The Public Square®
The national radio broadcast of the American Policy Roundtable aired coast-to-coast, hosted by Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd. Subscribe and tune in for behind the scene discussions of public policy issues that most talk radio shows won't touch.
Cleveland, OH
The national radio broadcast of the American Policy Roundtable aired coast-to-coast, hosted by Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd. Subscribe and tune in for behind the scene discussions of public policy issues that most talk radio shows won't touch.
(800) 522-8683
TPS 60: Reaching the Next Generation for Liberty
Today we share an episode of “First Person” a broadcast created by our dear friend Wayne Shepherd featuring even more dear friends - Alan C. Duncan and Anna Welch. The conversation focuses on “The Front Steps” a new children’s book about a true story of a boy who loved to read.
If you’ve been listening for a while you know that boy grows up to be the remarkable Dr. William B. Allen and today we have the joy of sharing even more of his story. So please join us today on The Public Square.®
Topic: Books
The Public Square® Long Format with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Friday, March 14th, 2025
TPS 60: Depopulation - Did We Get it Wrong?
We have been talking loud about the issue of depopulation but recent articles from The Atlantic claims groups like us are exaggerating the numbers and the science. Did we get it wrong? Find out today on The Public Square.®
Topic: Politics
The Public Square® Long Format with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Friday, March 7th, 2025
TPS 60: Planned Parenthood in Crisis, Continued
Planned Parenthood is under indictment by the New York Times. How does that happen? This conversation is based on an article published on February 15th, 2025, that New York Times published titled "Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis". This conversation is a continuation of our weekly episode and does not dissolve into hysteria. So please share this episode and join us today on The Public Square®
Topic: Abortion
The Public Square® Long Format with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025
TPS 60: Planned Parenthood in Crisis
On February 15th, 2025, the New York Times published an article written by Katie Benner, titled “Botched Care and Tired Staff: Planned Parenthood in Crisis”. Join the panel this week on The Public Square® as they review this article and expand on the questions raised by the Times research and reporting. Why and how is Planned Parenthood in crisis? Tune in today.
Topic: Abortion
The Public Square® Long Format with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Friday, February 28, 2025
Are You a "Pronatalist?"
Are media giants like The Atlantic and The New Yorker waking up to our global population crisis, or not? Please join us in this conversation on this episode of The Public Square®.
Topic: Life
The Public Square® TPS Express with hosts Dave Zanotti, Rob Walgate, and Alan C. Duncan.
Read “Abortion in America:” https://life.aproundtable.org/
“The Loneliness of the Conservative Pronatalist” from The Atlantic: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2025/02/conservative-pronatalist-politics/681802/
TPS 60: Giants and Grasshoppers
How long has it been since you have considered the story of Caleb, an 85 year old hero from ancient Hebrew History? Can Americans learn anything today from this historic figure? You will find the Cliff's notes to this story in the Books of Numbers and Joshua. So grab a chair and join in this inspiring conversation that may be a perfect fit for what we are facing in Washington, D.C. today®.
Topic: Our Mission
The Public Square® Long Format with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Friday, February 21st, 2025
TPS Express: What is Going On in Our Government?
Can you keep up with President Trump and Elon Musk? It is clear the US Media is having a hard time catching up, let alone keeping up. Today we ask the question "what is really going on here?" Please join us in this conversation that impacts all of our futures on this episode of The Public Square®.
Topic: Politics
The Public Square® TPS Express with host Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
TPS 60: Ordo Amoris
Ordo Amoris translated from Latin means the "Order of Love". This phrase has popped into the news cycle after being used by Vice President JD Vance. What does the order of love have to do with anything in the world of the arena of public policy? Thankfully our team is joined by our esteemed colleague and friend Dr. J.B. Allen, to discern this phrase and its connection to the immigration debate. Please don't miss this rare conversation today on The Public Square®.
Topic: Politics
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Friday, February 13th, 2025
TPS Expres: Is Legal Weed Working?
Time has passed since many states have passed legalizing varieties of marijuana. So let's take a look and see what the results have been? Join Rob Walgate, Alan Duncan, and Dave Zanotti as we look at the impact over time in states since legalizing this drug.
Topic: Politics
The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Wednesday, February 12th, 2025
TPS 60: The Hidden Virtue
"What issues are you focused on the most right now?" That is the question most asked by friends on The Public Square®. This year, the answer is a bit surprising. We open that conversation this week and invite you to join in the discussion all on The Public Square®.
Topic: Our Mission
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Friday, February 7th, 2025
TPS Express: Why Can't These College Kids Read Books?!
A discussion with Rob Walgate about the fascinating & alarming Rose Horowitch piece for The Atlantic "The Elite College Students Who Can’t Read Books."
Topic: Our Mission
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Saturday, February 1st, 2025
TPS 60: The Senate is The Problem
There are structural, political, and financial problems running rampant in the United States Senate. Is everyone bought and paid for? The current situation is that The Senate has the final say but is that the design and intention of the U.S. Constitution? This is not good news for the naive, but we must have the conversation if we ever hope to change. Please don't miss this important episode today on The Public Square®.
Topic: Role of Government
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Wayne Shepherd and Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Friday, January 31st, 2025
TPS Express: Examining Trump's Executive Orders
Dave Zanotti, Rob Walgate, and Alan C. Duncan of The Public Square® discuss a few of the many recent executive orders.
Topic: Politics
The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Sunday, January 26th, 2025
TPS 60: The 60th Presidential Inauguration
No matter who the President is, having the privilege to watch a leader be inaugurated into office is an inspiring moment. Few, if any nations, truly change power in this fashion. So we gathered around the table to debrief on the recent Presidential inauguration. The conversation goes past this event and spurs our thoughts on the meaning of leadership.
Please join us today on The Public Square®.
Topic: Politics
The Public Square® Long Format Program with host Dave Zanotti.
Release Date: Thursday, January 23rd, 2025
TPS Express: Huff and Rogan
What happens when a Bible scholar goes on the most popular media platform of our current time? Wesley Huff, biblical scholar, was recently interviewed by Joe Rogan. We share some highlights and fascinating moments from their conversation that are fueling our own. Join us for this special episode of The Public Square®.
Topic: Faith in Culture
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Alan Duncan and Rob Walgate.
Release Date: Wednesday, January 22nd, 2025
TPS 60: To Begin Again
There is so much new energy and momentum towards the new power stepping into America. We wonder what will America go back to? Let’s move the opposite direction of the crowd and look back to history. We dissect Presidential Inaugural addresses, journey back to the founding truths of America, and remind ourselves of the importance of reading. This episode highlights a new book released and written from our very own team called, The Front Steps- A true story of a boy who loved to read. Please join the conversation today on The Public Square®.
Topic: Books
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Release Date: Friday, January 17th, 2025
TPS 60: A New Atheism
Professor Richard Dawkins and George Soros. Two names that have been influencing and in some cases dominating Western culture for a generation. Both names are in the news again this week. Is Professor Dawkins finally acknowledging that new atheism is actually more religion than science? And why would President Biden give the Presidential Medal of Freedom to George Soros? None of this is a coincidence. We connect the dots this week on The Public Square®.
Topic: Intelligent Design
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Release Date: Friday, January 10th, 2024
TPS 60: Hiding the Facts
Today we want to take a minute to reveal new strategies from the Abortion Industry. A new fight is arising for less data to be collected regarding anything with abortions. They want to hide the facts. Why don't they want data, facts, and reports? So how important is “Abortion in America”? This may be the last publication ever published based on facts gathered from the abortion industry at the state level. You can access Abortion in America at life.aproundtable.org and please join the conversation today on The Public Square®.
Topic: Abortion
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Release Date: Friday, January 3rd, 2024
TPS 60: It's A Wonderful Life
"Remember no man is a failure who has friends." It's a Wonderful Life, 1946
George Bailey can teach us all a lot about life. Every year we try to dedicate the last program of December to think about what Frank Capra and Jimmy Stewart were trying to tell America in the classic film It's a Wonderful Life. So grab your last holiday cup of cheer and join us around the radio this week on The Public Square®.
Happy New Year from all of us at The Public Square®!
Topic: Holidays
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Release Date: Friday, December 27, 2024
TPS 60: Christmas in America 1973, Part II
The story of the Herod's continues on Part II of Christmas in America 1973. Meanwhile, the news across America at that time grows darker. Was there any Light that was overcoming the darkness in that historic year? The music is amazing and the celebration concludes with a moment you won't soon forget. Please join in the exciting conclusion of this 14th episode of Christmas in America.
Find more episodes of Christmas in America at thepublicsquare.com and please share this musical gift with a friend for Christmas.
Topic: Christmas In America
The Public Square® Long Format Program with hosts Dave Zanotti and Wayne Shepherd
Release Date: Thursday, December 19th, 2024