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Rudyard Kipling - Chapter & Verse

Rudyard Kipling

Literature is a world of words and wonder, able to take us on almost unimaginable journeys from the wild and fantastic to the grind and minutiae of life. An author’s ideas are his building blocks, his architecture of the mind, building a structure on which all else will rest; the narrative, the characters, the words - those few words that begin the adventure. In this series we look at some of our leading classic authors across two genres: the short story and the poem. In this modern world there is an insatiable need to categorise and pigeon-hole everyone and everything. But ideas, these grains and saplings of the brain, need to roam, to explore and find their perfect literary use vehicle. Our authors are masters of many literary forms, perhaps known for one but themselves favouring another. Story. Poems. Story. Within these boundaries come all manner of invention and cast of characters. And, of course, each author has their own way of revealing their own chapter and verse. 1 - Chapter & Verse - Rudyard Kipling - An Introduction 2 - Mark of the Beast by Rudyard Kipling 3 - If by Rudyard Kipling 4 - My Father's Chair by Rudyard Kipling 5 - My Boy Jack by Rudyard Kipling 6 - Mother O' Mine by Rudyard Kipling 7 - A Death Bed by Rudyard Kipling 8 - The English Flag by Rudyard Kipling 9 - Tommy by Rudyard Kipling 10 - Mandalay by Rudyard Kipling 11 - In Springtime by Rudyard Kipling 12 - To the City of Bombay by Rudyard Kipling 13 - Cities and Thrones and Powers by Rudyard Kipling 14 - The Prairie by Rudyard Kipling 15 - The Way Through the Woods by Rudyard Kipling 16 - Mary Postgate by Rudyard Kipling Author - Rudyard Kipling. Narrator - Nigel Planer. Published Date - Tuesday, 31 January 2023.


United States


Literature is a world of words and wonder, able to take us on almost unimaginable journeys from the wild and fantastic to the grind and minutiae of life. An author’s ideas are his building blocks, his architecture of the mind, building a structure on which all else will rest; the narrative, the characters, the words - those few words that begin the adventure. In this series we look at some of our leading classic authors across two genres: the short story and the poem. In this modern world there is an insatiable need to categorise and pigeon-hole everyone and everything. But ideas, these grains and saplings of the brain, need to roam, to explore and find their perfect literary use vehicle. Our authors are masters of many literary forms, perhaps known for one but themselves favouring another. Story. Poems. Story. Within these boundaries come all manner of invention and cast of characters. And, of course, each author has their own way of revealing their own chapter and verse. 1 - Chapter & Verse - Rudyard Kipling - An Introduction 2 - Mark of the Beast by Rudyard Kipling 3 - If by Rudyard Kipling 4 - My Father's Chair by Rudyard Kipling 5 - My Boy Jack by Rudyard Kipling 6 - Mother O' Mine by Rudyard Kipling 7 - A Death Bed by Rudyard Kipling 8 - The English Flag by Rudyard Kipling 9 - Tommy by Rudyard Kipling 10 - Mandalay by Rudyard Kipling 11 - In Springtime by Rudyard Kipling 12 - To the City of Bombay by Rudyard Kipling 13 - Cities and Thrones and Powers by Rudyard Kipling 14 - The Prairie by Rudyard Kipling 15 - The Way Through the Woods by Rudyard Kipling 16 - Mary Postgate by Rudyard Kipling Author - Rudyard Kipling. Narrator - Nigel Planer. Published Date - Tuesday, 31 January 2023.



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