Conversations with Consequences
News & Politics Podcasts
“Conversations with Consequences” is the voice of The Catholic Association, offering a weekly hour of thoughtful dialogue—with the leading thinkers of our time— on the most consequential issues of our day.
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News & Politics Podcasts
“Conversations with Consequences” is the voice of The Catholic Association, offering a weekly hour of thoughtful dialogue—with the leading thinkers of our time— on the most consequential issues of our day.
Ep. 308 Msgr. Roger Landry on 5th Anniversary of Pandemic & Leigh Snead Talks Truth About IVF
Marking 5 years since the start of the pandemic, Msgr. Roger Landry discusses the many moments of grace and mercy when COVID shut the entire world down. Lamenting the lack of access to the sacraments and the many lessons learned since the global state of emergency, the team also notes the real heroes of the pandemic: Catholic schools. Coming up for air while she's knee deep writing a book about adoption, TCA colleague Leigh Snead shares the real dangers of IVF and the many joys found in being an adoptive mother. The TCA team also delve into what they are doing for Lent--and how best to unite one's suffering to the cross during this penitential season.
Ep. 307 Rep. Chris Smith on the Persecuted Church & Mauro Borelli on The Last Supper
After being recognized at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast last week, New Jersey Congressman Chris Smith joins to discuss religious freedom within our own country as well as across the globe including the Nigeria, Nicaragua, and China where Catholics are severely persecuted for their faith. With a new movie coming to theaters next weekend, director and screenwriter Mauro Borelli shares what motivated him to make the film, and why viewers see Judas in a whole new light. Msgr. Roger Landry also joins discussing how best to make the most of these 40 days of Lent. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 306 Gavin Ashenden on Encountering the Devil, Dr. Marguerite Duane, & Praying for Pope Francis
With the Holy Father still in the hospital, countless Catholics across the globe have been praying for him including cardinals gathering every evening in Rome to pray the Rosary. "And as the Holy Father desperately needs our prayers and is begging for our prayers," as Msgr. Roger Landry tells us, we discuss all the ways Catholics pray for the Vicar of Christ at every Mass, in every Rosary, and especially in these hours of need. We also chat with the former chaplain to the late Queen Elizabeth of England all about his powerful conversion story wrought on by an encounter with the devil which left him clinging to the Marian prayer. As Ashenden says, "Evil subsided and went away--the Rosary worked." With the White House going all-in on IVF, Dr. Marguerite Duane also joins to share why "infertility is not a disease" and why naprotechnology fixes the underlying issues while IVF just ignores them. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 305 David Bereit on New Pro-Life Coalition & Bronwen McShea Talks Women in the Church!
With the big news this week of a new Life Leadership Conference being formed, executive director David Bereit joins to discuss the mission behind the coalition and why in a Post-Roe world, "pro-life organizations need to adapt to an altered landscape and new set of challenges." We also chat with historian Bronwen McShea about women in the church just ahead of a conference she is part of next month at the University of Notre Dame. Msgr. Roger Landry also joins with a very special appeal ahead of Lent: Make time for Eucharistic Adoration--especially as we round out the Eucharistic Revival. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 304 Ryan Anderson on Amazon Ending Book Ban & Father Dominic Legge on the Face of Aquinas
With the bestselling book, When Harry Became Sally now back on Amazon, author Ryan Anderson joins with the unique backstory. He also expounds on why we must keep technology as a supplement, never a substitute in our daily lives, especially for the sake of our kids. Father Dominic Legge also joins, discussing the life of St. Thomas Aquinas with the recent image trending of the doctor of the church being recreated based on analysis of the skull. The study also points to the true cause of death of the Angelic Doctor. Msgr. Roger Landry discusses the Shrine of the North American Martyrs as it received national recognition by the USSCB this month. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 303 Clare Morell Offers a Pro-Family Tech Agenda & Celebrating Black History Month!
On the heels of Pope Francis' concerns about AI last week, Clare Morell of the Ethics and Public Policy penned a letter with several other Catholics highlighting a "Pro-Family Tech Agenda" to help safeguard families--especially children--from the dangers of screens and social media. She shares why all parents should be shielding young minds from big tech. Marking Black History Month, Mary Fiorito also tells us all about Dr. Mildred Fay Jefferson, one of the founding members of the National Right to Life Committee--who was also the first African American woman to be accepted to Harvard Medical School. Msgr. Roger Landry also offers a homily for this Sunday's Gospel. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 302 Pro-Lifer Paul Vaughn Rejoices Over Trump Pardon & Miscarriage Misinformation at RFK Hearing
With 23 pro-lifers pardoned last week, we talk with Paul Vaughn, father of 11 who was arrested for praying for the unborn outside an abortion clinic in Tennessee. Offering a gripping account of the moments FBI agents arrived at his home to now being pardoned, Vaughn says his Christian faith carried him through the entire adversity. After a contentious RFK hearing on Capitol Hill, Mary Fiorito answers the question the HHS nominee had difficulty answering: Yes, states with pro-life laws can help pregnant women suffering from miscarriage and other complications. We also check in with Becket senior counsel Will Haun as the Supreme Court is expected to take up a very important case that is bringing parents of all faiths together in Maryland as they fight to keep pride books out of the classroom. Msgr. Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for the Presentation of the Lord. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET and %pmET EWTN radio!
Ep. 301 Jennie Bradley Lichter Previews March for Life & Join this Novena for Victims of the California Wildfire
As we approach the 2025 March for Life, new president Jennie Bradley Lichter joins to discuss this year's line-up and why she has been marching since 2001! As victims attempt to pick up the pieces after the devastating California wildfires, we learn all about a novena starting Friday for all those displaced and suffering. Msgr. Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for Word of God Sunday! Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 300 Mary Fiorito on the Feminine Genius & Katy Faust Talks Pro-Child Politics!
As Archbishop Charles Chaput took the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God to highlight Catholic women who work indefatigably for the Church, we speak with one of them: Mary Fiorito of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, all about feminine genius and why 'God's rules exist to keep us happy.' We also check in with Katy Faust just ahead of the Inauguration as the tide may be turning on woke ideology, and more minded to 'Pro-Child Politics.' Msgr. Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for this Sunday's Gospel. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 299 Rosary in A Year Tops Rogan & Edward Pentin Remembers Cardinal George Pell
With the Rosary in a Year Podcast topping the charts this past week, we talk with the host Father Mark-Mary Ames about the power of this prayer and his own conversion at the age of 18. This week also marks 2 years since the death of the gentle giant Cardinal George Pell. With a new biography out on the prelate, Edward Pentin shares some of the insights, remembering his profound faith in the wake of such adversity. Msgr. Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for the Baptism of the Lord this Sunday. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 298 Ryan Anderson Talks Pro-Life Landscape Ahead of March for Life 2025!
As we look ahead to the March for Life later this month, Ryan Anderson of the Ethics and Public Policy Center joins to discuss the pro-life movement's future and the importance of promoting chastity and marriage in a post-Roe world. He also dispels the many myths that the pro-abortion lobby is spreading about states with pro-life laws, pointing out that every state has "explicit provisions" that no mother would ever be denied life-saving treatment. We also discuss the role of fatherhood and virtue with a new video series just launced by the Knights of Columbus. Msgr. Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily for the Epiphany. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 297 Emily Stimpson Chapman on Embracing the Christmas Octave & Celebrating with the Saints!
As the Christmas season is just getting started, Catholic author Emily Stimpson Chapman discusses ways to keep the spirit alive during the octave. She also shares her own experience with infertility and the joy of now being a mother of 3 through adoption! The TCA team also discusses the upcoming feast days and how best to celebrate with the saints during this holiday season! Msgr. Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for this Sunday's Gospel. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 296 Animator Tim Reckart Talks The Star & Father Roger Landry on His New Title By Pope Francis!
As we head into the last week of Advent and the Christmas octave, movie director and animator Tim Reckart joins to share what tops his holiday movie list including his own hit, The Star, featuring a star-studded cast in a retelling of the Nativity as told by the animals in the stable. He also teases some details on some new movies coming in the new year! As Father Roger Landry received the title of Monsignor from Pope Francis this week, we talk to him about his tenure serving as Catholic chaplain at Columbia and what he is most excited about with his new post serving as national director of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the US. He also reflects on his time walking the entire Seton Route of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 295 Christmas Movies on the Vatican Film List & Carrie Gress Talks Classical Countdown Takeover!
As we get closer to Christmas, Father Michael Ward, part of the trio behind Popcorn with the Pope joins to share some of the best movies for the holiday from the Vatican Film List including the classic, It's a Wonderful Life. Father Ward also discusses the many cameos he's had including his most recent inThe Most Reluctant Convert. Carrie Gress of Theology of Home also shares a very cool story about a girls' Catholic school taking over a radio station's holiday classical countdown! Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily for Gaudete Sunday. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 294 8 Surprising Facts About Notre Dame Cathedral & the Wild West of IVF
With the grand reopening of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris this weekend, Solène Tadié of the National Catholic Register, joins to share some rare little known facts about the historic cathedral about this medieval Gothic jewel, also remembering the heroism on that fateful day when a chaplain ran into rescue the Blessed Sacrament and sacred relics. Ashley McGuire and Leigh Snead also discuss 2 recent articles on the tragic realities of IVF. Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for this Sunday's Gospel as we contemplate the Immaculate Conception. Catch the show every Saturday 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 293 Edward Pentin on Jimmy Lai and Why the Vatican Remains Silent & Finding Gratitude This Thanksgiving!
As world leaders sound the alarm over the harsh treatment of Jimmy Lai languishing in a Hong Kong prison cell, EWTN News Vatican analyst Edward Pentin joins to discuss why there is radio silence from the Vatican on this man who remains steadfast to his Catholic faith. The TCA team also discusses tips on hospitality and remaining grateful amid the bustling holiday season--and even where to find the best recipes! We also talk with Elizabeth Kirk about her adoption journey and countering the soft stigma against this loving option. Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily as we prepare our hearts for Advent. Make sure to catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 292 TCA Team Talks Martin Scorsese & the Saints + National Adoption Month
With controversial director Martin Scorsese out with a new series documenting the lives of 8 Catholic saints, Ashley McGuire chats with Leigh Snead and Betsy Fentress about what motivated Scorsese at this chapter in his life to make such a compelling tv series. Marking National Adoption Month, Leigh Snead and author Mary Bruno share intimate details about the cross of infertility and the joy they both found in adoption. Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for Christ the King Sunday! Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 291 Ryan Anderson on the Future of the Pro-Life Movement & KofC's New Virtue Video Series !
TCA colleague Ashley McGuire chats with Ryan Anderson of the Ethics and Public Policy Center on the future of the pro-life movement and why being pro-family and pro-chastity is vital in order to change the culture. We also dive into a new Leadership Virtues Series with Dr. Joseph McInerny of the Knights of Columbus who invites all of us but especially men to sign up for this virtual boot camp in living a virtuous life! Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for this Sunday's Gospel. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 290 The Catholic Vote & The Thought Police
With election results now in, TCA colleagues Dr. Grazie Christie and Ashley McGuire discuss the impact the Catholic vote had especially in light of Harris' anti-Catholic bigotry. We also discuss the defeat of Amendment 4 in Florida and how helping families flourish is still the highest priority. With multiple arrests of pro-lifers praying silently outside abortion facilities in the UK, investigative journalist Madeleine Kearns joins to share her jaw-dropping research as the 'thought-police' are clearly alive and well, terrorizing those that pray. Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily to prepare us for this Sunday's Gospel. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!
Ep. 289 Kamala's Anti-Catholic Bias & All Souls Day
Ahead of Election Day Tuesday, Dr. Grazie Christie and Ashley McGuire discuss the flagrant anti-Catholic bias of Kamala Harris on the heels of her latest statements on no concessions for religious exemptions of any kind when it comes to abortion. We also talk with Michael Lichens of Ignatius Press about the importance of remembering our own death--especially as enter into November. Father Roger Landry also offers an inspiring homily for this Sunday's Gospel. Catch the show every Saturday at 7amET/5pmET on EWTN radio!