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International Gospel Hour



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When One Looks Toward Sin - Audio

A study of James 1 shows what happens when one looks toward sin and the power of sin and its effect. Let’s see the danger signs.


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When Your Name is Called - Audio

Many people aim to obtain fame or riches, but we know one’s name or reputation is more valuable. When people hear your name, what would they think?


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The Savior’s Way—The New Birth, part two - Audio

The study of the New Birth concludes in “The Savior’s Way” series of lessons by seeing how one is added to the kingdom now and also a review of John 3.


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What Must I do to be Saved? - Audio

Jeff concludes a week of honoring a friend and faithful brother as he directs us through the Bible to answer this most important question.


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Why does God Allow the Righteous to Suffer? - Audio

A great question asked by many. Let us seek God’s Word on this subject and things to apply in our lives to help us in our suffering or to help others.


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“Calling on the Name of the Lord” - Audio

Calling on the Name of the Lord is a wonderful study…but it may not mean what you think it means. Let’s see what the Bible says about this great and necessary phrase.


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The Price We Pay and Bible Faith—a two for one study - Audio

Cost and Commitment—are we willing to do what is needed to please God? This study examines both areas so that we can see God’s will for our lives.


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Friendship and Salvation—a two for one study - Audio

Jeff honors a friend and faithful brother this broadcast with a couple of well written articles about True Friendship and the text of Rom. 10:9.


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Hindrances to Prayer - Audio

There are those that say, “I don’t think my prayers are getting anywhere” and it is possible our prayers may be hindered by a number of things. Let’s see the hindrances to avoid for prayers to be effective.


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In the Image of God - Audio

The scriptures declare we are made in the image of God. Thus let us follow God and allow others to see God in us. A great study from Philippians reflects how we can express God’s image in us.


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The Only Way Of Salvation - Audio

In a day of compromise and concession on a number of things, the thought of there being only “One Way to Live,” is offensive to some. But obedience to Christ is THE only way according to the scripture.


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Discipline Is Not Always A Bad Word - Audio

The mere sound of the word “discipline” may bring thoughts of inflicting punishment but never underestimate its necessity to improve performance. It’s not such a bad word.


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Old Things that Must Go - Audio

There are things that we must move out of our lives — we clean out this place or that place, but more so spiritually we need to move some old things out—after all, the new IS better.


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The Savior’s Way—The New Birth, part one - Audio

“The Savior’s Way” series of lessons considers the New Birth from John 3 examining being born of water and of the Spirit. A powerful lesson concerning salvation.


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Our “PsalmCast.” How thankful the Lord Hears those who are His! - Audio

Our “PsalmCast” from International Gospel Hour focus’ on Psalm 3 and God’s provisions to those who are obedient to Him—those IN Christ whose prayers are through Christ.


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When One Remembers - Audio

A wise person once observed “We must remember the past if we are to avoid making the same mistakes of the past.” We can also remember good things to keep us pressing onward. Let’s look at some texts to help us “remember.”


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Lessons then…lessons today: Naaman - Audio

The life of Naaman is filled with examples such as humility, obedience and trust—characteristics sorely needed today. Great lessons from a great man.


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With their mouth they show much love - Audio

Our subject sounds good and the print looks wonderful, but it was an attitude and a lifestyle that God spoke against through the prophet Ezekiel. Here is a lesson for us today.


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How Can We Then Live? - Audio

A question asked in the long ago prompt us to ask how can we then live? Hopefully, according to God and His way.


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The Savior’s Way—Unity, part two - Audio

“The Savior’s Way” series of lessons looks at part two of the study of unity from the prayer of Jesus to the practice of the church we read of in the New Testament to see THE unity we pursue today.
