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Pittsburgh Sunday Morning

iHeart Podcast Network

iHeartRadio's Jonny Hartwell hosts “Pittsburgh Sunday Morning”…a public affairs program shedding light on the issues and concerns of the Greater Pittsburgh area. "Pittsburgh Sunday Morning" airs on Sunday mornings on iHeart Media's radio stations: WWSW, WDVE, WKST, WXDX, WPGB, WBBG If you have any comments, concerns, or an idea for a future program please email the host at Jonny@3wsradio.com


Pittsburgh, PA


iHeartRadio's Jonny Hartwell hosts “Pittsburgh Sunday Morning”…a public affairs program shedding light on the issues and concerns of the Greater Pittsburgh area. "Pittsburgh Sunday Morning" airs on Sunday mornings on iHeart Media's radio stations: WWSW, WDVE, WKST, WXDX, WPGB, WBBG If you have any comments, concerns, or an idea for a future program please email the host at Jonny@3wsradio.com



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TOPIC: Angie Welch, Chief Academic Officer at City High Charter School

City Charter High School is a technology infused public school, whose mission is to graduate students who are academically, technologically, personally and socially prepared to succeed in post-secondary education, training, or employment. Using a team approach, City High cultivates a safe, supportive and academically rigorous environment by recognizing and nurturing individual talents, needs and skills.


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TOPIC: American Cancer Society - March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Guests: Stacy Hurt – A colon cancer survivor, American Cancer Society Pittsburgh-Area Board Member, and the Chief Patient Officer at Parexel. Dan Tobin – American Cancer Society Director of Marketing and Communications. About Stacy: · Stacy was diagnosed with stage-four colon cancer at the age of 44 back in 2014. · By the time it was diagnosed, it had spread to 27 different places in her body – rectum, liver, lungs, and liver among them. · She faced a rough journey with not-so-good odds at pulling through. · She did pull through! And, today, is cancer-free!!! March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month· Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. Although the rate of people being diagnosed with this type of cancer has dropped overall since the mid-1980s, it is worth noting that younger adults have seen a higher incidence of diagnosis since the mid-1990s.


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TOPIC: Not Forgotten Home & Community Services and Studio Forget Me Not

At Not Forgotten Home & Community Services, we work with individuals to aid in the development of all ability levels. We provide a variety of services to promote a holistic life so that each individual can prosper. https://www.nfhcs.org/ About Studio Forget-Me-Not! Our mission is to consciously shape our perspective, and the perspective of others, by offering/expanding opportunities for artistic expression and development.


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TOPIC: Hair Peace Charity's Marti Gras for Hope

Hair Peace Charities Helps women and girls, who live in western Pennsylvania with financial assistance to purchase a wig needed due to cancer. Hair Peace also offers cancer-fighting information, encouragement, and faith with support groups. Hair Peace Charities will provide up to $250 towards a purchase of a wig.


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TOPIC: Pittsburgh 2025 Special Olympics Polar Plunge

Every year thousands of plungers take the dip into freezing lakes and pools around the state to support the more than 15,000 Special Olympics Pennsylvania athletes around the state. All the funds raised go to provide FREE sports, health and leadership programming to our athletes – including athletes in the Three Rivers region which serves the Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Indiana, Lawrence, Washington, and Westmoreland Counties. https://give.specialolympicspa.org/event/2025-pittsburgh-polar-plunge/e608775


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TOPIC: The Mario Lemieux Foundation Donation Match

Mario Lemieux Foundation - Dedicated to funding cancer research and patient care, and supporting families in challenging medical situations


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TOPIC: American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (Air Date 12/22/24)

Save Lives and Bring Hope to Those Affected by Suicide chapters in all 50 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico Four pillars - Research, Education, Advocacy, Loss & Healing https://afsp.org/chapter/western-pennsylvania


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TOPIC: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh with Andrew Medlar (Air Date 12_15_24)

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh empowers people to transform their lives through life-long learning, digital literacy and connections to others.


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TOPIC: Yinzer Christmas Concert to Benefit Band Together Pittsburgh (Air Date 11/3/24)

The purpose of Band Together Pittsburgh (a recognized 501 (c) 3 non profit organization) is to employ the power of music to engage youth on the autism spectrum. https://bandtogetherpgh.org/ https://yinzerchristmas.com/


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TOPIC: Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center

Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh's Wildlife Rehabilitation Center cares for more than 4,000 sick, injured or abandoned wildlife each year.


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TOPIC Partners for Comedy to Benefit Partners for Quality (Air Date 10_13_24)

Partners For Quality is a nonprofit organization providing administrative management to our subsidiaries that support individuals with intellectual disabilities, autism and behavioral health challenges. In all, our nonprofit organizations proudly support more than 5,000 people in Western Pennsylvania. Partners For Quality administrative services include finance, human resources, information technology, development, communications and staff training. By consolidating and overseeing these services, our subsidiaries can focus on their top priority: the people they support.Our Partners For Quality family of agencies includes: Allegheny Children’s InitiativeCouncil on AccreditationCitizen CareCouncil on Quality and LeadershipExceptional AdventuresMilestoneSanctuary InstitutePartners For Quality Foundation


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TOPIC: Rhythms of Life Concert to Benefit the Sonny Pugar Memorial Charity (Air Date 10_13_24)

The Sonny Pugar Memorial, Inc. strengthens the region's cultural workforce and economy by ensuring a vibrant contemporary music scene. To further our mission, we underwrite local professional musicians’ live performances in area health facilities, sponsor showcases to spotlight original music and creative interpretation, and pursue opportunities that encourage a sense of community among local musicians.


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TOPIC: American Cancer Society - Making Strides (Air Date 10_6_24)

Making Strides Against Breast Cancer celebrates survivors and thrivers, funds lifesaving breast cancer research, remembers and honors loved ones lost, and is committed to advancing health equity through programs and services, believing that all people should have a fair and just opportunity to live longer, healthier lives free from breast cancer – regardless of how much money they make, the color of their skin, their sexual orientation, gender identity, their disability status, or where they live. This year’s Pittsburgh event will take place on Sunday, October 13, at Acrisure Stadium. Registration begins at 9:00 a.m. with the walk starting at 10:30. Learn more at MakingStridesWalk.org/greaterpittsburgh.


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TOPIC: Pam Keen & Stacy Schesler of The Children’s Home & Lemieux Family Center

We believe that families come in all shapes and sizes, and that any setbacks can usually be addressed by listening and teaching in a way that is conducive to the family unit.Togetherness and strong communication is incorporated in everything we do from the environment in which we teach families in our Pediatric Specialty Hospital, the care we provide to children in Child’s Way daycare expecting, and the supportive, nurturing accommodations we make for a birthparent considering adoption. We speak to and care for our patients and clients as if they were our own family.


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TOPIC: Auberle's Voices Carry Charity Concert (Air Date 9_15_24)

Auberle is an effective, innovative, holistic, and collaborative human service nonprofit serving individuals of all ages in Western PA. We offer services in five main program areas: Workforce Development, Housing, Young Adult Services, Foster Care, and Behavioral Health. 20th Annual Voices CarryJoin us for this amazing live music event, feturing a stellar lineup of Pittsburgh musicians playing your favorite hits from the 60s, a basket raffle, silent auction and dancing all night long!All proceeds benefit the more than 5,000 individuals and families that Auberle serves annually. https://www.auberle.org/


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TOPIC: The Walk for PKD - Polycystic Kidney Disease (Air Date (9_15_24)

The Walk for PKD is the largest polycystic kidney disease (PKD) fundraising and awareness event that is held coast to coast. 100% of funds raised go toward funding essential research.A cure is our finish line. Since 2000, the Walk has raised over $35M for the PKD Foundation to help improve the lives of those living with PKD. The event brings together patients, caregivers, physicians, and researchers to strengthen the PKD community and help fund life-saving research.We’re excited to gather across the nation, and with our Walk for PKD —Your Way experience, everyone can be a part of our vision to end PKD. https://walkforpkd.org/


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TOPIC: The Gathering of Chefs benefiting the Bradley Center (Air Date 9_1_24)

At The Bradley Center, children get the help they need to overcome trauma and rediscover hope. https://thebradleycenter.org/


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TOPIC: Tamara Abney of Entrepreneurs Forever (Air Date 8_25_24)

"Small business owners often feel alone without anyone understanding what they are going through. That’s where Entrepreneurs Forever comes in. We bring small business owners (up to $1 million in revenue) together to bond, learn and get real about what it takes to build a thriving small business. For 2 hours each month, they openly share their challenges and feelings with other owners in small online groups. With the help of a facilitator, they learn how to create the solutions that help them feel better about their businesses – and themselves." https://www.entrepreneursforever.org/


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TOPIC: Pittsburgh's Heart Walk with The American Heart Association (Air Date 8_18_24)

For 100 years the American Heart Association has made a profound impact through bold moves. Throughout the past century, the American Heart Association has recognized that we're all tied to heart disease and stroke in some way, and we must change that. Pittsburgh's Heart Walk will be on Sept 21st at Point State Park.


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TOPIC: Bonny Diver from Hairpeace Charities' Recipe for Hope (Air Date 8_11_24)

Hair Peace Charities Helps women and girls, who live in western Pennsylvania with financial assistance to purchase a wig needed due to cancer. Hair Peace also offers cancer-fighting information, encouragement, and faith with support groups.https://hairpeace.org/
