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Judson Law - Nothing But Death And Destruction

John J. Law

It had been a long ride and when Judson Law saw the small frontier town on the horizon, his spirits lifted. He was exhausted from riding for so long, and a small room with a bed would be very welcome for him. It had only been less than a week since Judson made good on a bounty and earned a decent sum. The money he had earned would be enough for a bed, and a drink. If he were lucky at cards, perhaps the amount could be stretched a good bit. "Ain't that town a lovely sight for my sore eyes. Might as well ride on towards it, and make myself at home." Duration - 1h 6m. Author - John J. Law. Narrator - Tom Fria. Published Date - Sunday, 21 January 2024. Copyright - © 2022 Pale Horse Publications ©.


United States


It had been a long ride and when Judson Law saw the small frontier town on the horizon, his spirits lifted. He was exhausted from riding for so long, and a small room with a bed would be very welcome for him. It had only been less than a week since Judson made good on a bounty and earned a decent sum. The money he had earned would be enough for a bed, and a drink. If he were lucky at cards, perhaps the amount could be stretched a good bit. "Ain't that town a lovely sight for my sore eyes. Might as well ride on towards it, and make myself at home." Duration - 1h 6m. Author - John J. Law. Narrator - Tom Fria. Published Date - Sunday, 21 January 2024. Copyright - © 2022 Pale Horse Publications ©.



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