As climate change parches Somalia, frequent drought comes with conflict
PBS NewsHour
Desert sand is slowly taking over Somalia. Just six years after the last major drought emergency, the rains have failed again -- a devastating trend in a country where around 80 percent of people make their living on the land. Special correspondent Jane Ferguson and videographer Alessandro Pavone report on how climate change is threatening a way of life that has sustained Somalia for millennia.
Author - PBS NewsHour.
Narrator - PBS NewsHour.
Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
Copyright - © 2018 NewsHour Productions LLC ©.
United States
Desert sand is slowly taking over Somalia. Just six years after the last major drought emergency, the rains have failed again -- a devastating trend in a country where around 80 percent of people make their living on the land. Special correspondent Jane Ferguson and videographer Alessandro Pavone report on how climate change is threatening a way of life that has sustained Somalia for millennia. Author - PBS NewsHour. Narrator - PBS NewsHour. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023. Copyright - © 2018 NewsHour Productions LLC ©.
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Chapter 1