The Short-Lived Escape of Jorono Cynes
Michelle L. Levigne
A story between novels.
The crew of the Defender had run afoul of the irritating, silly little con man Jorono Cynes one time too many.
He was supposed to be in custody for the rest of his life, but somehow Cynes showed up in the middle of a shore leave that was anything but relaxing.
Lt. M'kar and Security Chief Decker were supposed to be guiding some of the ship's children through a wilderness survival experience, but even though they were on shore leave, they knew their duty. They had to deal with Cynes and get him back into the hands of the authorities ASAP.
And if they could have some fun and frighten the irritating little troublemaker while they were at it, all the better.
Duration - 1h 38m.
Author - Michelle L. Levigne.
Narrator - Michelle L. Levigne.
Published Date - Sunday, 01 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2020 Michelle L. Levigne ©.
United States
A story between novels. The crew of the Defender had run afoul of the irritating, silly little con man Jorono Cynes one time too many. He was supposed to be in custody for the rest of his life, but somehow Cynes showed up in the middle of a shore leave that was anything but relaxing. Lt. M'kar and Security Chief Decker were supposed to be guiding some of the ship's children through a wilderness survival experience, but even though they were on shore leave, they knew their duty. They had to deal with Cynes and get him back into the hands of the authorities ASAP. And if they could have some fun and frighten the irritating little troublemaker while they were at it, all the better. Duration - 1h 38m. Author - Michelle L. Levigne. Narrator - Michelle L. Levigne. Published Date - Sunday, 01 January 2023. Copyright - © 2020 Michelle L. Levigne ©.
Opening Credits
Cynes authors note
Cynes part01
Cynes part02
Cynes part03
Cynes part 04
Cynes part05
Ending Credits