Two Morons Talking About Casinos & Stuff
We are a couple of friends telling stories about the casino biz and all kinds of random other thoughts.
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We are a couple of friends telling stories about the casino biz and all kinds of random other thoughts.
Two Morons Talking #87
**sings** The boys are back in town....I said the boys are back in town...Well, I mean technically we never left, just been busy. Happy Saturday everyone......weeeeee'rrrreeeee back!!! Stop reading and start listening!! Got something to say?? Say it here: Twitter: @2CasinoMorons Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff Email: Twocasinomorons@gmail.com
Two Morons Talking #86
Finally back with #86, just listen, no tricks!
Two Morons Talking #85
It wasn't even like 6 months this time, can you believe it? We're back. We actually had nearly a full show of casino talk and very little "stuff" this week. Stop reading and start listening!! Find us on Twitter @2casinomorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #84
Panama....Panama-a-oh-oh-ah-ah... Your favorite Morons are finally back with Ep #84. In a new style, we recorded this right after work while everything was still fresh in our minds. Didn't really help us from staying outta the "Stuff Zone", but it was fun for sure. It's been long enough since our last episode, so we won't keep you any longer! Have fun! Find us on Twitter @2casinomorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #83
Ep. #83 comin' at ya on a Sunny Vegas Thursday. This week we talked about the casinos efforts to get more players in the building. It's still been slow, but we've been trying to make the best of it. Another stuff heavy episode.... Find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #82
Happy New Year Morons!! Back with the first show of 2021 and we promise not to disappoint!! I don't want these words delaying you in any way from the awesomeness that awaits you, so please play the damn thing already!! Enjoy and cya soon!! Find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #81
It's Saturday Night and your favorite Morons are back. Ep. #81 is finally here and it was funny. Just listen, you'll see.... Subscribe for new episodes regularly-ish. Find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and Facebook: Two Morons talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #80
Episode #80?? Since we're in the 80's again I guess we'll have to go back to playing Nintendo and riding our bikes outside more. Vegas is still rolling along, it's just kind of a bizzaro version of it. We're confident in a comeback, but it's gonna take a minute. We had a short episode this week w/ the kids home and the dog barking. We'll make it up to ya! in the end we still had fun! Find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Return From The Pandemic
Hello strangers.....How've you been?? The Morons are back from the pandemic again!! Our first show since we've returned to work(finally). Get to listening if you wanna know what shape Vegas is in right now. We're excited to be back, should be weekly once again! Great to be back Morons!!!
Two Morons Talking #78
Happy Friday Mo Fo's!! Your favorite Morons are back with another DistaCast™ . #78 and feelin' great is the theme for this week! With T-bag back from a spur of the moment trip with the kiddos and Spike finally 'Rona free(both the beer AND the virus), it seemed like a great time to do a show! Thanks for all the feedback last week, you guys rock!! Find us on Twitter @2casinomorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #78
Happy Friday you crazy kids!! Who's back with a surprise Friday Night Special??? Your favorite Morons, that's who! Ep. #78 and feelin' great, that's our theme this week! With Spike finally 'Rona free(the beer AND the virus) and T-Bag back from a spur of the moment outta town trip with the kiddies, it seemed like the perfect day to do a show! Hope you guys enjoy....Thank you so much for listening! FInd us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #77
Yup, it's true....we're back!!! Ep. #77 comin at ya full force!! Sorry we've been gone so long. Listen and find out what's been happening with your favorite Morons!! Happy to be back!
Two Morons Talking #76
It's here!! It's here!! Ep. #76 is finally here!! OK, well maybe it's not THAT exciting, but we're excited to be back. I'm not even going to try and describe what we talked about this week. I think we were pretty all over the place, but we laughed a lot, that's all that matters in the end! Find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #75
Ep. #75 is alive...no disassemble. Who's late? Us? No way. We're gonna make it up to you with this weeks guest. Our friend Phil has been in the business since the early 70's. We had fun hearing about the glory days of Vegas. With so many questions still to ask Phil will be back again, don't worry! Thanks as always for listening. We love the feedback on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and also on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #74
#74's knockin' at your door! We were hoping to have a guest this week but things fell through. On that note, unprepared as usual we found ourselves heavy into Stuff land this week. Probably not the best episode to play over the loudspeaker at work, maybe keep this one to yourselves, ha! Wanna know why? What the heck are the Morons talking about now? Listen and find out..... Thanks everyone for listening, makes this all worth while. Subscribe for new episodes almost every week-ish. Got...
Two Morons Talking #73
Yippee it's #73. A Thursday Night Special Edition of the Tuesday podcast! Is that even a thing? You wouldn't believe it by the start of the show, but for those casino lovers out there, we actually stayed pretty on topic today(for us anyway). Miracles do happen, just like the 1980 Hockey Team! Have Fun Morons, thanks for listening. Subscribe for new episodes weekly(sort of). Find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #72
Look who showed up again for Ep. #72....Doug! Those of you who have been waiting to finally hear Doug's Keifer story are in luck. Outside of that we were all over the place as usual. We gave our thoughts on the Super Bowl...what are your thoughts? Predictions? Hit us up on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #71
What? The Morons finally put out another episode? The first one of 2020? Wow...guess you better hurry up and go listen to find out what's been happening! Back again.......
Two Morons Talking #70
#70's here and so is our next guest Joey Angelo. For those of you who don't follow MMA, Joey is a great MMA fighter who's lately been fighting bare knuckles. Great guy and so we all had fun! Listen and find out how Joey is related to our casino world. Subscribe for new episodes almost every week and find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff
Two Morons Talking #69
Gre-Gre-Gre-Gregorio makes his first appearance this week. Fittingly just in time for Ep. #69. We all had a great time and it flew by, so we're sure you'll have fun too! Happy Thanksgiving Morons!! Enjoy the show! Find us on Twitter @2CasinoMorons and on Facebook: Two Morons Talking About Casinos and Stuff