Christian Questions Bible Podcast
Religion & Spirituality Podcas
Weekly podcasts from Rick and Jonathan dealing with life’s issues from a biblical perspective
New London, CT
Weekly podcasts from Rick and Jonathan dealing with life’s issues from a biblical perspective
Christian Questions P.O. Box 1837 New London, Ct. 06320
Are “Soul Ties” Biblical?
Human beings are different from all the rest of God’s creation. Of all the creatures on this earth, we were the only ones created “in God’s image.” God was intentional with this, as the human race was meant to be an extension of God’s family here on this planet. He created us as social and relationship-oriented beings. We were created to be connected - not just with our Creator, but with each other. In many spiritually based groups, this connectivity is defined by the phrase “soul ties.” These are often described as the most intense connections people can have between them. They are credited with having their basis on a mystical level. The question is, do these soul ties accurately represent what God intended humanity’s connections to look like, or are they way off base?
Will God Forgive Me?
The biblical definition for sin is "to miss the mark." To illustrate the point, let’s think about shooting an arrow at a target. As you aim for the bullseye, you shoot. You hit the target but missed the bullseye. Because your shot did not hit the mark, it fits the definition of sin. You can say, "But wait a minute! I hit the target," and you did, but you were aiming for the bullseye. Seeing sin through this "all or nothing" lens can be frustrating and even scary. What does God do with all of our “just missed” sins? How about those bigger sins, where at times we may not even aim the arrow? Are we simply lost causes? Fortunately, the Bible explains all of this to us in great detail. The conclusions the Scriptures draw us to are both dramatic and inspiring!
What Is True Friendship According to the Bible?
In the book of Proverbs, it says a friend loves at all times. So, what does that really mean? Jesus called his followers "friends." This should give us a sense of its importance. Marriage can and should be between friends. Brotherhood in Christ should be fertile ground for forging deep and powerful friendships. It turns out, there is a lot to this friendship thing. Fortunately, we have many biblical examples of what true friendship looks like and what principles need to be present to build a friendship that will not only flourish but become a vital contributor to faithfully following Jesus. As we will see, God created the concept of friendship for our happiness, wellbeing and fulfillment!
Does God Punish Us When We Break a Promise?
What is the status of promises these days? Has the making of a promise become a simple figure of speech? When we say, “I promise,” are we really saying, “I'm going to try,” or “I really do intend to accomplish what I said I would do”? Have we lost our connection between our promises and our integrity? It seems as though the power of a promise has gone from being a guarantee of what will happen to a way of showing effort in getting things done. So, what does God see in us when we make a half-hearted promise to someone else? Does this kindle His wrath, or does it just disappoint Him? What should we know and do when it comes to making and keeping our promises?
Will There Ever Be Peace on Earth?
In our last episode about God’s vengeance bringing the end of the world as we know it, we examined several Old Testament prophecies that pointed to how God’s vengeance works in the dismantling of all vestiges of our present and sin-ridden world. When these dramatic prophecies are focused on without the context of the rest of God’s character, they are often understood to paint a bleak and harsh picture of who God is. In this episode, we will again focus on Old Testament prophecies. However, this time we will be looking at what happens AFTER the vengeance of God is exercised. What we will find is a breathtaking view of not only who God is, but what His plan REALLY has in store for ALL of humanity. If you truly want to know who God is, then follow along as we unfold the rest of the story!
Will God’s Vengeance Bring the End of the World?
If we take a look around us, what we see can be confusing. On the one hand, we live in a time where science, technology and medicine are incredibly advanced. Billions of people throughout the world hold the world in their hands with their smart phones. That’s amazing! We are creating artificial intelligence that can solve problems and do research. That’s unbelievable! A doctor in one location can do surgery on a patient in another location through technology. That’s breathtaking! On the other hand, we have depths of unrest, partisanship, dissatisfaction and egotism that are striking and disturbing. We have so much, and yet we wallow in our discontentment. All in all, what’s lacking is a foundational respect for and loyalty to our Creator. God is the one who gave us minds capable of such amazing things, and yet we disdain His presence in our society. No wonder He is unhappy! There are several Old Testament prophecies that talk about the wrath and vengeance of God, and to be honest, they aren’t pretty. We have prophecies that talk about mountains quaking and falling into the sea. We have prophecies about hills melting like wax and the fire of God’s anger consuming the earth. Then there are the problems of the sea drying up, the kingdoms of man tottering and there being nothing left but desolation. What does all of this really mean? Is God so mad at us that there will be nothing left of the earth but burnt and desolate ruins? Is it the end of the world? The answer to this is a resounding NO! It’s easy to say "God is love" and it will all work out in the end, but how do we explain all of the death and destruction in those prophecies? Understanding can only come if we are willing to back away from our preconceived conclusions and view the big picture. The fact is, God is bigger than the ruthless, thoughtless and furious vengeance that some attribute to him. Putting these numerous prophecies into their proper context by applying biblical symbolism to them helps us see more clearly. What was I thinking? Imagine you need major surgery because you live with severe daily pain and suffering. You consent to the surgery and your doctor assures you all will be well. The problem is, recovery can be lengthy, painful, discouraging and draining. As you go through the recovery, you scream to yourself, “What was I thinking?” Eventually the horror ends, and you have a new and full life. Think of God’s vengeance as this harsh process of surgery and rehabilitation. It is there to bring something better! Check out our January 27, 2025 podcast, “Will God’s Vengeance Bring the End of the World?” for details. Join us as we look deeply into several harsh biblical prophecies about the end times and piece together their meaning and their ultimate purpose. These lessons help us to clearly see who God is and grasp the importance of His anger. The end result is better than most can imagine!
What Really Happened on the Mount of Transfiguration?
The vision on the Mount of Transfiguration was one of those magnificent events in the life of Jesus that gives us some insight into just how remarkable his earthly ministry was. This vision had everything - it had Jesus’ very appearance changed to one of brightness and glory. It had the appearance of two Old Testament powerhouses who were talking with this glorious version of Jesus. It had the booming voice of God from heaven. And then it had the sudden removal of all these amazing elements and the world suddenly became normal again. In the midst of all of the glory and splendor shown here, we need to ask some simple questions. First, why did this happen? Second, what can we take away from this for our own benefit and understanding?
Was Philip Miraculously Transported by the Spirit?
There are several scriptures in the Bible that really capture our imaginations. The account of Jonah and the great fish is one, Elijah being taken up in a whirlwind is another. One more of these is the account of the disciple Philip when he was instructed by God to find an Ethiopian man on a deserted road and witness the gospel to him. After this amazing and well-known encounter, the Scriptures say Philip was snatched away by God’s spirit. What does that mean? Many believe it was a miracle, and that Philip was supernaturally transported away from that place in an instant. Others believe he was simply and powerfully compelled to leave. Which perspective is true? Let’s unfold the events that lead to this detail and see what we can learn from the Scriptures!
What Happens When We Wrestle With God?
Many know the story of Jacob wrestling with an angel. When we just drop in on the account and read what happened, there are many unanswered questions. Why would you pick a fight with an angel anyway? Why would an angel even let you fight? Couldn't the angel have overwhelmingly defeated Jacob even before the altercation began? What could possibly be gained by such a confrontation? Once we begin to understand who Jacob was and the experiences of his life that led up to this confrontation, it all begins to fall into place. What we will find is that Jacob lived a life filled with experiences of great faith, as well as experiences of great deception and rivalry. God allowing him to wrestle with the angel gives us a clue as to how God knows us and meets us where we are.
How Will I Choose to Live the Life That’s Ahead of Me?
We have all heard the saying, “Life is what you make it!” It is usually at the approach of a new year or a birthday or some landmark life event when we turn our focus inward and think about changes we would like to make. Normally, these changes are aimed at finding a greater measure of happiness, health or fulfillment in our daily lives. So, what should we decide needs changing? Even more importantly, how will we decide to implement those changes? On the surface this may sound easy, but for the vast majority of us, it is not. Life tends to get in the way, along with old habits and second thoughts. Then there is our old friend, our comfort zone! Why would we want to leave that, as it is so, well...comfortable? What can we learn from the Scriptures to help us actually implement God-honoring life changes?
Why Did the Angel Say “Fear Not”?
When Jesus came to earth 2,000 years ago, he came to pay the price for Adam’s sin by willingly offering himself as a just and equal ransom price to redeem Adam - and therefore the entire human race - from sin and death. To prepare for his coming as a man, God sent the angel Gabriel to deliver preparatory messages to John the Baptist’s father Zacharias, and to Jesus’ mother Mary. Joseph would be guided by spiritually driven dreams. When Jesus was born, a whole host of angels made the announcement to some lowly shepherds who were in the fields with their flocks. When this angelic announcement came, it was prefaced with some beautiful words of assurance, "Fear not!" This reassuring “fear not” sentiment would echo repeatedly throughout Jesus’ entire ministry!
Is the Gospel a Success or a Failure?
Jesus was here 2,000 years ago. His message was clear, as he had come to pay the price for Adam’s sin. He preached, he healed, he called some to follow him, and he gave people hope. Jesus called himself “the way, the truth and the life” and announced that the “kingdom of God was at hand.” Fast forward 2,000 years, and we have to ask, where are we? It’s plainly obvious that the world has not come around to follow Jesus. And to be blunt, it is also obvious that much of the history of Christianity does not reflect well on the principles Jesus lived by and taught. So, what conclusions should we draw from all of this? Has the gospel message failed? Has the redemption Jesus promised the world just gone by the wayside, or is the gospel message doing precisely what God had always intended it to do?
How Do You Know If God Is Calling You?
How does someone become a follower of Christ? Does it begin by becoming curious about this Jesus person and all of the world-changing influence he has? Perhaps we are living in fear and are searching for a kind of security that is different and higher than anything else we know. Maybe we’re overwhelmed with despair in our lives, and we’re searching for powerful hope and encouragement. Or maybe we've been awakened to the realization that there is more to life than what this world has to offer - much more. While any and all of these things can play a role in coming to Christ, the one common factor in all cases of true discipleship is beyond us. It is God drawing us to Him through Jesus. So, how does that work? How can we identify the drawing of God and differentiate it from our own emotions? By invitation only During his ministry on earth, Jesus plainly stated that no one comes to him unless God has drawn them. The context of this statement was Jesus talking about what it takes to become a true disciple of his. He was indicating to those listening that there was more to becoming one of his followers than they may have thought. True discipleship would always begin with God’s providence in someone’s life. An individual’s decision to truly follow would be an outgrowth of that invitation. So, what does that drawing from God actually look like? The answer to this is best understood by looking at actual biblical examples of some who were called to follow Jesus from widely diverse backgrounds. Observing someone’s actual life circumstances coupled with what we are told was their heart attitude helps us see the process of how God calls. Take Cornelius the Roman Centurion for example Cornelius loved God, even though his life was far outside of God’s favor as a Roman Gentile. In spite of that lack of favor, he remained devoted to honoring what he knew of God’s ways. When God’s timing arrived, the Apostle Peter was sent to him to witness about Jesus. Cornelius was ready, and the despair of his previous lack of favor was transformed into fulfilled contentment as a follower of Jesus. This is just one example of how God may call us. Check out our December 9, 2024 podcast, “How Do You Know If God Is Calling You?” for more. We also dig into the lives of the Apostle Paul before his conversion, Zaccheus the tax collector, and the Apostle Peter at the time he was drawn by God to Jesus. All four examples show us differing life circumstances through which God would draw individuals to Him as they came to Jesus. The lessons here are eye-opening as we learn how varied and unique God’s calling can be. Join us as we walk through the lives of these faithful disciples of Jesus and appreciate their responses to God’s drawing.
Why the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge?
This may sound like an oversimplification, but I’m going to say it anyway: God is intentional. He always knows what He is doing and what it will eventually lead to. While this knowledge should serve as a great comfort to us, it can, because of our limited and imperfect minds, have the exact opposite effect. We may see things in the Bible that on the surface just don’t seem to click. We start wondering, why would God do it THAT way? It doesn’t make any sense! Take the two trees mentioned in the creation account. Both the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil were placed in close proximity to each other. They were both in the center of the garden. Why two trees? Why have one there to eat from daily and the other there to avoid?
How Generous Should We Be?
Life is forever busy. Whether it’s a holiday season or tax season or baseball season or following this, that and the other influencers on social media, we always have too much to do and not enough time or energy to do it. With all of this being said, how often do we stop and think about being generous? You know - just giving of our time or resources because we see a need. Built on the question of giving generously is the matter of how to go about it. How do we know what to give, how much to give and when to stop? Is generosity always appropriate? What if there is no appreciation for a gift? Is that an indication that we should focus our giving elsewhere? So many questions! It looks like the subject of freely giving needs some "generous" consideration!
What Is God’s Will, and How Do I Make It My Will?
Doing God’s will should be a given for any and every Christian. After all, the mere fact that we are called "Christians" implies that we follow in Jesus’ footsteps and are therefore obliged to do God’s will as Jesus did God’s will. While this all sounds pretty straightforward, the big question has to do with knowing. How do we know what the will of God is? Answering this question may be harder than we would like to think. It would be easy to assume that because we love and worship God, He will in turn show us His love by giving us the good things we want. After all, that IS what it says in Psalm 37:4: "Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Sounds exciting and almost easy, but as you might have guessed, it's not. So, how do we know what God wants for us? There are many factors we need to put in order to understand God’s will for us in our daily lives. The first thing we need to grasp is more or less an introductory statement: God will NOT whisper His will to you into your ear. He will not send an e-mail or text; He will not post or message. He will not speak. Why? Wouldn’t these kinds of things make it easier to follow Him? On the contrary, these simple things would be counterproductive, as finding His will for us means we need to be looking for it. So, where do we look? We search in the Bible of course, after all, it is His holy word! The Bible gives us two very broad categories of what doing God’s will looks like. The first category is full of things NOT to do. One very blunt scripture plainly makes this point: 1 Thessalonians 4:3: "For this is the will of God, your sanctification - that you abstain from sexual immorality." The point is simple. If you want to do God’s will, then you completely avoid immoral behavior. Several other scriptures give us specifics on the many kinds of thoughts and behaviors we need to avoid. The good news is that there are many more scriptures that tell us about the second broad category of things we SHOULD do. These are things like rejoicing, praying, being thankful and doing good. With all of this said, there is so much more! Check out our November 18, 2024 podcast, “What is God’s Will, and How Do I Make It My will? For more. We outline how Jesus daily went about doing God’s will in every area of life. We take his example and overlay it onto our lives, and we suddenly have a clear guide. No texts or posts, just God’s holy word showing us His holy will. Don’t miss this wonderful journey towards living a much fuller Christian life!
Did Jesus Teach Us That We Are All Unprofitable Servants?
Every Christian will tell you that Jesus is the embodiment of righteousness, compassion and mercy. We all agree that his impact on the world came through his uncompromising actions of selfless love that led to sacrificing himself as a ransom for all of humanity. Couple these actions with his words of encouragement and uplift to any and all who would listen, and you have a model of how God’s love should unfold within humanity. It is with this resume in hand that we need to examine Jesus’ Parable of the Unprofitable Servant. It sounds like the exact opposite of all that Jesus stood for. In this parable, he seems to tell his followers that whatever they do in God’s service is what is expected of them and nothing more. What did Jesus mean? How does this harmonize with the rest of his teachings? There are a few places in the Gospels we can get a glimpse of Jesus being deeply engaged with crowds of people. In Luke 15, 16 and the first part of 17, Jesus was talking to such a crowd, and it was a very mixed audience. He was addressing the “sinners” and tax collectors, those who were considered undesirables in Jewish society. He was addressing Pharisees and scribes, those who were considered the elite of their society. And right in the middle of these two polarized groups, he was addressing his own disciples. Jesus took this opportunity and showed them all God’s grand plan of salvation and the roles they would play. How did he do this? He told stories. The Parable of the Unprofitable Servant would be the sixth and last of a series of stories that would paint a picture of each of these segments of society. For the tax collectors and sinners, his stories would be encouraging, as they would reveal how God loved them. The Pharisees and scribes found his stories offensive, as they were grossly misusing the privileges God had given them. For his disciples, his stories would be humbling, as they gave them a glimpse of the kind of responsibilities they would come to have relating to the gospel. This Parable of the Unworthy Servant was spoken directly to Jesus’ disciples. At first reading, it seems to come across as downright discouraging. He seems to be saying, "You are servants of God, and He has given you a long list of chores to do. Just do them and don’t expect to be thanked because they are your job!" Is this the message Jesus had for his disciples as he ended this time of teaching? Absolutely not! Check out our November 11, 2024 podcast, “Did Jesus Teach That We Are All Unprofitable Servants?” for more. We put this parable into its proper context and see how it was the outgrowth of all of Jesus’ other lessons. The lesson here was actually one of great hope and encouragement. Join us and find out what Jesus was really teaching!
What’s the Difference Between Burnt Offerings and Sin Offerings?
The Old Testament Law given to Moses after Israel’s deliverance from Egypt was filled with rituals and sacrifices. All of this was designed to teach God’s people two very basic principles. These principles are fundamental for any civilization that seeks to perpetuate itself. The first principle is to comply with righteous and just rules that transcend human desires. For Israel, this meant they could have the favor, protection and leadings of God if they remained in harmony with His commands. This required sacrifices. The second principle is to live with humble gratitude for the freedoms that righteousness and justice provide. Israel was to learn this power of thankfulness by practicing heart gratitude towards God for all of His mercies. All of this required animal sacrifices. Why? In the Old Testament, it is hard to avoid animal sacrifices. They first appear in Genesis after Adam and Eve sinned. The Bible tells us God provided them with animal skins as clothing. This would be an obvious reference to the fact that covering humanity’s sins could only be done through a sacrifice. This one example lays out how God would illustrate the need for justice to be satisfied up until Jesus came. What about the Tabernacle? When Israel was wandering in the wilderness, God instructed them to build the Tabernacle. This would be their portable place of worship. It would be the place where God’s presence could be felt, and His favor would be evident. It was within this structure that many different kinds of sacrifices took place. There were sin offerings, burnt offerings, peace offerings and wave offerings just to name a few. As we look at this from our 21st century perspective, we wonder why. What was the point of all these rituals? This is a really good question. Though detailed, the answer is even better. Let’s start with the sin offering made on the annual Day of Atonement. These were the very basis of all the rest of the sacrifices, as they were in place to satisfy justice, to cover the people’s sins. The sin offering made annually was a specific requirement to maintain God’s favor. Without them, any and all other offerings could not have been acceptable to God. Comprehending the importance of this piece helps us grasp how the other pieces fit into the puzzle. Check out our November 04, 2024 podcast, “What’s the Difference Between Burnt Offerings and Sin Offerings?” for more. We clearly define the how and why of the sin offerings, including what they represented for Christians. We then look into how the burnt offerings are different and what they represent for us as well. Further, we examine what a peace offering is and how it’s given based on these other sacrifices. What we find is a startling explanation that unfolds how God’s plan unfolds through Jesus. The connections are amazing! Join us as we make what sound like complex ancient rituals simple and meaningful!
Should Christians Be Involved in Exorcisms?
Demons are scary. Not only are they mysterious, but they are also powerful beyond our human capacity. In our last episode, we mentioned scriptures that assure us they are restrained in “chains of darkness.” While this condition does limit them, they can still exert great influence on our world - and on individuals as well. We know Jesus cast many demons out of many people and some of his followers were able to do the same. The big question here has to do with whether or not such power and authority is still present within Christianity. Are we supposed to be casting out demons today? If so, who is supposed to be doing this and what scriptural instruction have we been given to follow? Then and now Looking through denominational Christian history over the last 1,900 year or so, we can observe a wide range of exorcism practices. From rituals, to prayers, to incense to relics, crosses and commands, these varied practices have widely been in use. The tragedy here is that until recently, there was not a deep understanding of mental health issues. Many of the “exorcisms” performed over the centuries ended up further harming those afflicted people instead of helping them. Looking at this in the most positive way, we see well-meaning efforts creating damage due to medical science ignorance. How did Jesus do it? This brings us to the fundamental question about what Jesus’ actual instructions were regarding casting out demons. It is important to note that when he himself cast demons out, it was basic. His command simply brought them out. Every time. Interestingly, all of the other recorded examples of demons being cast out by his followers seem to follow that same pattern of simplicity. We have no record of any rituals, lengthy prayers or ceremony. An amazing fact is the Greek word for “exorcist” is only used once in the New Testament. It may be surprising that this word actually means “one who binds by an oath (or spell) i.e. by implication an exorcist (conjurer).” This definition of the practice of exorcisms gives us a very different perspective on casting demons out than what Jesus did and taught. The sole use of this word was to describe some Jewish individuals in the Apostle Paul’s day who were in Ephesus. These men were posing as authorities regarding the casting out of demons and had their fraudulence dramatically exposed. Check out our October 28, 2024 podcast, “Should Christians Be Involved in Exorcisms?” for more. We examine what Jesus instructed his followers to do and thoroughly look into one of the more dramatic examples of Jesus casting out demons. Through this example, we are able to glean an understanding of the powerful principles that cast demons away from their personal manipulation of individuals. We then directly address the question of what our role is and is not regarding demon possession today. Join us for this sobering and enlightening conversation. We follow the biblical path to knowing and handling our current-day Christian responsibilities.
Are There Different Kinds of Evil Spirits?
The world is such a confused place. For many, discussing evil spirits is fascinating, as looking into dark mysteries beyond our world can be a thrilling and adrenaline-packed ride. For Christians, such conversations are entered into with a fear and respect, as we are speaking of dark and evil things beyond our realm and understanding. It is therefore with caution that we approach this subject. The Bible clearly teaches us that demons do exist, and they are opposed to God and His righteousness. Further, we know this topic is far too easily glorified and dramatized. The specific focus of our present conversation will be to better understand how the Bible defines and separates demonic possession and influence from the serious mental health challenges that are so prevalent today. Demons are real. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, he came across several demon-possessed individuals. In each and every case, the afflicted individual’s life was filled with pain, sadness and hopelessness. In each and every case, Jesus was able to bring relief to their traumatic circumstances by casting the offending demons out of them. Throughout the last 2,000 years of Christian history, Jesus’ followers have countlessly revisited these accounts as faith-strengthening examples of hope. The bottom line here is simple: Demons are real, but the power of God’s spirit through Jesus can always overcome them. This is all well and good for those who are demon possessed, but what about those who have mental health challenges? In many cases, the “symptoms” of mental health issues are similar to demon possession. This can be confusing. Throughout history many mental health cases have gone undiagnosed and untreated because they were thought to be demon-possessed individuals. This at the very least is tragic. How many people, even today, end up without appropriate treatment because we incorrectly jump to a demon possession conclusion? Demon possession or mental health challenges? Fortunately, the Bible shows us that there is a difference between demon possession and mental health issues. Even better, Jesus shows us his compassion and clarity when dealing with such an issue. Many of us have never heard of this aspect of the gospel, but it is right there in black and white. It all has to do with the mental health of a young man whose father begged Jesus for help. Check out our October 21, 2024 podcast, “Are There Different Kinds of Evil Spirits?” for more. We break down how the Scriptures differentiate between the internal challenges of mental health and the external issues of demons. We examine how Jesus went about healing this suffering person and all of the lessons he left for us to learn as a result. Mental health issues are very serious and are on the rise in our present day. They can be triggered by a wide variety of circumstances. As Christians, we need to understand what to do when confronted with them. Join us as we walk through this often mysterious and sometimes scary world. Learn with us about how to respond with appropriate Christian wisdom and compassion!