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Ballymoney, United Kingdom


Enjoy the newest sermons from Let The Bible Speak in Ballymoney, Northern Ireland via our podcast feed.




Let the Bible Speak 11 Westland Avenue Ballymoney, Co Antrim BT53 6PE, Northern Ireland United Kingdom 864-244-2408

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LTBS TV Program 329

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 329. Special Speaker: Rev David Park. Bible reading: John 4 : 27 - 43. Subject: Refocusing Our Missionary Focus. Hymns: Far, Far Away & I Have Only One Life.


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LTBS TV Program 328

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 328. Special Speaker: Rev Andrew Stewart. Bible reading: Galatians 6 : 1 - 10. Subject: A Word to the Weary. The United Presbytery Choir will sing A Mighty Fortress.


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LTBS TV Program 327

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 327. Special Speaker: Rev Samuel Murray. Bible reading: 2 Timothy 4 : 1 - 8. Subject: Departing This Life. Hymns: Life at best is very brief & Saved by Jesus' Blood.


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LTBS TV Program 326

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 326. Special Speaker: Rev Gordon Ferguson. Bible reading: Psalm 51 : 1 - 13. Subject: The Joy Of Salvation Restored. The FPC Youth Choir will sing Now Thank We All Our God.


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LTBS TV Program 325

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 325. Special Speaker: Rev John Greer. Bible reading: Luke 6 : 47 - 49. Subject: A Foundation for the Soul. Hymns: How firm a foundation & Rock of Ages.


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LTBS TV Program 324

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 324. Special Speaker: Rev Jonathan Creane. Bible reading: Isaiah 45 : 18 - 25. Subject: Four Gospel Terms. Hymns: Will Your Anchor Hold & Come with me, Visit Calvary.


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LTBS TV Program 323

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 323. Special Speaker: Rev Marcus Lecky. Bible reading: Philippians 3 : 7 - 11. Subject: Conquering Death. The United Presbytery Choir will sing Faith is the Victory.


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LTBS TV Program 322

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 322. Special Speaker: Rev John Wagner. Bible reading: Genesis 26 : 17 - 25. Subject: Foundation Stones of a Life of Faith. Hymns: Higher Ground & He Giveth More Grace.


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LTBS TV Program 321

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 321. Special Speaker: Rev Stephen Nelson. Bible reading: 1 Chronicles 16 : 7 - 24. Subject: Simple Truths for a New Year. Hymns: Standing at the portal & Jesus Loves Me.


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LTBS TV Program 320

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 320. Special Speaker: Mr Colin Maxwell. Bible reading: Luke 2 : 1 - 14. Subject: What Our Salvation Cost Christ. Hymns: Jesus, My Saviour, To Bethlehem Came & O Come All Ye Faithful.


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LTBS TV Program 319

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 319. Special Speaker: Rev John Woods. Bible reading: Matthew 1 : 18 - 25. Subject: The People Jesus Came to Save. Hymns: O little town of Bethlehem & How Sweet the Name.


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LTBS TV Program 318

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 318. Special Speaker: Rev Raymond Robinson. Bible reading: Isaiah 42 : 1 - 12. Subject: Our Compassionate God. Hymns: Look Ye Saints & There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus.


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LTBS TV Program 317

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 317. Special Speaker: Rev Stephen McCrea. Bible reading: John 3 : 1 - 7. Subject: The Man called Nicodemus. Hymns: A Ruler Once Came to Jesus by Night & Have you been to Jesus?


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LTBS TV Program 316

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 316. Special Speaker: Rev Darryl Abernethy. Bible reading: Luke 8 : 4 - 12. Subject: The Enemy of the Harvest. Hymns: Are you sowing the seed & Come, Ye Thankful People, Come.


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LTBS TV Program 315

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 315. Special Speaker: Rev Andrew Murray. Bible reading: John 2 : 1 - 11. Subject: The Wedding at Cana. Magherafelt FPC Choir will sing Oh for a Thousand Tongues.


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LTBS TV Program 314

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 314. Special Speaker: Rev Ian Kenny. Bible reading: 1 John 5 : 1 - 10. Subject: Overcoming the World. Hymns: Faith is the Victory & We Never Need Be Vanquished.


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LTBS TV Program 310

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 310. Special Speaker- Rev Roger Higginson. Bible reading- John 4 - 1 - 14. Subject- The Woman at the Well. Hymns- There is a name I love to hear - There is no love like the love of Jesus.


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LTBS TV Program 309

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 309. Special Speaker- Rev Gordon Dane. Bible reading- Proverbs 28 - 1 - 14. Subject- Confessing your Sin. Hymns- My Jesus I Love Thee - Since Jesus came into my heart.


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LTBS TV Program 306

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 306. Special Speaker- Rev Glenn Wilkinson. Bible reading- Job 19 - 19 - 29. Subject- The Hope of the Redeemed. Hymns- I Know not why God's Wondrous Grace - I Serve a Risen Saviour.


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LTBS TV Program 307

Let the Bible Speak - TV Recording 307. Special Speaker- Rev David Smith. Bible reading- Mark 10 - 17 - 27. Subject- Who Then Can Be Saved-- Hymns- I Was a Sinner - What a Wonderful Change.
