Angela Wayning
This is a book combo that consists of 3 books:
Book 1: Where do you go if your child is gifted? Should you do anything differently? This question lies at the heart of this book, as well as other sub-topics that relate to it. Your knowledge will increase about giftedness, and solutions will be provided for a problematic child who is looking for the right therapist. Someone with an expert opinion and degree in psychology could definitely be beneficial to your child’s development. In this book, we’ll break down what to look for in a therapist like that.
Book 2: Gifted children often have a hard time staying focused on one thing, unless it’s something they are passionate about. Then they are hyper-focused. This and other problems can be address when talking to teachers, as well as the fact that some gifted kids seem to underachieve for various reasons. The best ways to motivate your gifted children are here, as well as tactics to deal with bullies, which often target more sensitive and intelligent children. Bullying is one of the last topics addressed in this guide: How to talk about it with the teacher, how to avoid becoming a target more quickly, and how to make it go away.
Book 3: In this brief guide to giftedness, we will assess and critically examine the results of IQ-tests and their significance. We will also look at the homework problems many gifted children face, with their particular set of grey matter, and why schools often fail to meet the needs of those same children, because let’s face it: The schools often have no clue what to do with them, how to challenge them properly, or how to adapt a program to their constant drive to explore, discover, and be more creative.
Author - Angela Wayning.
Narrator - Casey Wayman.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2020 Angela Wayning ©.
United States
This is a book combo that consists of 3 books: Book 1: Where do you go if your child is gifted? Should you do anything differently? This question lies at the heart of this book, as well as other sub-topics that relate to it. Your knowledge will increase about giftedness, and solutions will be provided for a problematic child who is looking for the right therapist. Someone with an expert opinion and degree in psychology could definitely be beneficial to your child’s development. In this book, we’ll break down what to look for in a therapist like that. Book 2: Gifted children often have a hard time staying focused on one thing, unless it’s something they are passionate about. Then they are hyper-focused. This and other problems can be address when talking to teachers, as well as the fact that some gifted kids seem to underachieve for various reasons. The best ways to motivate your gifted children are here, as well as tactics to deal with bullies, which often target more sensitive and intelligent children. Bullying is one of the last topics addressed in this guide: How to talk about it with the teacher, how to avoid becoming a target more quickly, and how to make it go away. Book 3: In this brief guide to giftedness, we will assess and critically examine the results of IQ-tests and their significance. We will also look at the homework problems many gifted children face, with their particular set of grey matter, and why schools often fail to meet the needs of those same children, because let’s face it: The schools often have no clue what to do with them, how to challenge them properly, or how to adapt a program to their constant drive to explore, discover, and be more creative. Author - Angela Wayning. Narrator - Casey Wayman. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2020 Angela Wayning ©.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25