Atlas of Resistance
News & Politics Podcasts
On Atlas of Resistance, host Rocky Petkov maps out groups that are fighting for radical and progressive change in Toronto. Each episode features a conversation with grassroots organisers in Toronto who work on everything from mutual aid to combatting the climate crisis. Conversations cover everything from tactics and politics and highlight the kind of work necessary to support our communities and what *you* can do to get involved in the fight.
News & Politics Podcasts
On Atlas of Resistance, host Rocky Petkov maps out groups that are fighting for radical and progressive change in Toronto. Each episode features a conversation with grassroots organisers in Toronto who work on everything from mutual aid to combatting the climate crisis. Conversations cover everything from tactics and politics and highlight the kind of work necessary to support our communities and what *you* can do to get involved in the fight.
Ep. 015 - Canvassing in the Deep End
Have you ever returned from a canvass demoralised that you only ended up preaching to those already converted? Wish there was some way to build bridges to cross the chasms that are growing wider with every day in an increasingly fractured and polarised political landscape?
The technique of deep canvassing was created to respond directly to these concerns. With its origins in the fight for marriage equality in California, practitioners of deep canvassing have employed radical empathy and...
Ep. 014 - The Front Lines are a Callin
From the coastal waters of Mi'kma'ki to the yintah, Indigenous folks have been leading some of the most and successful resistance movements across Turtle Island, despite often violent reprisals from the police and in the case of Mi'kmaq fisherfolk even some settlers. Despite this, these activists persist because the work they do is necessary to protect Indigenous lands and livelihoods.
One does not have to go far from Toronto to find a successful example of front-line indigenous activism...
Ep. 013 - COP Special (AKA: All the Good COP Puns Have Been Taken)
Sick of having the most modest proposals to address the climate emergency be celebrated as revolutionary? You are not alone...
In a COP Conference Special, three interviews with climate activists whose perspectives have been either marginalised or missing from the negotiating floor in Glasgow.
Africa Counter COP Statement
Nógha's Interview with Panoramic Outdoors Podcast - A Great Listen
Indigenous Guardians Toolkit
Friends of the Earth - Africa -...
Ep. 012 - Gig Workers United
Union Organiser and Gig Worker Jennifer Scott of Gig Workers United shares her experiences on the front lines fighting to unionise and win labour rights for her fellow gig workers. We explore the difficult coversations that gig workers must have with each other, the dehumanisation both the apps and our urban environments force couriers to experience AND why all eyes should be Ontario as the province sets out to re-define the future of work.
The consultations for the...
Ep. 001 - Parkdale Organise
In the debut episode of Atlas of Resistance, Rocky talks with Emina Gamulin and Matt Whittman of [Parkdale Organize](http://parkdaleorganize.ca/) about the COVID evictions crisis, tenant organising and the [Keep Your Rent](https://keepyourrent.com/) campaign. **More Info** [Blog Entry](http://atlasofresistance.org/blog001) For more information on Parkdale Organize check them out online! [**Website**](http://www.parkdaleorganize.ca) [**Facebook**](https://www.facebook.com/parkdaleorganize)...
Ep. 009 - Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition
Activist, organiser and cyclist Danielle Griscti talks with Rocky about how to build out a cycling network that is accessable to all Torontonians and why it is *critical* that pressure must be kept on city council so that the momentum from record setting expansions in 2020 is not lost as we begin to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. PLUS: Why it's important to celebrate victories in our activism *and* how to talk to that neighbour who millitantly opposes any new bike infrastructure....
Ep. 006 - No One is Illegal
This week on Atlas of Resistance, Sharmeen Khan of No One Is Illegal - Toronto (NOII) talks to Rocky the fight to secure status for all and how our current migration regime intersects with many other issues in our society from policing and prisions to public education and care work. **[MORE INFO]** For more information on No One Is Illegal look at the links section. *Blog Post Forthcoming* **[MUSIC]** *Intro* - Introduction to The Man Who Stole The Sun - Takehiko Inoue & Katz Hiroshi *Outro*...
BONUS - Longer Version of Interview with Sharmeen Khan
(Note: This is a longer version of the interview released as part of Episode 006 -- No One is Illegal) This week on Atlas of Resistance, Sharmeen Khan of No One Is Illegal - Toronto (NOII) talks to Rocky the fight to secure status for all and how our current migration regime intersects with many other issues in our society from policing and prisions to public education and care work. **[MORE INFO]** For more information on No One Is Illegal look at the links section. *Blog Post Forthcoming*...
Ep. 002 - Food Not Bombs
Host Rocky Petkov talks with Squid Lutz and Ryan Galloway from [Toronto Food Not Bombs](https://www.torontofoodnotbombs.ca/) about the logistics of feeding the hungry week in and week out, the value of mutual aid and how feeding your neighbours might just be the most subversive thing you can do. **[MORE INFO]** *Blog Post comming soon* For more information of Toronto Food Not Bombs, check them out online at the links below, OR meet them Sunday afternoons outside of the Allen Gardens....
Ep. 005 - The Bike Brigade
This week on Atlas of Resistance, Dave Shellnutt of the The Bike Brigade talks to Rocky about how the brigade has mobilised cyclists in support of community organisations. Yet, deliveries are only half how the brigade shows up for their community. **[MORE INFO]** For more information on The Bike Brigades look at the links section **[MUSIC]** *Intro* - Midnight Rendezvous - Casiopea *Outro* - Bicycle Race - Queen
Ep. 003 - Davenport Mutual Aid Network
Host Rocky Petkov engages Nahum Mann of the [Davenport Mutual Aid Network](https://davenportmutualaid.ca/) in a wide ranging coversation about the principles and effective practise of mutual aid. Listen to find out what steps you can take today toward cultivating effective platforms of resistance and resiliance in your community **[MORE INFO]** *Blog Post comming soon* For more information of the Davenport Mutual Aid Network look below:...
Ep. 010 - Container Gardening in Flemingdon Park
Plant genetics educator, researcher and Dr. Javad Mozafari shares with Rocky his experience partnering with the Flemingdon Health Centre to teach his neighbours how to cultivate fruits, herbs and vegetables right from their apartments and balconies. From there the conversation branches out to discussing the broader issues of food security, sovreignty and how regaining local and household control of our food production will be an integral part of building food systems resilient for the 21st...
Ep. 008 - York South-Weston Tenants' Union
Organiser Bruno Dobrusin of the York South-Weston Tenants' Union talks with Rocky about some of the recent victories as well as the long road ahead in the fight to protect tenants' rights and keep our neighbours, ourselves really in our homes. ***[IMPORTANT]*** For those facing an iminent threat of an eviction, it is strongly encouraged that you do not put off taking action. Resources in multiple languages explaining your rights and how you can begin to take action can be found on the...
Ep. 004 - Fridays for Future
(NOTE: I initially uploaded the Parkdale Organise episode. This has been rectified so you should now have the correct episode) This week on the programme, two actvists from two different groups. Allie Rugeot of [Fridays for Future - Toronto](https://www.fridaysforfutureto.org/) and Savi Gellatly-Ladd of [Climate Justice Toronto (CJTO)]() talk with Rocky about climate justice, how the move to online organising due to the pandemic has made groups more accessable and tips on how to juggle...
Ep. 007 - The People's Pantry
Andrea Roman Alfaro and Jade Da Costa share with Rocky how they worked to help build an organisation that feeds about 400 people across the GTA every week. Food justice, BIPOC organising cultures and building a practice of mutual aid that is sustainable in the long term are all on the menu for this week's conversation. ***[IMPORTANT]*** For those living in Toronto, there are only limited slots available to sign up for meals each week. Sign ups open at *Sundays @ 12PM Noon* and go quick....
Ep. 011 - North of Bloor Mutual Aid
Organisers Mercedes Ferrer and Linda Kwan of the North of Bloor Mutual Aid Network share with Rocky both the challenges and rewards in navigating the sometimes byzantine systems here in Ontario to connect neighbours to vaccines. In addition, we talk about the challenges of building trust with the community, a cornerstone of any mutual aid project. If you're keen to learn more about the basic principles of mutual aid check out Episode Three where I interview Nahum Mann of the Davenport Mutual...
Ep. 010 - Container Gardening in Flemingdon Park
Plant genetics educator, researcher and Dr. Javad Mozafari shares with Rocky his experience partnering with the Flemingdon Health Centre to teach his neighbours how to cultivate fruits, herbs and vegetables right from their apartments and balconies. From there the conversation branches out to discussing the broader issues of food security, sovreignty and how regaining local and household control of our food production will be an integral part of building food systems resilient for the 21st...
Ep. 009 - Toronto Community Bikeways Coalition
Activist, organiser and cyclist Danielle Griscti talks with Rocky about how to build out a cycling network that is accessable to all Torontonians and why it is *critical* that pressure must be kept on city council so that the momentum from record setting expansions in 2020 is not lost as we begin to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. PLUS: Why it's important to celebrate victories in our activism *and* how to talk to that neighbour who millitantly opposes any new bike infrastructure....
Ep. 008 - York South-Weston Tenants' Union
Organiser Bruno Dobrusin of the York South-Weston Tenants' Union talks with Rocky about some of the recent victories as well as the long road ahead in the fight to protect tenants' rights and keep our neighbours, ourselves really in our homes. ***[IMPORTANT]*** For those facing an iminent threat of an eviction, it is strongly encouraged that you do not put off taking action. Resources in multiple languages explaining your rights and how you can begin to take action can be found on the...
Ep. 007 - The People's Pantry
Andrea Roman Alfaro and Jade Da Costa share with Rocky how they worked to help build an organisation that feeds about 400 people across the GTA every week. Food justice, BIPOC organising cultures and building a practice of mutual aid that is sustainable in the long term are all on the menu for this week's conversation. ***[IMPORTANT]*** For those living in Toronto, there are only limited slots available to sign up for meals each week. Sign ups open at *Sundays @ 12PM Noon* and go quick....