Los Angeles, CA
Sundays 7pm Pacific Time on The Independent FM - WoTRradio.com
Parallel Universes, The Simulation Hypothesis, and The Mandela Effect with Author, Rizwan Virk
On this edition of West of the Rockies, we’ll ask the questions: are we living in a simulation? Do multiple versions of ourselves exist in parallel universes living out their lives in different timelines? Could this explain not only the Mandela Effect but provide us with a new understanding of time and space? We’ll tackle these questions with our guest, MIT computer scientist and best-selling author, Rizwan Virk, author of the book “The Simulated Multiverse: An MIT Computer Scientist Explores Parallel Universes, The Simulation Hypothesis, Quantum Computing, and The Mandela Effect.”
Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game, with Author, Andrew Gallimore
In this edition of West of The Rockies we welcome Dr. Andrew Gallimore, author of the book “Alien Information Theory: Psychedelic Drug Technologies and the Cosmic Game.” In it, he helps the reader explore the mysterious DMT molecule, the effects it has on our brain, and how we experience reality. We talked to Andrew about how our brain creates our reality in the world we inhabit, how DMT functions as a reality switch, the wonderful and strange worlds the user is transported to, and the intelligent entities one encounters there. We also ask the question: how real is the DMT reality, and how real is our own? This is a conversation that will leave you thinking, so don’t miss it.
Science, The Paranormal, and Investigating with A&E’s “Ghost Hunters,” with Brandon Alvis
On this edition of West of the Rockies we discuss science and the paranormal with Brandon Alvis. As a long time researcher of the paranormal, we talk to Brandon about his scientific approach to investigating this mysterious field, some of the notorious locations he's visited, and his work as the paranormal technician of the A&E TV show, “Ghost Hunters.” We’ll also discuss some of the equipment he employs in his investigations with the “Ghost Hunters” team, various aspects of paranormal research, and his upcoming book, “Elements of a Haunting: Connecting History with Science to Uncover the Greatest Ghost Stories Ever Told”, co-authored with fellow "Ghost Hunters" team-member, Mustafa Gatollari.
Where the Footprints End: High Strageness & the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Vol. I with Author Joshua Cutchin
On this episode of West of The Rockies, we take a deep-dive into the world of Bigfoot, and the various, strange phenomena that sometimes accompany encounters with these mysterious creatures (like strange lights and poltergeist-like activity, among others). Our guest is Joshua Cutchin who, along with Timothy Renner, wrote a fascinating book titled, “Where the Footprints End, Vol. I: Folklore.” We’ll explore with Joshua the similarities found between Bigfoot creatures, UFOs/Alien encounters, and Fairy Lore—be sure to buckle-up, you don’t to miss this one.
The Pentagon UFO Report, The Misinformation Age, and "The Goldilocks Zone," with Author David Luxton
David D. Luxton, PhD., is an author, clinical psychologist and a musical artist. A former military psychologist and research scientist, he has authored more than 100 academic publications in the fields of artificial intelligence, ethics, and psychological health. He is Associate Professor in Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle. David is also U.S. Air Force veteran, and founder of the Wayfarer Records music label. We took this opportunity to chat with David about the content of the Pentagon UFO Report; his meeting with Former Navy Commander, David Fravor (who witnessed the ‘tic-tac’ UFO); and his new novel, “The Goldilocks Zone,” in which he tackles the topics of UFOs, Mind Control, and living in the age of misinformation.
Shimmering Light: Paperclip Nazis, Roswell, UFOs, and A Lost Race, with Author Walter Bosley
In early July 1947, something crashed at a ranch outside of Roswell, New Mexico—fast-forward 74 years later, and this single event has been the subject of numerous books, documentaries, TV shows, and the inspiration for several movies; all the while the answer to this mystery continues to remain elusive. Was it a UFO from another planet? A Top Secret military project? Or something else entirely? Our guest tonight is Walter Bosley, author of the book "Shimmering Light: Lost In An MKULTRA House of Anu." Walter is a popular conspiracy author, researcher, and ex-Special Agent of various government-related organizations. He spent 19-years in national security, having been employed by the FBI, and the US Air Force where he also served as a Special Agent of the AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations). He also worked as a counterterrorism operational consultant for six years following his military service. Walter has also made a couple of screen appearances, namely in the 2013 documentary, "Mirage Men", and on History Channel’s "Ancient Aliens." We interviewed Walter on the topics covered in his book "Shimmering Light": Project Paperclip, mysterious Nazi technology, the Roswell Incident, and a lost race that went underground after a cataclysm event on Earth. We'll also take a look at how MKULTRA projects, and the infamous, genius rocket scientist (and occultist) Jack Parsons, fit into this web of mystery. We’ll also be introduced to Walter's Father, Charles Bosley, who (while serving in the USAF) said to have participated in a recovery/rescue mission in another Roswell-type event that occurred underground near Winslow, Arizona in 1958, and where Charles encounter a civilization that went into hiding wanting nothing to do with us.
Gone At Midnight: The Mysterious Death of Elisa Lam, with Author Jake Anderson
Jake Anderson is a writer, filmmaker, investigative journalist, activist, and web publisher. He runs the popular website The Ghost Diaries and is a contributing journalist for The Anti-Media and multiple alternative media outlets. Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, he is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Cruz and currently lives in Portland, Oregon. Jake is the author of the book, Gone At Midnight: The Mysterious Death of Elisa Lam—which True Crime Addict author, James Renner describes as “The definitive book on Elisa Lam.” In this interview, Jake talks of his attempts to get information from the LAPD and the Cecil Hotel management, the strange synchronicities surrounding the case, he’s thoughts on the Netflix docu-series, and why he believes this case it’s far from solved. It appears that there are still important questions that remain unanswered regarding the Elisa Lam mystery.
UFOs: Frequency - Distribution - Shapes, with Author Cheryl Costa
Cheryl Costa is an upstate New York resident and a NY native, who saw her first UFO at age twelve. She’s a veteran of two military services: the Air Force and the Navy. Cheryl is retired from a 32-year career at Lockheed Martin, as a Sr. Data Security Analyst. From 2013-2019 Cheryl wrote the wildly popular UFO newspaper column “New York Skies” for Syracuse New Times. In this episode, we will discuss her recent book: "UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001 - 2020" and her upcoming presentation at this year's Contact in the Desert conference.
Abductions, Psychedelics, and The Multiverse with Dr. Michael Johnson
Dr. Michael Johnson is no stranger to alien and UFO-related experiences. However, this is the first time that he’s going public in such a manner as now, and we are honoured to be one of the first ones to have interviewed him in this capacity. Dr. Johnson is a retired Harvard Medical School psychiatrist and professor, having received his BA from Earlham College in Richmond Indiana, and MD from Indiana University School of Medicine. Following his medical residency in psychiatry, Dr. Johnson served as a “Lieutenant Commander” and “Staff Psychiatrist” at a US Naval Hospital, subsequently moving to Boston to become the “Psychiatrist-in-Chief” at the Massachusetts Osteopathic Hospital, before eventually taking the position as Staff Psychiatrist at Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates in Cambridge. Dr. Johnson’s first contact with abduction experiences was just after a fellow renowned Harvard physician, Dr. John Mack, referred one of his abductee patients to him. After hearing of the abductee’s experiences, Dr. Johnson continued to research the phenomena and has gathered an incredible amount of material. From ever-advancing neuroimaging technology, to increased professional interest from across the world, Dr. Johnson has been at the forefront of the medical investigations of abduction. During this interview, we begin by exploring Dr. Johnson’s experiences from the beginning. When did he first come across the Alien Abduction Phenomenon? What makes a case particularly believable or compelling? How much is “real,” and how much is merely a psychological anomaly? Furthermore, how has the abduction experience evolved over time? We then explore how certain experiences might have geographical correlations. Furthermore, what about the involvement of psychedelics? Is what we see under certain influences “real” or “all in our heads”? How have ancient civilisations interacted with psychedelics in the past? Could certain substances facilitate our communication with “other-worldly” entities? Also, what about the treatment of mental disorders? Could this type of research help with general psychiatric experiences? What is the exact relationship between substance-induced psychedelic experiences, and involuntary experiences? What does ayahuasca and DMT teach us about these topics?
UFOs, Antarctica, And The Fourth Reich With Author & Researcher, Brad Olsen
Brad Olsen is one of a handful of writers known for their active world travel and field research, possessing a wealth of knowledge that encompasses a myriad of different topics and eras. Despite this, his knowledge is in-depth and borderline encylopaedic. During our last interview with Brad, we talked about his book, Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms, providing an overview and questioning him about his interest in these topics as a whole. This time round, our focus was more specific, and we mainly concentrated on the chapter, “The Fourth Reich In America.” The main points that we cover in this interview centre around the US and Germany around the WWII era: that includes their interaction post-WWI, their contributions towards WWII, and their involvements with each other during the aftermath. We delved into the involvement of the Nazis with occult organisations; the symbolism they employed; their interest in UFOs and potential alien species; and, most importantly, their projects centred around Antarctica. However, we also learn to distinguish the Nazis from the broader-reaching German (Third) Reich at the time, and making it clear that there is a distinction between the two: the overall German mission was not necessarily in sync with Hitler’s vision of the Nazis, and they, in fact, had a much broader reach and mission-statement. So, what exactly has ensued in Antarctica since then? We explore this topic in depth with Brad, who also happens to have recently completely a trip to Antarctica himself, finding out as much information as possible first-hand. Did certain governments set up secret bases on this cold and desolate piece of land? Are aliens involved in any way? What about the Nazis, are they prospering unbeknownst to us? How do psychics and the Vril Society fit into all of this (as well as the Bavarian Thule and Illuminati societies)? Did Hitler survive the war and flee to South America? What was the real mission behind Operation Highjump? This topic holds an incredible amount of fascination and secrecy, and we hope to at least pique your interest, should this be new to you, and further your knowledge, should this be something that you’re already interested in.
Life, Death, And Life After Death: An Interview With Author, Whitley Strieber
This past Sunday April 28th, we had the honour and pleasure of interviewing Whitley Strieber for the second time—this time around our talk centred predominantly around his latest book, The Afterlife Revolution. In this interview, Whitley talks about his relationship with his wife, Anne. More importantly, though, he talks about their relationship *after* her death. That is, communication with someone in the apparent afterlife. We also delve deeper and inquire as to whether it is only us, humans, that are capable of experiencing love in this manner. Does love transcend our reality/physical Earthly existence? Why do some of us have the experience of apparent “otherworldly’” visitors? What of Out-Of-Body or Near-Death-Experiences? And, ratherly pertinently: should we *fear* death? Whitley will also be at this year's CONTACT in the DESERT conference, May 31- June 3 -- so if you happen to be in the area, or have the opportunity to travel, do consider attending. We hope you enjoy the show, and do let us know what you think.
"Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA War On Musicians And Activists" With Author/Director, John Potash
John Potash’s recent book, Drugs As Weapons Against Us: The CIA’s Murderous Targeting of SDS, Panthers, Hendrix, Lennon, Cobain, Tupac and other Activists, was published in May of 2015, with the corresponding documentary released just this past January (2019), titled, Drugs as Weapons Against Us: The CIA War on Musicians and Activists. Both have been received extremely positively, pulling together a host of historical facts, analyses, and thorough research, resulting in a well-presented stance that certainly holds water. It is also important to mention that he has worked as a counsellor for people with mental health problems and addictions for over 25 years now. So he is certainly no newcomer or sideline spectator when it comes to this topic. We question Potash from an array of different angles. We ask him when he first noticed the correlation between drugs in the music scene, and the possibility of conscious and targeted manipulation. We also briefly delve into the debate of whether LSD might actually be a “mind-opening” and beneficial drug. We also address the beginnings of CIA involvement and experimentations in the UK, as well as their involvements in the Laurel Canyon scene, often touted as the epicenter of the hippie and counterculture movement. We then move into discussing how the Black Panther Party was affected, and how Tupac Shakur (and Afeni, his mother) played into this. Particularly pertinent to this point is the rise of the crack epidemic and drug-trade in general. Also covered in this episode is the East Coast-West Coast feud (including discussion of the Notorious BIG); the death of Kurt Cobain; and the infamous “27 Club.” The big question at the end of the day: do oligarchs control alternative media and news outlets? To what extent can we trust “regular” news sources, and to what extent can we hold “fringe” and “alternative” news up to the same test? You start to gradually realise that our rational thinking becomes foggy, facts become clouded, and we have to begin truly sieving through all this information in a far more critical manner that we had previously thought. We hope you enjoy the show, and do let us know what you think.
Bob Lazar: Area 51 And Flying Saucers - An Interview With Investigative Filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell
We recently had the opportunity of interviewing investigative documentary filmmaker, Jeremy Corbell. His two latest releases are "Hunt for the Skinwalker" (based on a book by George Knapp & Dr. Colm Kelleher), and "Bob Lazar: Area 51& Flying Saucers." The latter was the spotlight of our discussion. Bob Lazar went public in 1989, appearing in an interview with investigative reporter, George Knapp, on the Las Vegas TV station, KLAS. He was presented with his face hidden and under a pseudonym (Dennis). He claims that he back-engineered an alien spacecraft for the United States Military, and that this spacecraft had an incredibly advanced (that is, advanced to us humans) propulsion system. Specifically, a propulsion system that used gravity wave propulsion (fueled by atomic element 115 — Moscovium — first synthesised in 2003). In our interview, we also explore Lazar’s education, and why there seems to be a lack of a paper-trail leading to it; how, indeed, Corbell got Lazar to talk on Camera; and evidence that works in favour of Lazar’s claims. We hope you enjoy this interview, and proceed to explore this subject matter further.
"Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms" With Author, Researcher, And Explorer, Brad Olsen.
On this edition of WoTRradio, we welcome Brad Olsen, to talk about his latest book, Future Esoteric: The Unseen Realms, as well as delve into some other related topics. We question him about his very own “red pill” moment, including when and where it took place, and how it changed him. We also discuss some of his top “sacred sites,” what types of locations they are, and what makes them so special. We then move on to talk about UFOs and classified government projects, asking him about his own experience with UFOs, his thoughts on hidden underground cities and military bases, and the connection to the Third Reich when it comes to “flying saucers” and secret space programs. Amongst these topics, we delve into contemporary cases, such as that of Gary McKinnon, and talk about current secret societies, the control that they have, and how money plays into this as a tool of enslavement. We further inquire about his views on truth and knowledge, in particular that which is hidden from “the masses.” This is where we really start diving into his work on esoteric themes, making a point to define the very meaning of the term “esoteric” in itself. We discuss the hows, whats, and whys of enlightenment; the idea of the pineal gland possibly being our “spiritual antenna”; the debate surrounding the existence and “weight” of the human soul; and where a “god” might fit into all of this.
Aliens, Abductions & The Nature of Contact with Kathleen Marden of MUFON's Experiencer Research
Original Air-Date: July 1, 2018 Kathleen Marden is an author, extraterrestrial-intelligence researcher, and most popularly known as the niece of Betty & Barney Hill. To most people that have researched the UFO phenomenon even just a bit, the Betty & Barney Hill case is very likely one that the majority of you have stumbled across. Betty & Barney were travelling through rural New Hampshire, on their way back to Portsmouth from a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal. They experienced an absolutely surreal phenomenon, which can only be described as an UFO abduction in today’s language. Barney, despite his bizarre encounter with strange beings and aircrafts, lived in denial of the incident for a long time. Betty, on the other hand, was more willing to speak out and believe that what she had experienced was indeed real, and not just a mere hallucination. They noted at least two hours of missing time (a journey that should have taken five hours (178 miles) ended up taking seven hours, with apparently 35 miles completely unaccounted for by either experiencer. Kathleen Marden, given that her mother was obviously very close to Betty Hill (her sister) is one of very few to keep the story alive, and tell the world as she heard it. We are excited to have her on our show, and very much looked forward to speaking to her. Kathleen is an activist for contactees and experiencers across the globe, and hopes to make the subject more known, lessening the negative stigma attached to such incidents and topics. She is the Director of Experiencer Research at MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), as well as the author of several books (five to date). For now, we want to let Kathleen do the talking: so over to her, and we hope you enjoy the interview, especially her recounting of the Betty & Barney Hill incident, as well as the various ideas concerning contactee experiences, their significance, and their nature. For more info: Link | https://wotrradio.com/blog/2018/8/23/aliens-abductions-the-nature-of-contact-with-kathleen-marden-of-mufons-experiencer-research West of The Rockies | https://wotrradio.com WoTRradio Twitter | https://twitter.com/WoTRradio WoTRradio FB | https://facebook.com/WestofTheRockies Kathleen Marden | https://kathleen-marden.com/
Ancient Civilizations, The Sphinx & Egyptology's Resistance to Other Theories with Dr. Robert Schoch
Dr. Robert Schoch is best known for his research and claims regarding the Great Sphinx of Giza – like the Pyramids of Giza, many of us take the Sphinx and its history for granted. That is, we assume we know the basics: it’s in Egypt; it has the body of a lion and the head of a man; and it was built by the ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom. However, what Dr. Schoch and his colleagues propose is a rather different theory, suggesting that the Sphinx is likely far older than we have always believed it to be, therefore meaning it must have been created under different conditions and by different people than originally assumed. The journey of his research is absolutely fascinating, and we were excited to pick his brains on this topic. In light of the Sphinx, Dr. Schoch’s expertise lies in the fields of geology, anthropology, and geophysics – by analysing the patterns of erosion found on the Sphinx, Schoch was able to propose a number of claims regarding its history and the weathering it had undergone. Schoch, alongside John Anthony West (who sadly passed this February, 2018), have been defending their theory for years now – though still considered a “fringe” theory, we hope to see it being represented more in mainstream archeology in the near future. For more info visit wotrradio.com
The Secret Space Program, Ancient Knowledge & The Anunnaki: An Interview With Billy Carson
Billy Carson is an author, researcher, and TV host of various fringe topics, including secret space programs and ancient civilizations. He is an expert host on the new original streaming series by Gaia named Deep Space, which explores the Secret Space Program and the types of technologies that they use. He is also an expert host on Gaia's original series, Ancient Civilizations, which aims to “decipher the riddle of our origins and piece together our forgotten history found in monuments and texts across the world.” During our interview, we question him on the history of secret space programs, discussing how far in time they go back, and focusing on the Nazi interest in space exploration. We also dive into the topic of our human origins, exploring various ideas concerning the Anunnaki and how they tie in with our modern fascination of space. Other topics we touch on include the Roswell UFO Incident; the Moon Landing and the aim of subsequent lunar missions; the discoveries of Gary McKinnon; and the influence of Freemasons in all these subject matters.
Stairway To Heaven? The Power Of Marrying Magick & Music: An Interview With Lance Gilbert, Author Of “The Led Zeppelin Curse”
In 1970, Jimmy Page, guitarist and founding member of Led Zeppelin, purchased the isolated Boleskine House in Scotland (by the Loch Ness), a manor previously owned by the infamous occultist, Aleister Crowley. Page had become obsessed with all things Crowley, and had already begun purchasing various Crowley-related items – what first piqued his interest in this is unclear, and how deeply he believed in the power of magick and his involvement therein also remain uncertain; however, we do know that he had a fascination with this dark topic, and weaved these ideas into his music and the band’s image. So, was it all a big marketing ploy? Did they really perform rituals on stage? Is there a difference between a “real” ritual and a “fake” one? What is the true power of music and performance? Where do we draw the line between acting and reality? Did Jimmy Page pull a Robert Johnson-style stunt and sell his soul to the devil in return for fame and success? Most importantly, though, how real is any of this so-called magick, if any of it? Can rituals, dark intentions, and made-up symbols truly have any effect on us and our reality? Lance Gilbert, author of, “The Led Zeppelin Curse: Jimmy Page and the Haunted Boleskine House,” is here on West of The Rockies to enlighten us a little about the link between Led Zeppelin and the world of magick and rituals, through his thorough research, as well as personal experiences. Visit WoTRradio.com for more info.
A Peek Through The Keyhole of The Kingdom: Walter Bosley on the Esoteric Design of Disneyland
Walter Bosley is back for another show on West of The Rockies, this time round being interviewed on his first official non-fiction book, Latitude 33: Key to the Kingdom. Bosley became particularly intrigued by Disneyland following an anomalous personal experiences there, culminating in the discovery that Disneyland is in fact situated at Latitude 33 (33.812511 to be exact), as well as positioned at the intersection of three telluric currents (ley lines). We dive into all sorts of topics surrounding these interesting findings. What exactly are ley lines/telluric currents, and what is their significance? How is the SRI (Stanford Research Institute) involved in all this, and, specifically, what part did C. V. Wood play (and yes, that’s the same SRI that carried out the remote viewing experiments)? What of the involvement with occulted physics and mathematics from the Nazi SS? What role does Nikola Tesla play in this magical kingdom? Of course, we also question Bosley on Disney, his involvement in the DeMolay, and whether he had any true Masonic ties.
Follow The Yellow Brick Road: The Tragedy Of Another Disposable Mind-Control Victim with John S Captain On The Murder Of Tiffany Jenks
It has been over four years since the death of Tiffany Jenks (35) in Portland, Oregon, but the wounds of injustice still remain to be healed. John S Captain, Tiffany’s former boyfriend and, as she herself put it, “soulmate,” is back on West of The Rockies to answer some of our questions and give us the latest on this never-ending quest for truth and justice. As usual, for those walking into this subject for the first time, or with a heavy skeptical skew, we ask that you momentarily give things the benefit of the doubt, and suspend your disbelief for the duration of the article and interview. From there, feel free to take away what you will. Many parts of this story may seem unbelievable, but the very least that most should be able to admit to themselves is that mind-control is very real (the CIA no longer hides this anymore, a simple online search will show this), and that the tragedy of Tiffany’s death is in no way the simple open-and-shut case that the police purports it to be. Since our first interview with John Captain, he has been relentlessly traveling the world and spreading the news of this murder case in all ways possible. Using his own hard-earned savings and resources, he has dedicated the last few years of his life to doing what the police and mainstream media won’t do: uncover the truth and tell the world about the corruption that we all live under.