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The Covert Narcissist

Dr. Theresa J. Covert

DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR? - Ruined self confidence - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Mood swings - Sleeplessness - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage - An inability to be comfortable with yourself - Strange dreams The list goes on…. Covert Narcissists dangle their vulnerability in front of you as bait, just waiting for your good nurturing mothering/fathering instincts to kick in and rescue the poor little lost child they are presenting to you. But beneath the mask of a shy, vulnerable and “good person” something far more sinister lurks. And this what makes covert narcissism so damaging and dangerous: the nature of the disorder is such that you are brainwashed into thinking you are dealing with a human being with a morality, perhaps even a “pillar of the community”. OFT REPEATED MYTHS OF THE INTERNET ABOUT NARCISSISTS : You are Told: Narcissists are always brash, loud, assertive, flashy and Confident. The problem is: Coverts are quiet, insecure and passive. You are Told: Narcissists will never apologise for things they do. The problem is: Coverts can learn that a quick and TOTAL apology is a really slick way of getting their target to “go back to sleep” if it looks like they are waking up. Duration - 3h 27m. Author - Dr. Theresa J. Covert. Narrator - Monica Wolfkill VO LLC. Published Date - Monday, 02 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 Gabriele Di Dio ©.


United States


DO THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS SOUND FAMILIAR? - Ruined self confidence - Doubting yourself and your sanity - Mood swings - Sleeplessness - Extreme weight loss or weight gain - Uncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurity - Feeling like you don’t know the difference between right and wrong - Extreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective) - Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex - Constantly trying to find explanations for what has happened - Feelings of helplessness and despair - A desire to self isolate - Feeling desperately misunderstood - Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief - Extreme bouts of rage - An inability to be comfortable with yourself - Strange dreams The list goes on…. Covert Narcissists dangle their vulnerability in front of you as bait, just waiting for your good nurturing mothering/fathering instincts to kick in and rescue the poor little lost child they are presenting to you. But beneath the mask of a shy, vulnerable and “good person” something far more sinister lurks. And this what makes covert narcissism so damaging and dangerous: the nature of the disorder is such that you are brainwashed into thinking you are dealing with a human being with a morality, perhaps even a “pillar of the community”. OFT REPEATED MYTHS OF THE INTERNET ABOUT NARCISSISTS : You are Told: Narcissists are always brash, loud, assertive, flashy and Confident. The problem is: Coverts are quiet, insecure and passive. You are Told: Narcissists will never apologise for things they do. The problem is: Coverts can learn that a quick and TOTAL apology is a really slick way of getting their target to “go back to sleep” if it looks like they are waking up. Duration - 3h 27m. Author - Dr. Theresa J. Covert. Narrator - Monica Wolfkill VO LLC. Published Date - Monday, 02 January 2023. Copyright - © 2023 Gabriele Di Dio ©.



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