Andy Card And Rahm Emanuel On What Trump Is Doing Right — And Wrong
PBS NewsHour
Governing in a crisis like the novel coronavirus pandemic can define a
presidency. What lessons does history have to offer as a guide? Judy
Woodruff reports and talks to former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was
President Obama’s chief of staff during the Great Recession, and the
National Endowment for Democracy’s Andrew Card, who served as President
George W. Bush’s chief of staff after 9/11.
Author - PBS NewsHour.
Narrator - PBS NewsHour.
Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
United States
Governing in a crisis like the novel coronavirus pandemic can define a presidency. What lessons does history have to offer as a guide? Judy Woodruff reports and talks to former Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was President Obama’s chief of staff during the Great Recession, and the National Endowment for Democracy’s Andrew Card, who served as President George W. Bush’s chief of staff after 9/11. Author - PBS NewsHour. Narrator - PBS NewsHour. Published Date - Thursday, 19 January 2023.
Premium Chapters
Chapter 1