Parenting The Highly Sensitive Child
Elena Jinkins
Do you know what it takes to raise well a highly sensitive child? Are you confident that you can help your child reach their maximum potential while also keeping them healthy and happy? If you are not quite sure about how to do so, then this book is the right choice for you.
Highly sensitive children are often misunderstood not just by their peers but also by their families, teachers, and caretakers.
Many tend to mislabel them as shy or cold. Others think of them as slow or crybabies. Some may even view high sensitivity as a disorder that should be treated. However, these assumptions are both incorrect and harmful to the growth and development of HSCs.
Fortunately, more and more parents are becoming aware of this issue thanks in part to the growing research about how to better understand HSCs, how to guide them through different kinds of challenges and real-life situations, and how to nurture them into becoming the best versions of themselves.
Most importantly, you need to get your HSC to cooperate with you. None of these strategies would work if you did not take the time to explain what high sensitivity truly means, how it could affect the different aspects of their being, and how you could help them handle or cope better with the challenges they would face in day-to-day life.
Backed by years of research by several child development experts, this book shall serve as an objective guide for you as a parent of a highly sensitive child. Throughout the chapters, you will learn:
Duration - 3h 7m.
Author - Elena Jinkins.
Narrator - Emma Baumann.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2021 Elena Jinkins ©.
United States
Do you know what it takes to raise well a highly sensitive child? Are you confident that you can help your child reach their maximum potential while also keeping them healthy and happy? If you are not quite sure about how to do so, then this book is the right choice for you. Highly sensitive children are often misunderstood not just by their peers but also by their families, teachers, and caretakers. Many tend to mislabel them as shy or cold. Others think of them as slow or crybabies. Some may even view high sensitivity as a disorder that should be treated. However, these assumptions are both incorrect and harmful to the growth and development of HSCs. Fortunately, more and more parents are becoming aware of this issue thanks in part to the growing research about how to better understand HSCs, how to guide them through different kinds of challenges and real-life situations, and how to nurture them into becoming the best versions of themselves. Most importantly, you need to get your HSC to cooperate with you. None of these strategies would work if you did not take the time to explain what high sensitivity truly means, how it could affect the different aspects of their being, and how you could help them handle or cope better with the challenges they would face in day-to-day life. Backed by years of research by several child development experts, this book shall serve as an objective guide for you as a parent of a highly sensitive child. Throughout the chapters, you will learn: Duration - 3h 7m. Author - Elena Jinkins. Narrator - Emma Baumann. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2021 Elena Jinkins ©.
Opening Credits
Chapter 1: Highly Sensitive Child Traits
Chapter 2: Different Types of Highly Sensitive Children (Orchid, Tulip, and Dandelion)
Chapter 3: Is Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP) a Mental Disorder?
Chapter 4: The Difference Between Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) and Having Sensory Processing Disorder
Chapter 5: The Difference Between High Sensitivity and Autism
Chapter 6: Do Highly Sensitive Children Have ADHD?
Chapter 7: Sensory Food Aversions
Chapter 8: Hidden Benefits of Being Highly Sensitive
Chapter 9: The Special Connection Between Highly Sensitive Children and Animals
Chapter 10: Highly Sensitive Introvert vs. Extrovert
Chapter 11: Common Challenges of Raising a Highly Sensitive Child
Chapter 12: Discipline Strategies to Use with Highly Sensitive Children
Chapter 13: Ways to Help Your HSC Develop High Confidence
Chapter 14: Sports and Activities for a Highly Sensitive Child
Chapter 15: Anger Management
Chapter 16: Telling the Difference Between Tantrums and Sensory Meltdowns
Chapter 17: Tips to End the Bedtime Battles and Getting Your HSC to Sleep
Chapter 18: Help Your HSC Go from Fearful to Having Fun at Celebrations and Special Events
Chapter 19: Choosing the Perfect School for Your Highly Sensitive Child
Chapter 20: Tips for Teachers Working with Highly Sensitive Students
Chapter 21: Questions to Ask Your Highly Sensitive Child After School
Chapter 22: Sensitive Boys Can Be the Perfect Target for Bullies
Closing Credits