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Discover Nanotechnology

Lisa J. Amstutz

Did you know that scientists are able to build with atoms, the smallest building blocks of the universe? Advanced devices, materials, and computers are three areas in which nanotechnology is changing our future a few molecules at a time. Learn more about how scientists work with the tiniest objects imaginable. Author - Lisa J. Amstutz. Narrator - Intuitive. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.


United States


Did you know that scientists are able to build with atoms, the smallest building blocks of the universe? Advanced devices, materials, and computers are three areas in which nanotechnology is changing our future a few molecules at a time. Learn more about how scientists work with the tiniest objects imaginable. Author - Lisa J. Amstutz. Narrator - Intuitive. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.



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