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Binnall of America

Paranormal Podcasts

Paranormal conversations with the world's leading researchers of the strange and unusual.


Boston, MA


Paranormal conversations with the world's leading researchers of the strange and unusual.





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BoA Revival - Ep 68 - Mark Sargent

Flat Earth proponent Mark Sargent returns to the program with his take on the wild drama currently unfolding in the community wherein multiple well-known Flat Earthers have disowned the controversial conspiracy theory. Plus, of course, tons more.


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BoA Revival - Ep 67 - Jessica Carlozzi

Podcaster Jessica Carlozzi talks about cryptids and 'cryptidbits,' the Megalodon, odd spots in Massachusetts, the Mapinguari of the Amazon, curious mysteries, and tons more.


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BoA Revival - Ep 66 - Timothy Renner

Author Timothy Renner discusses his fantastic new book 'I Have Never Minded the Loneliness: Hermits and Their Stories,' an enlightening and entertaining look at some of the colorful characters who comprised the hermit subculture well over a century ago.


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BoA Revival - Ep 65 - Barnaby Jones

Paranormal researcher Barnaby Jones discusses his investigations into Dog Man, Bigfoot, and areas of high strangeness in Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, and beyond. Plus, of course, tons more


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BoA Revival - Ep 64 - Reverend Redbeard

Podcaster Reverend Redbeard talks about the legends and folklore of Maine, including the 'haunted' Buck Memorial, the bizarre Palmyra Werewolves case, the Specter Moose, Bigfoot, big cats, and a little bit of pro wrestling. Plus, of course, tons more.


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BoA Revival - Ep 63 - Kelly Milner Halls

Author Kelly Milner Halls discusses reaching reluctant young readers with the wonders of weird, talking to kids about cryptids and ghosts, school visits and super fans, Titanic mysteries, wondrous albino animals, and tons more.


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BoA Revival - Ep 61 - Sam Baltrusis

Author Sam Baltrusis discusses his deep connection and investigation into the Lizzie Borden case, provides insight into his clairvoyant abilities, shadow people and harbingers, his fascinating seasonal work with Santa Claus and, of course, tons more.


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BoA Revival - Ep 61 - Nathan Paul Isaac

Researcher Nathan Paul Isaac of the awesome podcast 'Penny Royal' discusses Kentucky weirdness, the Hopkinsville Goblin case, Somerset strangeness, cattle mutilations, curious connections in government intelligence circles, and tons more


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BoA Revival - Ep 60 - Loren Coleman

The legendary Loren Coleman returns to the show for an in-the-weeds conversation about the world of cryptozoology and all your favorite creatures: Bigfoot, Dogman, Mothman, the Tasmanian Tiger, Orang Pendek, and more.


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BoA Revival - Ep 59 - Meghan Hock

Paranormal researcher Meghan Hock discusses her experiences as a freelance ghost investigator, haunted locations and homeowner claims of high strangeness, generational,and, of course, tons more.


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BoA Revival - Ep. 58 - Greg Bishop - 2024 Year-in-Review

We close the book on 2024 as Greg Bishop returns to BoA for our 18th annual year-in-review special.


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BoA Revival - Ep. 57 - Jeremy Vaeni & Dr. Tyler Kokjohn

Our old friends Jeremy Vaeni and Dr. Tyler Kokjohn return for another raucous BoA Christmas party. Happy holidays!


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BoA Revival - Ep 56 - Miguel 'Red Pill Junkie' Romero

Paranormal writer and artist Miguel 'Red Pill Junkie' Romero returns to BoA for an epic nearly-three-hour-long jam session wherein we ponder the UFO phenomenon, AI, the world of high strangeness, and all sorts of other intriguing topics.


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BoA Revival - Ep 55 - Drew Hurst Beeson

Author and researcher Drew Hurst Beeson returns to the program for a deep-in-the-weeds jam session covering a trio of classic unsolved mysteries: D.B. Cooper, the Zodiac Killer, and the case of the Yuba County Five.


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BoA Revival - Ep 54 - Delainey Bowers

Folklorist Delainey Bowers talks about Kentucky folklife, ostension, serpent handling, the strange tale of the Moose Lady, the art of taxidermy, the world of independent professional wrestling, and, of course, tons more


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BoA Revival - Ep 53 - Bruce Rux - Ruxgiving 2024

BoA legend Bruce Rux returns for our 14th annual Ruxgiving special. On tap this year: security guard tales, Tom DeLonge, alien abductions & ‘inductions,’ crop circles, the pyramids, Bruce's TV & movie picks, plus tons more.


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BoA Revival - Ep 52 - Eric Mintel

Paranormal investigator and jazz musician Eric Mintel discusses his investigations into the Beast of Bray Road, Bigfoot, and a haunted vampire museum as well as his two by-invitation performances at the White House for Presidents Clinton and Obama.


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BoA Revival - Ep 51 - Pat Boland

Revisiting the legendary D.B. Cooper case with researcher Pat Boland, diving deep into the vortex to muse about weird details surrounding the skyjacking as well as the unique community that has developed around the unsolved mystery.


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BoA Revival - Ep 50 - Monique Toosoon

Drag queen paranormal investigator Monique Toosoon joins us for a Halloween Spooktacular wherein we discuss her groundbreaking approach to ghost hunting.


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BoA Revival - Ep 49 - Adam Sayne

Conspirinormal's Adam Sayne joins us to talk about the evolution of the program, conspiracies in contemporary times, and the forthcoming Strange Realities Conference in Nashville and online November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
