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Toni, Jase & Sam - Breakfast Catchup


Daily Breakfast Catchup. Get your day started with Coast’s Feel Good Breakfast - Toni Street, Jase Reeves & Sam Wallace! Available to download every day from 12 pm from iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcasts.


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Daily Breakfast Catchup. Get your day started with Coast’s Feel Good Breakfast - Toni Street, Jase Reeves & Sam Wallace! Available to download every day from 12 pm from iHeartRadio or wherever you get your podcasts.



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Breakfast Bonus: Dream house features

Welcome to the Breakfast Bonus Podcast - an exclusive online only chat released each weekday. If you had all the money in the world to have the home of your dreams... what would you put inside? See for privacy information.


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Being shamed in a shop

Sometimes when you walk into a shop you can immediately feel yourself being judged by the people who work there. Sam tells us all about his shop shame experience yesterday. We also chat about the highs and lows of the Oscars, and whether women actually like romance 0:00 Intro 1:35 Disgusting Oscars! 4:35 Have you never had a massage? 10:45 Producer Rosie reviews The Bodyguard 15:20 Sam’s got a problem with Wikipedia 19:15 Getting shop shame 27:55 Laughing about Menopause with Niki Bezzant 33:50 The Chasers 37:05 Do women actually want romance? 45:10 Toni discusses the Oscars fashion 49:25 Why life get harder after 40 See for privacy information.


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Breakfast Bonus: Weekend hustle

Welcome to the Breakfast Bonus Podcast - an exclusive online only chat released each weekday. The weekend is supposed to be the time where you recover and relax after a long work week, but there's always so much to do around the house. So what's the solution to geting everything done while also having some time for yourself? See for privacy information.


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What's Gen X's favourite movie?

A study has found the favourite movies for each generation, so what's Gen X's favourite movie? Also we ask you how you met your oldest friend, and Sam tells us how his appearance at the Manu World Championship went over the weekend 0:00 Intro 1:40 Weekend recap 5:05 Looking forward to the Oscars 9:45 Name the movie from the Oscar winning song 14:40 Sam recommends a lymphatic massage 18:25 Favourite movies by generations 23:45 Did Sam become a Manu Champion? 28:05 Never mess with women in their 40s 33:10 The Chasers 36:15 How did you meet your oldest friend? 42:50 Are you into Pickleball? See for privacy information.


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The Chasers of the Week: 24 - 28 February

All The Chasers we played this week in one podcast, but this one's a little different - this week we've upgraded The Chasers! Can you beat Toni, Jase or Sam and win the cash? See for privacy information.


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Best Show Moments: Smells, baldness & breasts

Our favourite moments from the show this week - We test whether Toni's sense of smell is returrning and Sam's talking about the best kind of breasts... for some reason 0:00 Toni shames Sam’s picnic 2:55 Sam discusses the best… breasts 6:20 Real life Weekend at Bernies 10:05 Has Toni’s sense of smell returned? 15:55 Sugary drinks are making you bald See for privacy information.


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Weekly Journals: Getting philosophical

Every week we follow in Matthew McConaughey's footsteps and write journals reflecting on the week just gone - so here they are in podcast form See for privacy information.


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Breakfast Bonus: Anti-romance

Welcome to the Breakfast Bonus Podcast - an exclusive online only chat released each weekday. Apparently women don't like romance as much as they claim to. But do we agree? See for privacy information.


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Sugary drinks are making you bald

A new study has found that sugary drinks are linked to male pattern baldness, but is that enough to stop us from drinking them? Also Toni tells us the new version of FOMO and Sam wraps the week in his own special way. 0:00 Intro 1:30 This is better than Shortland Street 5:35 Sam’s Weak News 9:45 Sugary drinks linked to male pattern baldness 13:50 When a job takes way longer than you expect 20:55 Is Sam going to be a world champion? 24:50 Forget FOMO, here’s FOBO 29:05 The Chasers 33:35 What’s your go to drink? 40:00 Chatting with Olaf from Cirque du Soleil See for privacy information.


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Breakfast Bonus: Dating apps

Welcome to the Breakfast Bonus Podcast - an exclusive online only chat released each weekday. Dating apps are the most common way for people to meet now but none of us have ever been on them, so what are our thoughts on them? See for privacy information.


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Weirdest places people have given birth

After hearing the story of a woman who gave birth on a plane from Auckland to New Plymouth, we're looking for the weirdest place someone has given birth. Also we're hearing your crazy dating app stories and we test if Toni's getting her sense of smell back 0:00 Intro 1:25 A Barney movie is coming 3:40 25 people touch this thing before you buy it 7:55 The medical test you can do yourself 11:40 Anxiety makes you live longer 14:00 Woman gives birth on a plane 21:20 Toni’s weekend watch list recommendation 26:20 The Chasers 30:05 Dating app nightmares 43:55 Is Toni’s sense of smell returning? See for privacy information.


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Breakfast Bonus: Citizen's arrest

Welcome to the Breakfast Bonus Podcast - an exclusive online only chat released each weekday. The laws around citizen's arrests are changing, so we're chatting about whether we've ever been in a situation where we thought we might have to step in and arrest someone See for privacy information.


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The worst hours we've ever worked

Many people have worked jobs with annoying hours, so we're chatting about the worst hours we've ever worked. Also Sam's developed an interest in toupee's and Jase tells us a story of a real life Weekend at Bernie's. 0:00 Intro 1:25 Sam’s perfect birthday 4:20 23% of women have this in their handbag 9:20 Sam’s interested in toupee’s 13:35 Who’s the walking chemist in your life 18:25 Real life Weekend at Bernie’s 22:10 The new math curriculum 26:05 The Chasers 30:45 What are the worst hours you’ve worked? 38:00 Making the most of your downtime 41:10 Glassons for mums See for privacy information.


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Breakfast Bonus: Perfect birthday

Welcome to the Breakfast Bonus Podcast - an exclusive online only chat released each weekday. Today is Sam's birthday so we're asking him what his perfect day would look like See for privacy information.


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The most pain the body can experience

A study has found what the most pain the human body can experience is, so we guess what it is and talk about our most painful experiences. Also, Toni explains what hanging is, and we give Sam his birthday presents 0:00 Intro 1:50 Jeep’s introducing internal advertising 4:40 Teenagers are more likely to start smoking when this happens 9:15 Producer Rosie reviews Don’t Tell Mum the Babysitter’s Dead 14:30 Sam discusses the best… breasts 17:50 What is the most painful thing the body can experience 29:40 Are your coworkers hanging? 33:10 The Chasers 37:55 Giving Sam his birthday presents 42:55 Mr Bargain Chemist See for privacy information.


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Breakfast Bonus: Men should stop this before 30

Welcome to the Breakfast Bonus Podcast - an exclusive online only chat released each weekday. GQ has released a list of the three things that all men should stop doing before they hit 30. Are Jase or Sam still doing any of them? See for privacy information.


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Toni shames Sam's picnic

Toni and Sam were invited to a school picnic to meet the teachers, but Sam's choice of dinner has caught heat from Toni. Also Jase and Producer Rosie are getting super into Married at First Sight, and is it common to make specific meals on certain days? 0:00 Intro 1:50 Our favourite moments from the weekend 5:55 Things men should stop doing after 30 11:00 Sam gets picnic shamed 14:40 Chatting about The Prosperity Project with Nadine Higgins 17:45 Do you have specific meals on specific nights? 25:55 Getting back into MAFS 29:50 How to purge your closet 35:50 The Chasers 39:30 Getting invited to inconvenient events 46:00 What is Human Design? See for privacy information.


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The Chasers of the Week: 17 - 21 February

All The Chasers we played this week in one podcast, but this one's a little different - this week we've upgraded The Chasers! Can you beat Toni, Jase or Sam and win the cash? See for privacy information.


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Weekly Journals: The end of Summer?

Every week we follow in Matthew McConaughey's footsteps and write journals reflecting on the week just gone - so here they are in podcast form See for privacy information.


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Best Show Moments: DIY & Dogs

Our favourite moments from the show this week - Toni's unsure of whether she's bitten off more than she can chew with her next DIY project, and we've found out the secret to a lasting relationship 0:00 Toni’s new DIY project 8:05 What’s bung at your place? 13:30 Toni’s dog is gonna be a star 16:45 The key to a lasting relationship 23:00 Toni’s upcoming getaway with her husband See for privacy information.
