Pip and Whitto
Join Pip and Whitto for breakfast in 2015! Catch their stories, experiences and adventures during breakfast on Star FM Wagga.
Pip & Whitto with 'The Bachelor' Sam Wood
Hearts a flutter! As season 3 of The Bachelor gets underway, the bachie himself took some time with Pip & Whitto #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #thebachelor #samwood #samwoodthebachelor
Pip & Whitto with Masterchef Australia Winner Billie
Cool, calm and collected throughout the entire competition, Billie faced some crazy challenges, but her composure prevailed giving her the edge over Georgia in an epic finale. Pip & Whitto found out what Billie will doing post-Masterchef and managed to have a quickie! #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #masterchef #masterchefAU #masterchefBillie #mastercheffinale #hestonblumenthal #fatduck #cooking #chef #dessert #food
Pip & Whitto - the cutest caller ever?
This morning Vincent gave Pip & Whitto a bit of a surprise when he rang - they weren't expecting to have potentially their cutest caller ever!
Pip & Whitto with Masterchef Runner Up Georgia
It was a fierce final battle in the Masterchef kitchen in the grand finale, seeing Georgia lose by just 2 points... She's calling that Heston Blumenthal dessert "BS" - Pip & Whitto found out why. ##starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #masterchefAU #masterchef2015 #masterchefgeorgia
Pip & Whitto with Masterchef's Jessica
It was a tough challenge for the final three, which saw Jessica narrowly missing out on the grand finale of Masterchef 2015. Pip & Whitto spoke to her about the unusual flavour combination she plated up for dessert... And how it looked a little bit like a woman's.... on the plate! #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #masterchefAU #masterchef2015 #masterchefjessica
Pip & Whitto with Masterchef's Reynold
He impressed earning full-scores for his amazing creations and cemented his place as the dessert king, but unfortunately for Reynold he missed out on the top 3 of Masterchef by overcooking a piece of fish by a matter of seconds. He spoke to Pip & Whitto about his achievements in the kitchen, and his plans for the future. #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #reynoldMasterchef #MasterchefAU #cooking #chef
Pip & Whitto talk to Michelle Hoare
When Michelle Hoare found out a friend was suffering breast cancer, she made a decision to show support... A braver woman than most - her act of solidarity is raising funds for the McGrath Foundation. Pip & Whitto caught up with Michelle to talk about what's happening. #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #michellehoare #WaggaMagpiesJRLFC #fundraiser #McGrathFoundation #headshave
Pip & Whitto with Walking Wounded's Brian Freeman
Brian Freeman is on an incredible journey - from the top to bottom of Australia - and it's all for a very special cause. Pip & Whitto spoke to Brian ahead of the team making its way through Wagga about how 'Walking Wounded' is providing much needed support for troops who've returned home from conflict zones. #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #walkingwounded #brianfreeman #wagga #troops #soldiers #war #mentalhealth
Janine Louise Medium reading for Tammy
Listener Tammy received a reading from Star FM resident medium Janine Louise... with some surprising news... #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #janinelouise #janinelouisemedium #medium #mediumreading
Pip & Whitto chat to Danny Frawley
A legend of the AFL, Danny Frawley is now the ambassador of the Fox Footy Club Rewards initiative. Pip & Whitto found out how LOCAL footy clubs could have the opportunity to mix it with some of the AFL's best. #starfmwagga #starfm #931starfm #pipandwhitto #dannyfrawley #AFL #aussierules #foxfooty #footy #foxfootyclubrewrads #coach #coaching #workshops
Pip & Whitto with Masterchef's Sara
Into finals week the Masterchef kitchen is getting even more crazy than usual with Sara hanging up her apron after the toughest pressure test yet. Pip & Whitto spoke to Sara about life after Masterchef... and what she thinks of chef Grant Kings' restaurant name! #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #masterchef #masterchefAU #saramasterchef #cooking #pressuretest #gnocchi #gastro
Janine Louise Medium reading for Tina
It was an emotional reading when listener Tina joined the show, but Star FM Resident Medium Janine Louise had a very special message for her. #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #janinelouise #janinelouisemedium #mediumreading #mediumship
Name the Donkey!
With news that Wagga Zoo has finally found a man-friend for its resident donkey, Jenny, Pip & Whitto spoke to WWCC's Director of Environmental and Community Services, Janice Summerhayes, about the quest to name him - with some interesting suggestions. #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #donkey #lovequest #donkeylove #namethedonkey #wagga #waggazoo
What did uni games competitors think of Wagga?
It's been a huge week as almost 3000 students descended upon Wagga for the 2015 Eastern Uni Games. What did the students think of it? Star FM intern Josho got the lowdown... #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #easternunigames #unigames #sport #party #uni #university #studentlife #wagga #CSU #charlessturtuniversity
Pip & Whitto with Mashd N Kutcher's Matt
The Farrer is going to be in full party mode when DJs Mashd N Kutcher hit the stage! In the midst of a crazy touring schedule, Matt took some time with Pip & Whitto.
Pip & Whitto with V8 Supercar commentator Matt White
The V8 Supercars are revving up Townsville this weekend, Pip & Whitto got Matt's picks.. and found out what's revving up his wife! #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #v8supercars #SC10 #CastrolEDGETownsville400 #racing #v8s #mattwhite #magicmikexxl #rickkelly
Janine Louise Medium reading for Paul
Star FM resident medium had a little bit of a challenge this morning when sceptic Paul rang for a reading... Did it change his mind? #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #janinelouise #janinelouisemedium #medium #reading #mediumreading
Pip & Whitto with Masterchef's Ashleigh
From having the immunity pin to finding herself in a tough elimination challenge, Pip & Whitto caught up with Masterchef's Ashley to find out all about that epic 'Passion Flower' dessert. #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #masterchef #masterchefAU #ashleighmasterchef #passionflower #chef #cooking #dessert
Pip & Whitto speak to Farmer Scott
After finding out he won't be part of The Farmer Wants a Wife, Pip & Whitto chat to Culcairn farmer Scott Mitchell about what's next in this farmer's quest for love. #starfm #starfmwagga #931starfm #pipandwhitto #farmerwantsawife #farmerscott
Pip & Whitto: NAIDOC Week
NAIDOC Week is on again! Pip & Whitto spoke to Aboriginal Youth & Community Development Officer Ashleigh Pengelly and NAIDOC Committee member Jodie Eldridge about what's happening around the region to celebrate Aboriginal culture.