Paranormal Podcasts
It is the policy of Dreamland to present the credible edge in science, religion and culture. We want to inform you about the real unknown—the world of genuine scientific mysteries and possibilities that the general media ignores.
Los Angeles, CA
It is the policy of Dreamland to present the credible edge in science, religion and culture. We want to inform you about the real unknown—the world of genuine scientific mysteries and possibilities that the general media ignores.
Linda Moulton Howe, Nick Pope and Brad Olsen on Their Latest Research
May 17, 2019
This week Whitley talks to Linda Moulton Howe, Nick Pope and Brad Olsen about their latest research and their plans for Contact in the Desert.
To learn about Whitley’s Contact shows, click here.
Nick is first up today, discussing new UFO revelations and what is to come, given that government appears to be loosening its grip on UFO secrecy. We are at the beginning of a watershed moment in human affairs, and he and Whitley discuss what Nick already knows will happen,...
A Tech Expert on the Matrix: Why He Believes that It's Real
May 10, 2019
Riz Virk who was last with us for his amazing book Treasure Hunt, about intuition and how to use it, returns with an even more incredible book: the Simulation Hypothesis. So is life truly being played out on a stage? One of the first communications Whitley received from Anne after her passing was a cheerful announcement: “it’s a game!”
Riz and Whitley explore such questions as, if this is a simulation, who does it belong to? If it’s us,
then who are we, and if it’s...
Erich von Daniken, then a Star Trek Voyage!
May 3, 2019
First up, Erich von Daniken tells us about what he's going to be doing at Contact in the Desert, which takes place at the Renaissance Resort in Indian Wells, California May 31-June 3.
Erich's website is Daniken.com.
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First, a Top Remote Viewer Tackles Alien Video, THEN John Hogue on Nostradamus and Notre Dame!
April 26, 2019
First Whitley learns some startling things about a group of alien videos from remote viewer John Vivanco on alien videos, then John Hogue talks about why the Nostradamus Quatrain being circulated on the internet does NOT predict the Notre Dame fire, and which one actually may do just that.
John Vivanco is one of the most powerful remote viewers around and can offer PLENTY of proof of his effectiveness. Listen as he tells his incredible story, including remote viewing...
Lee Harris on Living, Loving and Awakening
April 19, 2019
Famed medium Lee Harris joins Whitley today to tell us about his journey into mediumship and what he has learned over the years about what it means to live empowered in spirit and in joy. As she often does when we are talking about spirt and the afterlife, Anne comes in with some wonderful questions toward the end of this deep and unusual show.
Whitley and Lee talk frankly about such things as sexuality and deep healing, and the tremendous energies that are at play...
Evil Archaeology
April 12, 2019
What a show! It seems that there is plenty of evidence that the past had a very different relationship with good and evil than we now understand, and that people believed that images themselves had power, and sometimes images were created for evil power.
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Signs from the Other Side
April 5, 2019
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The Monsters in Your Back Yard...and They are There!
March 29, 2019
America is full of monsters and Jason Offutt has researched most of them! Listen as he tells Whitley his eerie findings from the high strangeness of shadow people he has seen himself to a living UFO to giant birds and finally a hair-raising story of a gnome that would be no more than creepy if Whitley didn’t possess an unexplained video of just such a creature!
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Angels, Disincarnate Entities and Demonic Possession
March 22, 2019
Susan Martinez returns to Dreamland with her new book, Field Guide to the Spirit World: the Science of Angel Power, Disincarnate Entities and Demonic Possession.
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Tales from the Borderland: Spontaneous Human Combustion and Beyond
March 15, 2019
Louis Proud returns on wings of fire discussing spontaneous human combustion, poltergeist activity and all manner of things that go bump in the night—including Whitley! Was his own well documented ‘electromagnetic effect’ responsible for the recent weirdness that unfolded at Casa Whitley?
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American Cosmic Part 2
February 22, 2019
This is Dreamland's second week with American Cosmic. Because two of the individuals discussed under pseudonyms in the book hold security clearances and requested that the interviews be officially vetted for possible issues, we had to agree to let security personnel connected with them listen. The first interview, which we aired last week, was passed.
Unfortunately, this is not true of the second one, and we are unable to air it. As Diana and Whitley don't hold...
American Cosmic: A UFO Breakthrough
February 15, 2019
Dr. Diana Pasulka, the Chairman of the Department of Religion at the University of North Carolina, Wilmington, has written one of the most extraordinary and important UFO books that has ever been published. She had unprecedented access to two people who work on UFO related projects, and brings what she learned about their work with things like highly unusual materials to the public for the first time.
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Irena Scott: Personal UFO Encounters
February 8, 2019
Irena Scott returns this week with an in-depth discussion of her own UFO experiences and her extensive and ultra-high strangeness experiences with lighting, including ball lightning.
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The Collapse of UFO Secrecy, Week 1 of a 4 Part Series
February 1, 2019
This week we begin a 4 week journey into the world of UFO secrecy. For the first two weeks, we’ll be talking to Dr. Irena McCammon Scott, who had an Above Top Secret (Coded) clearance and worked at the Battelle Memorial Institute, the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Aerospace Center.
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Strange Electromagnetic Dimensions
January 25, 2019
Louis Proud is an expert on the fringe realities of electromagnetic phenomena. Have you ever found streetlights going out when you walked or drove under them? Have you blown out computers, stereos and so forth just by standing near them? And what of poltergeist phenomena? In this enlightening interview, Louis brings together what we know about such things, and also explores the possible causes of what happened to people like Dannion Brinkley and Elizabeth Crohn after...
First Project Blue Book Truth with NY Times Reporter Leslie Kean, then Joseph Farrell's MIND-BENDING 25th Appearance on Dreamland!
January 18, 2019
This week we start with New York Times Reporter Leslie Kean telling us the TRUTH behind Project Blue Book and how the new History Channel show measures up to reality. You can read her and Ralph Blumenthal's New York Times story on Blue Book here. read more
The Nazca Mummies: Powerful New Evidence!
January 11, 2019
This week we explore the new findings about the Nazca Mummies with William Galison. The mummies have been called every sort of hoax you can imagine, but new data tells a very different story. Listen as William, who has been involved with the project from the beginning, tells the story of the latest press conference, AND the extraordinary story BEHIND it.
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Happy New Year and Guess Who's Back??
January 4, 2019
Whitley begins this show with "We usually start off the new year with a bang, but this year we're going to do it a little differently--we've selected a guest who's been chosen as our least controversial guest on Dreamland--John Hogue! Welcome, John, been kicked off any shows lately?" Of course he doesn't answer directly because it's probably true. John is among the MOST controversial guests around. This is because he's a prophet who is very often right--and even when...
Linda Moulton Howe and Whitley in a WILD Year-End Show!
December 21, 2018
Our Christmas Special this year is an hour with Linda Moulton Howe, and she and Whitley cover the world of high strangeness. They start with MK-ULTRA and the possibility that it is continuing. Linda starts with this: "from every direction, I am getting a sense that 2019 could be one of the world's most tumultuous years, physically from the planet's point of view, from the environment, from the government and possibly finally getting that headline that we've all been...
Top Secret Alien Abduction Files
December 14, 2018
Please note: If the stream above does not work, please take advantage of our many other listening options.
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