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Sermons from Edgewood Bible Church


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Sermons from Edgewood Bible Church



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Romans 4:9-12 - An Obedient Faith

Main idea: Righteousness only comes to us through faith. (1) Righteousness is received apart from circumcision (2) Righteousness has a sign and seal in circumcision (3) Righteousness is given with or without circumcision Discussion Questions: 1. What does the delay between Abraham’s justification and his circumcision teach us about the role of works in salvation? 2. In what ways do modern believers sometimes fall into the same mindset as those who thought circumcision contributed to salvation? 3. How do sacraments like baptism and communion function as signs and seals today? In what ways are they similar to and different from circumcision in the Old Testament? 4. What are some ways that faith is like walking? How does this metaphor help us understand the Christian life?


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Romans 4:1-8 - A Believing Faith

Main idea: We are made right with God through faith. 1. Was Abraham good enough to be saved by his works? 2. Was David too bad not to be saved because of his works? Discussion Questions 1. What does it mean that faith was "credited" to Abraham as righteousness? How does this apply to believers today? 2. Why do some people struggle with the idea of justification by faith alone? What are some common misconceptions? 3. How does Psalm 32 describe the experience of unconfessed sin? Have you ever felt the weight of sin in your own life? 4. Why is confession necessary for experiencing the blessing of forgiveness?


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Exodus 35-40 - The Way Forward

Main idea: God is faithful to his promises and he will dwell with his people in glory through a cloud. The Arriving Cloud The Forbidding Cloud The Guiding & Faithful Cloud Discussion Questions: 1. What does it mean for God to "move in" with His people? How does this passage deepen our understanding of God’s desire to be near His people? 2. What does this passage teach us about the holiness of God and human limitations? 3. How does God’s leading of Israel through the cloud demonstrate both His immanence (nearness) and transcendence (greatness)? 4. How should our awareness of God’s overwhelming glory impact the way we worship Him today?


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Exodus 32-34 - The Glory of God and Failure of Man

Big idea: Through His intercessor, God reveals His glory as he renews His covenant with His idolatrous people. 1. The Idolatry of God’s people and their need for an Intercessor (ch.32) 2. The commission to Canaan and a repentant people (33:1-16) 3. The Glory of God and His Covenant renewal (33:17-34:35) Discussion Questions: 1. What does the golden calf incident teach us about the nature of idolatry, and how do we see similar patterns of idolatry in our own lives today? 2. Why do you think God took idolatry so seriously in Exodus 32? How does this reflect His justice and mercy, and how should that shape our understanding of God today? 3. Moses interceded for the people despite their rebellion. How does this point us to Jesus as our ultimate intercessor, and how does His intercession impact our relationship with God? 4. Moses pleaded for God’s presence to go with Israel (Exodus 33:15). What does this reveal about Moses’ understanding of God’s presence, and how should it shape our dependence on God in our daily lives? 5. When Moses asked to see God’s glory (Exodus 33:18), God revealed His character instead. What does this teach us about God’s glory, and how does beholding His glory transform us as believers (2 Corinthians 3:18)?


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Exodus 25-31 - Heaven on Earth

Main idea: God’s desire is for a holy place, a holy people and, a holy process as we enter into worship of Him. 1. God desires a holy place (25-27) 2. God desires a holy people (28:1-29:37; 31) 3. God desires a holy process (29:38-30:38) Discussion questions: 1. The people were asked to give only if their hearts moved them. Why do you think God emphasized willingness to give rather than obligation? 2. How does understanding the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice (Hebrews 9:11–14) help us address feelings of guilt or inadequacy in our spiritual lives? 3. What are practical ways to reflect the "glory and beauty" of Christ in our worship and daily lives? 4. What obstacles or excuses tend to keep people from gathering weekly for worship? How can we prioritize worship in our lives without letting other commitments interfere?


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Exodus 20:22-24:18 - Laws and the Covenant

Exodus 20:22-24:18 Main idea: God’s people seek to glorify God and love others through the obedience of the law. 1. God’s people glorify God through right worship 2. God’s people love others through relating justly 3. God’s people are safe to obey God’s law and receive blessing. Discussion Questions: 1. How does the command to avoid worshiping like the pagans challenge us to examine modern worship practices? 2. How does the treatment of slaves outlined in Exodus 21 contrast with the chattel slavery practiced in other parts of history, such as in America? 3. In what ways can the church today care for marginalized groups, such as immigrants, orphans, and widows? 4. How does knowing that Jesus perfectly fulfilled the law impact the way you view your own relationship with God's commands? 5. For those struggling with shame over sin, how does the gospel message of Christ’s blood and righteousness provide hope and freedom?


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Exodus 19:1-20:21 - Holiness and Obedience

Main idea: A Holy God establishes his relationship with his treasured people to prepare them to worship Him. 1. God’s treasured possession—19:1-6 2. God’s Transcendence and Immanence—19:7-25; 20:18-21 3. God’s words to live by—20:1-17 Discussion Questions: 1. The imagery of being borne on eagles’ wings suggests care and protection. How have you experienced God’s care and guidance in your own walk with Christ? 2. Why do you think it is important to hold both truths—God’s transcendence and immanence—together in our understanding of who God is? 3. In what ways does Jesus’ mediating work in the New Covenant surpass the mediation seen at Mount Sinai? 4. What does it mean to have no other gods before God? What modern "gods" or idols might compete for our attention today?


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Exodus 17:8-18:27 - Limited Leaders and an Unlimited God

Text: Exodus 17:8-18:27 Big Idea: An unlimited God uses limited leaders so that all His people share in His redemptive work. 1. God uses weak shoulders to distribute his might (17:8-16) 2. God brings in an outsider to lead His leaders in worship. (18:1-12) 3. God relieves a weary judge to establish justice throughout His people. (18:13-27) Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think God tied Israel’s victory to Moses’ raised hands? What was He teaching His people about dependence on Him and shared responsibility? 2. How did Jethro, an outsider, play a significant role in leading God’s people in worship? What does this teach us about how God uses unlikely people for His purposes? Who in your life might seem like an “outsider” but might have a role in God’s work? 3. Why was Moses’ leadership approach described as “not good” by Jethro? What happens when leaders fail to delegate responsibility to others? How does Christ show us a better way? 4. God’s redemptive work involves every believer, not just a select few. Are there areas in your life where you need to step up, share responsibility, or empower others? What’s one step you can take this week to better align with God’s design for shared responsibility? 5. If you are feeling discouraged in your discipleship relationships, what are some resources God has given you to help? How can you use those resources and find your rest in Christ?


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Exodus 15:22-17:7 - The All Providing God

Big Idea: God teaches us to trust through the testing of our faith. 1. The test of Bitter Water: Do you listen to God? 2. The test of daily provision: Do you need God? 3. The test of the impossible: Do you believe in God? Discussion Questions: 1. Read Exodus 15:24–26. How did the Israelites respond to the bitter water and how did God instruct Moses to solve the problem? In verse 26, God promises healing if the people “diligently listen” to Him. What does it mean to listen to God diligently? 2. Read Exodus 16:4–5. God promises daily manna and instructs the Israelites to gather only what they need each day. What areas of your life demonstrate your reliance on God’s daily provision? How can you grow in remembering his provision and trusting in it? 3. The Israelites quarreled with Moses about the lack of water. What does their complaint reveal about their trust in God? 4. Looking at Exodus 15:22–17:7 as a whole, what patterns do you see in how the Israelites responded to each test? What do you think God is teaching them? How might you respond in faith and trust God more fully in your life?


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Exodus 14:1-15:21 - Escape and Rejoice

Main idea: God triumphantly rescues his people so they will see and rejoice in his Glory. God’s people see and love the glory of God God’s people stand speechless before the glory of God God’s people sing of the glory of God Discussion Questions: 1. In what ways does God’s glory challenge or reframe the way we perceive human authority or power, such as Pharaoh’s? 2. Reflect on a time in your life when you felt “backed into a corner.” How did you experience God’s presence or learn to trust Him through it? 3. How does the Red Sea crossing reveal both God’s glory and His justice? 4. How does this story challenge us to reflect on the urgency of sharing the gospel with others?


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Exodus 12:1-13:22 - Passover and Consecration

Main idea: God passes over his people in judgment because of their faith and obedience to Him. Deliverance through substitution - v.1-27 Obedience through faith - v.28-51 Consecration through remembrance - v.1-16 Guidance through protection - v.17-22 Discussion questions: 1. How does the Passover remind us of the importance of worshiping God in a way that sets us apart from the world? 2. What does the phrase "obedience of faith" mean in Romans 1:5, and how does it apply to the Israelites’ actions during the Passover? 3. What does the Passover narrative teach us about God’s grace and justice? 4. How can we apply the lesson of trusting God’s provision for deliverance to challenges we face today?


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Exodus 7:8-11:10 - God and Pharaoh

Main idea: Through the plagues in Egypt, the LORD shows Himself as the true God, mighty Creator, Holy Judge, and gracious Savior The LORD is the True God The LORD is the Mighty Creator The LORD is the Holy Judge The LORD is the Gracious Savior Discussion questions: 1. How does the story of Pharaoh challenge our understanding of religious pluralism in today’s culture? 2. Despite witnessing the plagues, Pharaoh's heart remains hardened. What does this teach us about human pride and resistance to God? 3. What are some modern “idols” (e.g., work, relationships, personal autonomy) that can lead to a similar “disintegration” of life if placed above God? 4. How does God’s Word act as both a guide and a safeguard against the natural progression of sin in our lives?


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Exodus 5:1-7:7 - Pharaoh’s Reception

Big Idea: In the face of opposition, trust in God who faithfully stands with His dependent people. 1. Trust in God’s purpose: He tests faith through suffering (5:1-23) 2. Trust in God’s promise: He redeems His covenant people (6:1-9) 3. Trust in God’s timing: He works on His sovereign schedule (6:10-27) 4. Trust in God’s authority: He is mightier than man (7:1-7:7) Discussion Questions 1. How do Moses and the Israelites respond differently to opposition in Exodus 5? Who do they go to with their concerns? 2. In Exodus 6, God reminds Moses of His covenant with Israel. How does reflecting on God’s past faithfulness help us trust His promises, especially when His timing doesn’t meet our expectations? 3. Throughout Exodus, God redeems His people not just from suffering but through suffering. How does this truth challenge our perspective on trials, and how can it reshape our trust in God’s purpose? 4. In Exodus 7:1-7, Moses is made “like God” to Pharaoh, yet remains dependent on God’s power. What does this teach us about living as ambassadors of God today while acknowledging our own dependence on Him?


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Exodus 3:1-4:31 - Calling and Commission

Text: Exodus 3-4 Big Idea: God displays the fire of His glory amist the smoldering wick of His people. 1. Look at the God who is (3:1-10) 2. Look at the God who calls (3:11-4:17) 3. Look at the God who qualifies (4:18-4:31) Discussion Questions: 1. Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness before being called by God at age 80. How can we trust that God is at work even when we feel like nothing is happening? 2. At the burning bush, God revealed Himself as “I AM,” emphasizing His self-existence and eternal nature. What does this reveal about who God is, and how should we respond? 3. Moses raised five objections to God’s call, questioning his worthiness and ability. How do we sometimes respond like Moses when God calls us to step out in faith? 4. The circumcision of Moses’ son emphasized the importance of obedience to God’s commands. How do faith and obedience work together in the life of a believer?


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Exodus 2:11-25 - Failure and Rescue

Main idea: A deliverer is set apart as God remembers his people Moses, the confused mediator Moses, the lost sojourner God, the faithful redeemer Discussion questions: 1. Moses was raised as an Egyptian prince but was also born into the Hebrew people. How does his identity crisis affect his actions? In what ways do you see him struggling to reconcile these two parts of himself? 2. Reflect on the idea that Moses was not called to merely “reform” his people, but to lead them to freedom. How does this distinction relate to our mission as Christians? Are we called to reform the world, or to rescue people through the Gospel? 3. In what ways might the Israelites have felt abandoned by God during this time? How can we relate to times in our own lives when God feels distant or when we wonder if He’s forgotten us? 4. How does this long period of waiting shape our understanding of God's timing? In what ways can we cultivate patience and trust in God’s perfect timing when we are in seasons of waiting?


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Exodus 1:1-2:10-Suffering and Redemption

Main idea: God’s promised redemption will come through suffering 1. Growth comes through Suffering (1:1-22) 2. Redemption comes through a baby (2:1-10) Discussion Questions: 1. What does Genesis 15:5 have to do with Exodus 1? How does the growth of the Israelite population, despite their suffering, demonstrate the faithfulness of God's promises? 2. How does the text highlight the importance of moral courage in the face of political or societal pressure? What role does the fear of God play in their decision-making? 3. Discuss the irony in the story—how does God use the very river that Pharaoh intended for death to be a source of deliverance for Moses? What other instances of irony can you identify in the text? 4. Discuss how Moses’ story parallels the concept of redemption in the New Testament, particularly in light of the parallels drawn between Moses and Jesus. How do both figures represent deliverers for God’s people?


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1 Corinthians 16 - Final Instructions

Main idea: The Christian life is regularly growing in our giving, our serving, and our loving one another for the expansion of the church and the glory of God. 1. Money and the church of God (1-4) 2. Teachers and the mission of God (5-12) 3. Admonition and the love of God (13-14) 4. Maturity and the servants of God (15-18) 5. Vision and the grace of God (19-24) Discussion Questions: 1. Paul mentions Timothy and encourages the church to receive him warmly. What does this tell us about the importance of hospitality and support within the church? 2. Based on v.13, In what areas of life do you think Christians today need to be watchful? 3. What does it look like to stand firm in today’s world? 4. How does love serve as a foundation for the relationships among believers, according to this passage?


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1 Corinthians 15 - Understanding the Resurrection

Main idea: Death is inevitable but it will be destroyed through the resurrection. 1. The Resurrection is the Gospel 2. The Resurrection is the Life 3. The Resurrection is our Future Reality Discussion questions 1. What are the essential aspects of the gospel message from this chapter? 2. How will our resurrection bodies be different than our natural bodies? 3. How should the reality of the resurrection change our lives?


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3 John - Good and Evil

Text: 3 John Main Idea: Doing spiritual Good to others testifies that we are walking in the truth I. Be like Gaius: live a testimony of the truth in love(v.5-8) II. Don’t be like Diotrephes: It is bad to put yourself first (9-10) III. Be like Demetrius: His testimony points to God (10-11) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: 1. What does it mean to "walk in the truth," and how does this look in our daily lives? 2. How can we, like Gaius, show love and hospitality to strangers or those working for the sake of the gospel? 3. What dangers do we face when we put ourselves first, as Diotrephes did, and how can we guard against this in our own lives? 4. What does it mean to “imitate good” (verse 11), and how can we follow the example of those with a good testimony like Demetrius? 5. How can we actively seek out examples of godly living and apply those examples to our own lives? Who in your life can you imitate as they follow Christ?


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1 Corinthians 14:26-40 - Ordered Worship

Main idea: Ordered worship results in peace. 1. Ordered liturgy 2. Ordered roles 3. Ordered submission Discussion Questions: 1. Do you think of the Holy Spirit’s work as being naturally more spontaneous or orderly? 2. What are some reasons Paul desires for the worship service to be ordered? 3. Describe what a Corinthians worship service may have looked like based on our time in all of chapter 14. 4. How can apply these verses to our church family in the coming weeks?
