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Fifty Shades of Roses

Robert Burns

There are many things we can perhaps more easily say with flowers than with words. And flowers can say many things to us. So perhaps these poetic expressions of spoken words and flowery subject are a perfect match. Many would agree that there is one flower, the rose, that embodies both the human condition, its ambitions, its sacrifices and its symbolism of devoted love that together with its own peerless self; the beauty of its perfume, its hues and colours, its shapes and forms, from rambler and climber to the stately grace of a rose bed, and, of course, its thorns, to warn that consequences carry a price. Poets know that a rose is perhaps able to speak in many tongues on many subjects and it is therefore unsurprising that the rose is one of the great enduring symbols of the tradition in both Western and Eastern poetry. A rose can bring a tremble of the lip, or raise the beating of a heart. They can create a mood or simplify a feeling. Their message can be direct or nuanced but so often it is just perfect. Our classic poets from Hafiz, D H Lawrence, Robert Burns and Shakespeare, along with very many others, explore this beautiful living symbol with their exquisite lines and verse. 1 - Fifty Shades of Roses - An Introduction 2 - The Year of the Rose by Algernon Charles Swinburne 3 - A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns 4 - Rosa Rosarum by Agnes Mary Frances Robinson 5 - Venus in the Garden by James Weldon Johnson 6 - A White Rose by John Boyle O'Reilly 7 - Rosa Mundi by Arthur Symons 8 - Rose of All the World by D H Lawrence 9 - To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick 10 - Go Lovely Rose by Edmund Waller 11 - To Roses in the Bosom of Castara by William Habington 12 - Gloire de Dijon by D H Lawrence 13 - Sonnet 130 - My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun by William Shakespeare 14 - Sonnet 109 - O! Never Say That I Was False of Heart by William Shakespeare 15 - My Rose by Hildegarde Hawthorn 16 - A Ballad of Dreamland by Algernon Charles Swinburne 17 - Roses of a Dream by Damon Runyon 18 - Sonnet 54 - O! How Much More Doth Beauty Beauteous Seem by William Shakespeare 19 - Sonnet 99 - The Forward Violet Thus Did I Chide by William Shakespeare 20 - In an Eastern Rosegarden by Pirani Ameena Begum 21 - Early Apollo by Rainer Maria Rilke 22 - No Rose That in a Garden Ever Grew by Edna St Vincent Millay 23 - The Secret Rose by W B Yeats 24 - The Rose by John Cournos 25 - Where Roses Would Not Dare to Go by Emily Dickinson 26 - Amid the Roses by Alice Dunbar Nelson 27 - How Did the Rose by Hafiz 28 - A Flower Given to My Daughter by James Joyce 29 - To a Friend Who Sent Me Roses by John Keats 30 - The Sweets of the Rose by Hafiz 31 - A Rose by Sir Richard Fanshawe 32 - The Rose Has Flushed Red by Hafiz 33 - London Roses by Willa Silbert Cather 34 - Laughing Rose by William Henry Davies 35 - A Wild Rose by Alfred Austin 36 - June by Francis Ledwidge 37 - Tis the Last Rose of Summer by Thomas Moore 38 - Virtue by George Herbert 39 - Summer in England, 1914 by Alice Meynell 40 - The Rose Has Left the Garden by Richard Le Gallienne 41 - Summer is Ended by Christina Rossetti 42 - Written in September, 1804 by Christian Milne 43 - Love in Autumn by Sara Teasdale 44 - September by George Arnold 45 - An October Garden by Christina Georgina Rossetti 46 - Winter Evening Hymn to My Fire by James Russell Lowell 47 - My Winter Rose by Alfred Austin 48 - Winter by Robert Louis Stevenson 49 - The December Rose by Edith Nesbit 50 - Winter Sunset by Katharine Author - Robert Burns. Narrator - Ghizela Rowe. Published Date - Tuesday, 03 January 2023.


United States


There are many things we can perhaps more easily say with flowers than with words. And flowers can say many things to us. So perhaps these poetic expressions of spoken words and flowery subject are a perfect match. Many would agree that there is one flower, the rose, that embodies both the human condition, its ambitions, its sacrifices and its symbolism of devoted love that together with its own peerless self; the beauty of its perfume, its hues and colours, its shapes and forms, from rambler and climber to the stately grace of a rose bed, and, of course, its thorns, to warn that consequences carry a price. Poets know that a rose is perhaps able to speak in many tongues on many subjects and it is therefore unsurprising that the rose is one of the great enduring symbols of the tradition in both Western and Eastern poetry. A rose can bring a tremble of the lip, or raise the beating of a heart. They can create a mood or simplify a feeling. Their message can be direct or nuanced but so often it is just perfect. Our classic poets from Hafiz, D H Lawrence, Robert Burns and Shakespeare, along with very many others, explore this beautiful living symbol with their exquisite lines and verse. 1 - Fifty Shades of Roses - An Introduction 2 - The Year of the Rose by Algernon Charles Swinburne 3 - A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns 4 - Rosa Rosarum by Agnes Mary Frances Robinson 5 - Venus in the Garden by James Weldon Johnson 6 - A White Rose by John Boyle O'Reilly 7 - Rosa Mundi by Arthur Symons 8 - Rose of All the World by D H Lawrence 9 - To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time by Robert Herrick 10 - Go Lovely Rose by Edmund Waller 11 - To Roses in the Bosom of Castara by William Habington 12 - Gloire de Dijon by D H Lawrence 13 - Sonnet 130 - My Mistress' Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun by William Shakespeare 14 - Sonnet 109 - O! Never Say That I Was False of Heart by William Shakespeare 15 - My Rose by Hildegarde Hawthorn 16 - A Ballad of Dreamland by Algernon Charles Swinburne 17 - Roses of a Dream by Damon Runyon 18 - Sonnet 54 - O! How Much More Doth Beauty Beauteous Seem by William Shakespeare 19 - Sonnet 99 - The Forward Violet Thus Did I Chide by William Shakespeare 20 - In an Eastern Rosegarden by Pirani Ameena Begum 21 - Early Apollo by Rainer Maria Rilke 22 - No Rose That in a Garden Ever Grew by Edna St Vincent Millay 23 - The Secret Rose by W B Yeats 24 - The Rose by John Cournos 25 - Where Roses Would Not Dare to Go by Emily Dickinson 26 - Amid the Roses by Alice Dunbar Nelson 27 - How Did the Rose by Hafiz 28 - A Flower Given to My Daughter by James Joyce 29 - To a Friend Who Sent Me Roses by John Keats 30 - The Sweets of the Rose by Hafiz 31 - A Rose by Sir Richard Fanshawe 32 - The Rose Has Flushed Red by Hafiz 33 - London Roses by Willa Silbert Cather 34 - Laughing Rose by William Henry Davies 35 - A Wild Rose by Alfred Austin 36 - June by Francis Ledwidge 37 - Tis the Last Rose of Summer by Thomas Moore 38 - Virtue by George Herbert 39 - Summer in England, 1914 by Alice Meynell 40 - The Rose Has Left the Garden by Richard Le Gallienne 41 - Summer is Ended by Christina Rossetti 42 - Written in September, 1804 by Christian Milne 43 - Love in Autumn by Sara Teasdale 44 - September by George Arnold 45 - An October Garden by Christina Georgina Rossetti 46 - Winter Evening Hymn to My Fire by James Russell Lowell 47 - My Winter Rose by Alfred Austin 48 - Winter by Robert Louis Stevenson 49 - The December Rose by Edith Nesbit 50 - Winter Sunset by Katharine Author - Robert Burns. Narrator - Ghizela Rowe. Published Date - Tuesday, 03 January 2023.



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