Snow White and Rose Red
Jacob Grimm
Step into the enchanting world of the Brothers Grimm with "Snow White and Rose Red," a timeless fairy tale brought to life by the captivating voices of Erica Holden and Martin Holden. This beloved story follows the adventures of two kind-hearted sisters, Snow White and Rose Red, who live in harmony with nature and help those in need.
The sisters' lives take a magical turn when they befriend a bear who visits their home and protect him from danger. Little do they know, the bear is actually a prince under a wicked spell. As the story unfolds, Snow White and Rose Red must use their courage and kindness to break the spell and uncover the truth.
Erica Holden and Martin Holden's expressive narration captures the warmth, mystery, and wonder of this classic fairy tale, making it an engaging experience for listeners of all ages. Their performances bring each character to life, immersing you in the lush, magical forest and the sisters' heartwarming journey.
Perfect for family listening, bedtime stories, or anyone who loves classic fairy tales, "Snow White and Rose Red" is an essential addition to any audiobook collection. Discover the enduring charm of this story and the powerful message of love and kindness that it imparts.
Duration - 14m.
Author - Jacob Grimm.
Narrator - Erica Holden.
Published Date - Sunday, 14 January 2024.
United States
Step into the enchanting world of the Brothers Grimm with "Snow White and Rose Red," a timeless fairy tale brought to life by the captivating voices of Erica Holden and Martin Holden. This beloved story follows the adventures of two kind-hearted sisters, Snow White and Rose Red, who live in harmony with nature and help those in need. The sisters' lives take a magical turn when they befriend a bear who visits their home and protect him from danger. Little do they know, the bear is actually a prince under a wicked spell. As the story unfolds, Snow White and Rose Red must use their courage and kindness to break the spell and uncover the truth. Erica Holden and Martin Holden's expressive narration captures the warmth, mystery, and wonder of this classic fairy tale, making it an engaging experience for listeners of all ages. Their performances bring each character to life, immersing you in the lush, magical forest and the sisters' heartwarming journey. Perfect for family listening, bedtime stories, or anyone who loves classic fairy tales, "Snow White and Rose Red" is an essential addition to any audiobook collection. Discover the enduring charm of this story and the powerful message of love and kindness that it imparts. Duration - 14m. Author - Jacob Grimm. Narrator - Erica Holden. Published Date - Sunday, 14 January 2024.
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