A Kidnapped Santa Claus
L. Frank Baum
“A Kidnapped Santa Claus” by L. Frank Baum, narrated by Aaron Sokalski, is a delightful and adventurous holiday tale that offers a unique twist on the story of Santa Claus. In this charming story, Santa is abducted by a group of mischief-making demons who seek to ruin Christmas by preventing him from delivering gifts to children. Baum’s inventive narrative mixes holiday magic with elements of fantasy, bringing listeners on an exciting journey to rescue Santa and save Christmas.
Narrator Aaron Sokalski brings the characters to life with engaging and dynamic performances, capturing the essence of each unique figure—from the mischievous demons to the heroic friends who come to Santa’s aid. His voice brings an extra layer of charm and suspense to this lesser-known classic, making it an entertaining listen for children and adults alike.
Perfect for holiday listening, A Kidnapped Santa Claus blends fantasy, adventure, and festive spirit, making it a must-listen for those looking to add a little something different to their holiday traditions. This audiobook is sure to capture the imagination and remind listeners of the magic and joy that comes with the Christmas season.
Duration - 25m.
Author - L. Frank Baum.
Narrator - Aaron Sokalski.
Published Date - Monday, 15 January 2024.
Copyright - © 1904 The Delineator ©.
United States
L. Frank Baum
Aaron Sokalski
Anthony Pica Productions, LLC
English Audiobooks
Findaway Audiobooks
“A Kidnapped Santa Claus” by L. Frank Baum, narrated by Aaron Sokalski, is a delightful and adventurous holiday tale that offers a unique twist on the story of Santa Claus. In this charming story, Santa is abducted by a group of mischief-making demons who seek to ruin Christmas by preventing him from delivering gifts to children. Baum’s inventive narrative mixes holiday magic with elements of fantasy, bringing listeners on an exciting journey to rescue Santa and save Christmas. Narrator Aaron Sokalski brings the characters to life with engaging and dynamic performances, capturing the essence of each unique figure—from the mischievous demons to the heroic friends who come to Santa’s aid. His voice brings an extra layer of charm and suspense to this lesser-known classic, making it an entertaining listen for children and adults alike. Perfect for holiday listening, A Kidnapped Santa Claus blends fantasy, adventure, and festive spirit, making it a must-listen for those looking to add a little something different to their holiday traditions. This audiobook is sure to capture the imagination and remind listeners of the magic and joy that comes with the Christmas season. Duration - 25m. Author - L. Frank Baum. Narrator - Aaron Sokalski. Published Date - Monday, 15 January 2024. Copyright - © 1904 The Delineator ©.
Opening Credits
A kidnapped santa claus
Ending Credits