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Tipping Point New Mexico


Podcast of the Rio Grande Foundation that addresses public policy issues facing New Mexico.


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Podcast of the Rio Grande Foundation that addresses public policy issues facing New Mexico.



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672 John Block - A Look at the Upcoming 2025 Session of the New Mexico Legislature

Paul talks with Representative John Block about the upcoming legislative session. They discuss issues that will likely be addressed and the Republican's ability to shape what passes and what does not pass.


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671 New Mexico a Slow Growth State, Clean Fuel Rule Draft Released, Rail Runner Ridership Up (Slightly) and more

New Mexico remains a slow growth state when it comes to population. Tax changes took effect at the New Year. Here's what they mean. New Mexico's Environment Department releases a draft "clean fuel standard." New Mexico's RailRunner ridership rises slightly in 2024. The Administration of ABQ Mayor Tim Keller was found to have misused federal COVID $$ to give raises to top officials. Bills are being introduced in the 2025 legislative session. In a win for freedom Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has resigned as Canada's prime minister. Biden is locking up large tracts of offshore resources in his waning days in office.


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670 Issues and Legislation Impacting New Mexico's Restaurant Industry - Carol Wight

On this week's Tipping Point interview Paul sits down with regular guest Carol Wight Executive Director of the NM Restaurant Association. Paul and Carol begin by discussing issues with the City of Albuquerque over the City's incorrect (by admission) calculation of its minimum wage law. Carol explains why this is not "restaurant greed," but actually an issue of fairness between front-of-the-house and back-of-the-house workers. They discuss issues in the upcoming 2025 legislative session, most especially paid family leave. They address other issues in the upcoming legislative session as well including New Mexico's generally anti-business political climate. Check out this interview, the last of 2024!


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669 APS Takes One Tiny Step, Misdirection on Child Poverty, A Review of Top Events of 2024

The APS school board takes one tiny (yet controversial) step towards reality. The challenge of embracing a population decline for the government education system. More MLG misdirection on child poverty. RGF continues to call out the Gov.'s lies. A bill on the verge of being signed by President Biden will accelerate Social Security's demise. Paul and Wally then review some of the top events of 2024 in terms of their impact on public policy both nationally and in the State of New Mexico. Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year!


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668 Carla Kugler - Construction in New Mexico

On this week's Tipping Point interview Paul sits down w/ Carla Kugler head of the NM chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors. They discuss New Mexico's performance in the organization's Merit Shop Scorecard. They talk about New Mexico's massive $6 billion in unspent capital outlay dollars and the State's deteriorating roads. Finally, they discuss New Mexico's construction workforce and how the state can find and train new workers in the trades and what ABC is doing about it. You don't want to miss this important discussion!


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667 MLG State Budget Proposal, Not Addressing Medical Provider Shortage and more

MLG's budget is out and it offers taxpayers nothing. Paul and Wally do a bit of a deep dive into the budget process and why it is so confusing and lacking in transparency. Not all legislators want to address New Mexico's medical provider shortage. A $10B program to buy EVs for the U.S. Postal Service is far behind schedule, with defense contractor Oshkosh not disclosing significant manufacturing difficulties for more than a year. The USPS has received only 93 trucks - far fewer than the 3,000 expected by now. Cost is $167K per truck New Mexico sticks out (badly) in the brand new "Merit Shop Index" put out by Associated Builders and Contractors which ranks state construction environments in all 50 states.


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666 Dean Stansel - 2024 Economic Freedom in North America Report

On the latest Tipping Point interview Paul talks to Dean Stansel, lead author of the 2024 Economic Freedom of North America report. What is economic freedom and why is it so important? Why does New Mexico lag in it and why is it getting worse?


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665 UNM Football, Free College Impacts in New Mexico, Potential Move for New Mexico State Fair and more

New Mexico drops two spots to 47th in latest Economic Freedom of North America. UNM football loses head coach. Why does this have economic importance? "Free" college drives up attendance at New Mexico colleges and universities, but to what end? Bernalillo County is voting on Tuesday to potentially raise County Commissioner salaries under the recently-passed constitutional amendment. Is YOUR county voting to increase commissioner salaries soon? MLG wants to potentially move the New Mexico's State Fair. Paul and Wally take a closer look. . We took a look at Maxeson Solar's financials and they are UGLY. 6% of federal workers are in the office full time while one-third are fully remote.


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664 Think New Mexico's Policy Report on Medical Provider Shortage with Fred Nathan

On this week's interview Paul talks to Fred Nathan of Think New Mexico. The organization has a new policy report about the State's ongoing medical provider shortage. Paul and Fred discuss the organization's findings, whether the Legislature will be open to them, and areas of agreement/disagreement they have. Fred and his organization hope to make this a top priority in the upcoming session. Check out this timely and important conversation!


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663 Biden Pardons Hunter, Maxeon Solar Scales Back New Mexico Plant, RVs to be Banned and more

Joe Biden pardons his son for ANY federal crime dating back to 2014. This is a major about face and further highlights Biden's family corruption. Maxeon Solar moves forward in NM with a dramatically scaled back plant. Will their subsidies be scaled back as well? Has MLG put New Mexico on a path to banning RV sales? A proposal to put MORE New Mexicans on Medicaid will be introduced this session. Also, a proposal to weaken New Mexico's anti-donation clause will be introduced this session. Finally, Paul has a brief conversation with small-time mine operator Lori Coleman about the situation regarding a potential Biden Administration monument designation before he leaves office.


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662 Tom Clifford - Taxes and Hidden Funds in New Mexico

Tom Clifford has an extensive background in taxation and fiscal matters for New Mexico. He was Cabinet Secretary of the Department of Finance and Administration in the Martinez Administration, Tax Policy Director at Taxation and Revenue Department, and Economist at Taxation and Revenue Department, Department of Finance and Administration, and the Legislative Finance Committee. Paul and Tom discuss the issues affecting taxation in New Mexico, discuss some strategies to improve the economy of the state through tax policy as well management of the large permanent funds that exist in New Mexico.


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661 Trump Could Learn from New Mexico?, Decline in Public School Enrollment to Accelerate and more

NM House speaker says "Trump Could Learn from NM": how's that? MLG claims New Mexico's child poverty rate dropped from50th to a ranking of 17th. What's the REAL story? NM's stark decline in public school enrollment is set to accelerate. . Economic ignorance of those "leading" New Mexico is a real problem. The US Constitution should be amended to keep the Court at 9members. Heritage Foundation finds New Mexico election integrity ranked 36th. MLG's symposium on transportation omits the dominant transportation technology and other important issues. NM State auditor finds numerous instances of wasteful spending at WNMU.


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660 The Jobs and Processes at Election Polling Locations with Carol Gessing

On this week's interview Paul talks to Carol Gessing. Not only is Carol his mother, but Carol worked the two weeks of early voting this fall as well as over the summer during the primaries. They discuss the various jobs of election officials at polling places, the processes used to verify the accuracy of the elections and other issues involved in conducting New Mexico's elections. Carol lived in Ohio and has some comparisons with the way things work in that state as compared to NM.


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659 Trump Appointees and MLG's "Dream Job" plus New Work Requirements for Food Stamps and more

On this week's Tipping Point conversation Paul and Wally discuss President-elect Trump's cabinet choices and their special importance to New Mexico. Interior, Energy, HHS, and "border czar" are among the most impactful. How will they impact our State? Speaking of RFK, Paul's tweet about RFK taking MLG's "dream job" recently went viral. Paul was in Lake Tahoe last week with Grover Norquist and members of the center-right coalition. What was he there for and what did he learn? Newly imposed food stamp work requirements took effect in a few counties around New Mexico recently. Some liberals are freaking out. New Mexico House Speaker Javier Martinez says NM is "Trump Proof." Paul and Wally believe differently. California recently enhanced its "clean fuel standard" like the one New Mexico has in place. It will cost California motorists 67 cents/gallon as a starting point. It will be a challenging legislative session for freedom lovers in New Mexico in 2025, but RGF has outlined its goals for 2025. 12 women volleyball players in the Mountain West are suing the conference on First Amendment grounds over the transgender player for San Jose State University. A former Democrat State Senator recently took Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller to task over crime.


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658 Daniel Turner - Energy Issues under Trump

On this week's interview Paul sits down with Daniel Turner the Founder and Executive Director of Power the Future, a pro-energy activism organization that works nationally and in New Mexico. Paul and Daniel discuss the role energy issues played in the 2024 election and why New Mexico failed to embrace pro-energy, reform-minded candidates. Also they discuss what Trump will do on energy issues in the near future and over his four years in office as well as where things are headed in New Mexico. Don't miss this thoughtful, forward-looking conversation!


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657 Election Results and the Looming Issues Ahead for New Mexico and the United States

On this week's conversation Paul and Wally discuss the election results. Specifically each of them made predictions about the election and potential outcomes. How did they do? Ultimately this conversation wraps up the election outcomes and looks forward to some big issues and races looming in the months and years ahead for the United States and New Mexico alike.


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656 Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation - What Can be Done to Improve New Mexico's Tax Competitiveness

On this week's interview Paul talks to Jared Walczak of the Tax Foundation. The Tax Foundation is a prominent center/right taxpayer research organization based in Washington, DC. They often testify in New Mexico's Legislature on issues relating to taxation. They also have a new State Tax Competitiveness Index. New Mexico ranks 31st which isn't at the bottom, but isn't great either. Paul and Jared discuss the Index, its findings and implications for tax policy, which states perform well and poorly and why, and what New Mexico policymakers should do to make New Mexico more competitive with other states. You don't want to miss this fascinating conversation!


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655 ABQ Journal's Call for Fundamental Change, Trump Rally, Judicial Performance Evaluation Committee Not Pleased, Santa Fe Schools Enrollment Down 25%

Election Day is here. Paul and Wally discuss what's at stake in the election. They also discuss Donald Trump's Albuquerque rally. A recent ABQ Journal editorial calls for fundamental change on crime. Paul concurs but wishes they'd also discussed the economy and education. Defenders of the Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission believe THEY have the answers when it comes to judicial retention. Santa Fe schools see a 25% decrease in student population. Rebecca Dow with the Foundation's OAK project attended a recent ABQ Chamber event on education and offers her own thoughts. Legislature’s craziest idea yet?


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654 Redistricting, Demographics, and Election Security with Rod Adair

On this week's interview Paul interviews former New Mexico Senator, demographer, and election official, Rod Adair. They discuss the role of demography in redistricting, the redistricting process itself, and whether New Mexico's Congressional and legislative districts are "fair." Then Paul and Rod moved on to discussing the 2024 election including the Secretary of State's recent mailing that generated controversy, how to better secure New Mexico elections, and whether the election results themselves will be "fair." With Election Day looming you don't want to miss this important conversation!


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653 Trump Coming to New Mexico, ABQ Journal Calls for Change, Election Predictions and more

Trump is coming to New Mexico. What are the details and what does it mean for the election and New Mexico? Paul voted this week. No lines but it was busy. We're in the 2nd week of early voting. You can vote through Saturday. The ABQ Journal comes out hard for change in NewMexico. This is welcome, but Paul wishes they'd say the same thing about the economy and education. Mandating setbacks for oil and gas development would costNew Mexico big $$$ according to a new report by the Legislative Finance Committee. The National Association of Manufacturers has a new report touting the economic impact of LNG exports and highlighting problems with the Biden/Harris pause. O'Neill's owner says ART and COVID cost him his business. Think New Mexico produces plan to (further) address the State's medical provider shortage. Finally, Paul and Wally offer some predictions for the election including who wins the presidency, US Senate races, and other critical races.
