover or rediscover this truth for the church, and your role in proclaiming the unchanging truth of God, in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
