Gospeled Boldly
Lutheran Talk
Gospeled Boldly is a Higher Things podcast hosted by Rev. Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke. This podcast focuses on Bible Study.
If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The Gospeled Boldly Facebook page. Please rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts.
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Gospeled Boldly is a Higher Things podcast hosted by Rev. Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke. This podcast focuses on Bible Study. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The Gospeled Boldly Facebook page. Please rate and review our show on Apple Podcasts.
Eyes on the But – Gospeled Boldly #111
Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke continue the book of Ephesians. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about the use of Church Holidays in British fiction. This episode covers Ephesians 2:4-13. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The Gospeled Boldly Facebook page. Please rate and review our […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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No Doubt About It – Gospeled Boldly #110
Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke continue the book of Ephesians. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about assurance of salvation. This episode covers Ephesians 1:15-2:3. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The Gospeled Boldly Facebook page. Please rate and review our show on iTunes. Click here to subscribe […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Phenomenal Cosmic Power – Gospeled Boldly #109
Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke begin the book of Ephesians. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about political speech from the pulpit. This episode covers Ephesians 1:1-14. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The Gospeled Boldly Facebook page. Please rate and review our show on iTunes. Click […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Focus – Gospeled Boldly #107
In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about the proper focus of the Christian. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about the proper sense of “doulos” – is it “servant” or “slave”? This episode covers Galatians 6:1-11. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Fruit Salad – Gospeled Boldly #106
Just one little bite? In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about freedom and the law. Then, they examine the WORKS of the flesh, and the FRUITS of the spirit. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about premarital sex, and how to tell when someone is self-justifying via Scripture. This episode covers […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Two Women – Gospeled Boldly #105
Forget deathbed conversions—Paul converts others on his own quasi-deathbed! In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about how Paul came to the Galatians. Then they observe the contrast between Sarah and Hagar, the free woman and the slave, and their respective offspring. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about the phrase “everything […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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While A Child – Gospeled Boldly #104
In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke discuss the difference between before Christ came, and after, as pertains faith. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about how we think about the Holidays. This episode covers Galatians 3:23-4:11. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Sola Fide – Gospeled Boldly #103
Paul doubles down. In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke marvel at the rhetorical prowess by which Paul demonstrates that faith, not works of the law, is what saves. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about pragmatism and the Christian faith. This episode covers Galatians 3:7-22. If you have questions you’d like […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Solus Christus – Gospeled Boldly #102
Pelagians-b-gon! In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read through Paul’s Christocentric counter-argument against the Judaizers. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown discusses heavenly rewards. This episode covers Galatians 2:15-3:6. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The Gospeled Boldly Facebook page. Please rate and review our show on iTunes. Click […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be...
Council Say Whaaaaa? – Gospeled Boldly #101
Peter had it coming. In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke discuss Paul’s confrontation of Peter, and why it needed to happen. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about suicide. This episode covers Galatians 1:18-2:14. If you have questions you’d like answered send them via our Contact Page or post them on The Gospeled Boldly Facebook page. […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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B-I-B-L-E – Gospeled Boldly #100
In this milestone episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke discuss the Bible in three parts: 1) Hermeneutics; 2) The Old Testament; 3) The New Testament. And, as a bonus, you get to see what we see when we record because we produced this as a video episode!
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Epistle Roulette
Paul takes off the kid gloves. In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke begin their read-through of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Pastor gives some background to the book, and we begin to get a picture of just what is going on that is so concerning to Paul. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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The Mighty Have Fallen – Gospeled Boldly #98
David takes pursuit! In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about David’s vengeance on the Amalekites, and how in the aftermath he radically changed ancient warfare. Then, Saul drinks the full measure of God’s promised punishment. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about mission trips. This episode covers 1 Samuel 30:8-31:13 If […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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How Low Can You Go – Gospeled Boldly #97
Depends… how low is Sheol? In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about David’s new occupation as a Philistine mercenary—albeit one with his own motives. A necromancer helps Saul destroy the shield generator on the afterlife so they can talk to a very miffed Samuel. Then, David gets kicked out of the army, only […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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The Lifespan of the Ancients – Gospeled Boldly Bonus
Tom’s out sick from the 2018 Higher Things conference in Lawrence, KS. Does that mean his breakout session on the Lifespan of the Ancients is kaput? Thanks to the modern technology of podcasting—by no means! Listen in as Tom asks the question: does Adam’s lifespan defy credulity? Or is it another example of the truth being […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Throwing Shade – Gospeled Boldly #96
Okay, so Abner was the king’s general even as far back as the Goliath account, which makes David’s taunt against his old co-worker even funnier. In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about Saul’s latest pursuit of David, and how David saves Saul’s life—again. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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I’m A Nabal For You – Gospeled Boldly #95
David gets saved from himself – by a girl! In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about God’s divine intervention in the form of the woman Abigail. Then, Nabal loses his life, though his wall continues to be eroded. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about misplaced machismo. This episode covers […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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Do Your Duty – Gospeled Boldly #94
And don’t be a Nabal about it. In this Episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about the King of Israel’s continued pursuit of David. Saul goes to take care of business in a cave, unaware that it is already full of squatters. Then, David and his men shepherd some shepherds, but instead of paying the […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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He’s No Outlaw – Gospeled Boldly #93
Not all that glitters is gold, and not all those on the lam are guilty. In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about Saul’s kill order against the town of Nob, and the priests therein. Then, David saves a city—what will be his reward? In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown talks about heroes […]
Copyright Higher Things®, Higher Things - Dare to be Lutheran.
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It’s Dangerous To Go Alone – Gospeled Boldly #92
Take Goliath’s sword! In this episode, Pastor Eric Brown and Thomas Lemke read about David’s pact with Jonathan and subsequent departure. He has a few false starts, but eventually accrues some companions to himself as he stays one step ahead of Saul. In the Backwards Life, Pastor Brown answers a listener question about Jesus bringing […]
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