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The Bull


In "The Bull" by Saki, the story revolves around two half-brothers, Tom and Laurence Yorkfield, who embody contrasting lifestyles and values. Tom is a practical farmer, proud of his small herd and particularly of a vigorous young bull named Clover Fairy, which he believes is a valuable asset. In contrast, Laurence is an aspiring artist who paints animals, including bulls, but feels superior due to his artistic pursuits. Duration - 9m. Author - Saki. Narrator - Walter Miller. Published Date - Sunday, 07 January 2024. Copyright - © 1914 Hector Hugh Munro ©.


United States


In "The Bull" by Saki, the story revolves around two half-brothers, Tom and Laurence Yorkfield, who embody contrasting lifestyles and values. Tom is a practical farmer, proud of his small herd and particularly of a vigorous young bull named Clover Fairy, which he believes is a valuable asset. In contrast, Laurence is an aspiring artist who paints animals, including bulls, but feels superior due to his artistic pursuits. Duration - 9m. Author - Saki. Narrator - Walter Miller. Published Date - Sunday, 07 January 2024. Copyright - © 1914 Hector Hugh Munro ©.



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