The Lumber Room
The Lumber Room by Saki, also known as H.H. Munro, is a short story that centers around a clever and mischievous boy named Nicholas. Punished by his strict aunt for his rebellious behavior, he is forbidden from joining his cousins on a trip to the beach and is instead confined to the house. As part of his punishment, he is also barred from entering the gooseberry garden.While his aunt focuses her attention on guarding the garden, believing Nicholas will attempt to sneak in, he cleverly devises a plan to explore the forbidden lumber room, a space filled with intriguing and mysterious objects that have been kept away from children.
Duration - 13m.
Author - Saki.
Narrator - Bryan Matthews.
Published Date - Friday, 12 January 2024.
Copyright - © 1914 Stephen Crane ©.
United States
The Lumber Room by Saki, also known as H.H. Munro, is a short story that centers around a clever and mischievous boy named Nicholas. Punished by his strict aunt for his rebellious behavior, he is forbidden from joining his cousins on a trip to the beach and is instead confined to the house. As part of his punishment, he is also barred from entering the gooseberry garden.While his aunt focuses her attention on guarding the garden, believing Nicholas will attempt to sneak in, he cleverly devises a plan to explore the forbidden lumber room, a space filled with intriguing and mysterious objects that have been kept away from children. Duration - 13m. Author - Saki. Narrator - Bryan Matthews. Published Date - Friday, 12 January 2024. Copyright - © 1914 Stephen Crane ©.
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The Lumber Room
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