The Poetry Hour - Volume 14-logo

The Poetry Hour - Volume 14

John Donne

Poetry is often cited as our greatest use of words. The English language has well over a million of them and poets down the ages seem, at times, to make use of every single one. But often they use them in simple ways to describe anything and everything from landscapes to all aspects of the human condition. Poems can evoke within us an individual response that takes us by surprise; that opens our ears and eyes to very personal feelings. Forget the idea of classic poetry being somehow dull and boring and best kept to children’s textbooks. It still has life, vibrancy and relevance to our lives today. Where to start? How to do that? Poetry can be difficult. We’ve put together some very eclectic Poetry Hours, with a broad range of poets and themes, to entice you and seduce you with all manner of temptations. In this hour we introduce poets of the quality and breadth of John Donne and Jane Austen as well as themes on November, The Female Poet, Westminster Memorials and more. All of them are from Portable Poetry, a dedicated poetry publisher. We believe that poetry should be a part of our everyday lives, uplifting the soul & reaching the parts that other arts can’t. Our range of audiobooks and ebooks cover volumes on some of our greatest poets to anthologies of seasons, months, places and a wide range of themes. Portable Poetry can found at iTunes, Audible, the digital music section on Amazon and most other digital stores. This audio book is also duplicated in print as an ebook. Same title. Same words. Perhaps a different experience. But with Amazon’s whispersync you can pick up and put down on any device – start on audio, continue in print and any which way after that. Portable poetry – Let us join you for the journey. The Poetry Hour – Volume 14 - An Introduction John Donne – An Introduction Death Be Not Proud by John Donne The Good Morrow by John Donne The Expiration by John Donne A Valediction Forbidding Mourning by John Donne Westminster Memorials – An Introduction Longing by Matthew Arnold London by William Blake Heaven by Rupert Brooke Apostasy by Charlotte Bronte When We Two Parted by Lord Byron He That is Down Needs Fear No Fall by John Bunyan Turtle Soup by Lewis Carroll A Thought For A Lonely Death Bed by Elizabeth Barrett Browning November November by Thomas hood November by Amy Lowell November by John Payne A November Night by Sara Teasdale At Day Close In November by Thomas Hardy The Poetry of William Shakespeare - An Introduction If Music Be the Food of Love, from Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare How Like A Winter Hath My Absence Been (Sonnet 97) by William Shakespeare Shall I Compare Thee to A Summers Day (Sonnet 18) by William Shakespeare The Witches Spell by William Shakespeare Full Fathom Five by William Shakespeare No Longer Mourn For Me by William Shakespeare Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare The Female Poet – An Introduction. Volume 2 No Coward Soul is Mine by Emily Bronte If Thou Must Love Me Let It Be For Nought by Elizabeth Barrett Browning If Infinite Worlds, Infinite Centres by Margaret Cavendish Isabella Valancy Crawford – We Parted in Silence When My Love Did What I Would Not, What I Would Not by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge I’m Ceded – I’ve Stopped Being Theirs by Emily Dickenson Ah, Silly Pug by Queen Elizabeth I Sweet Evenings Come and Go Love by George Eliot The Poets of 19th Century America. An Introduction – Volume 2 Heaven is What I Cannot Reach by Emily Dickinson Knee Deep in June by James Whitcomb Riley < Author - John Donne. Narrator - Richard Mitchley. Published Date - Tuesday, 31 January 2023.


United States


Poetry is often cited as our greatest use of words. The English language has well over a million of them and poets down the ages seem, at times, to make use of every single one. But often they use them in simple ways to describe anything and everything from landscapes to all aspects of the human condition. Poems can evoke within us an individual response that takes us by surprise; that opens our ears and eyes to very personal feelings. Forget the idea of classic poetry being somehow dull and boring and best kept to children’s textbooks. It still has life, vibrancy and relevance to our lives today. Where to start? How to do that? Poetry can be difficult. We’ve put together some very eclectic Poetry Hours, with a broad range of poets and themes, to entice you and seduce you with all manner of temptations. In this hour we introduce poets of the quality and breadth of John Donne and Jane Austen as well as themes on November, The Female Poet, Westminster Memorials and more. All of them are from Portable Poetry, a dedicated poetry publisher. We believe that poetry should be a part of our everyday lives, uplifting the soul & reaching the parts that other arts can’t. Our range of audiobooks and ebooks cover volumes on some of our greatest poets to anthologies of seasons, months, places and a wide range of themes. Portable Poetry can found at iTunes, Audible, the digital music section on Amazon and most other digital stores. This audio book is also duplicated in print as an ebook. Same title. Same words. Perhaps a different experience. But with Amazon’s whispersync you can pick up and put down on any device – start on audio, continue in print and any which way after that. Portable poetry – Let us join you for the journey. The Poetry Hour – Volume 14 - An Introduction John Donne – An Introduction Death Be Not Proud by John Donne The Good Morrow by John Donne The Expiration by John Donne A Valediction Forbidding Mourning by John Donne Westminster Memorials – An Introduction Longing by Matthew Arnold London by William Blake Heaven by Rupert Brooke Apostasy by Charlotte Bronte When We Two Parted by Lord Byron He That is Down Needs Fear No Fall by John Bunyan Turtle Soup by Lewis Carroll A Thought For A Lonely Death Bed by Elizabeth Barrett Browning November November by Thomas hood November by Amy Lowell November by John Payne A November Night by Sara Teasdale At Day Close In November by Thomas Hardy The Poetry of William Shakespeare - An Introduction If Music Be the Food of Love, from Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare How Like A Winter Hath My Absence Been (Sonnet 97) by William Shakespeare Shall I Compare Thee to A Summers Day (Sonnet 18) by William Shakespeare The Witches Spell by William Shakespeare Full Fathom Five by William Shakespeare No Longer Mourn For Me by William Shakespeare Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare The Female Poet – An Introduction. Volume 2 No Coward Soul is Mine by Emily Bronte If Thou Must Love Me Let It Be For Nought by Elizabeth Barrett Browning If Infinite Worlds, Infinite Centres by Margaret Cavendish Isabella Valancy Crawford – We Parted in Silence When My Love Did What I Would Not, What I Would Not by Mary Elizabeth Coleridge I’m Ceded – I’ve Stopped Being Theirs by Emily Dickenson Ah, Silly Pug by Queen Elizabeth I Sweet Evenings Come and Go Love by George Eliot The Poets of 19th Century America. An Introduction – Volume 2 Heaven is What I Cannot Reach by Emily Dickinson Knee Deep in June by James Whitcomb Riley < Author - John Donne. Narrator - Richard Mitchley. Published Date - Tuesday, 31 January 2023.



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