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Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God.


Pasco, WA


Keys for Kids is a daily storytelling show based on the Keys for Kids children's devotional. Hosted by Zach, this podcast combines Scripture readings with captivating stories that illustrate essential Biblical principles. With Zach's creative voices bringing characters to life, listeners embark on a faith-filled journey. Tune in to discover the keys to growing in faith and understanding God's love. Produced by Keys for Kids Ministries, this podcast is a treasure trove to help young hearts grow closer to God.




Keys for Kids Ministries 2060 43rd St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49508 (616) 647-4500

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Pass the Chips

Bible Reading: Psalm 42:1-2; Matthew 5:6 "Mommy, can I have some juice? Ivy made me thirsty! She gave me potato chips." Ivy grinned at her little brother. "You didn't have to eat them, Kylan." "Yes, I did," said Kylan. "You made me want them! You said they were so good, and you kept eating them and eating them. That's why I ate so many, and now I'm thirsty!" "You can have some water," said Mom. She poured water into a cup and gave it to Kylan, then reached over and took a potato chip from the bowl in front of Ivy. "Did you know that Christians are supposed to be like potato chips?" she asked, holding up the chip in her hand before popping it into her mouth. "What? That's silly." Ivy took another chip from the bowl and studied it. "How can anybody be like a potato chip?" Kylan grinned at his big sister. "I'd sure be thirsty if I ate a potato chip as big as you, Ivy. That would be a giant one!" "Yes, it would," said Mom. "You'd probably have to drink a whole bucket of water!" She gave Kylan a playful jab. "Well, that's exactly how you're supposed to be like a potato chip--you should make people thirsty to know Jesus." Ivy frowned. "How are we supposed to do that?" she asked, taking a few more chips. "Potato chips make you thirsty because they're so salty, and Jesus calls His followers the salt of the earth," Mom explained. "If we're salt, we should make people thirsty for the joy, peace, and hope we have in Jesus." "I still don't get how to make them want that though," said Ivy. "Kylan said you made him want the potato chips by telling him how good they were, right?" said Mom. "He also saw you keep eating them and that you enjoyed them." "I think I get it!" said Ivy. "We should tell our friends how great it is to know Jesus and let them see how glad we are to have Him in our lives." "That's it," said Mom. "Jesus is always with us, giving us joy, peace, and hope--even in difficult times. You want to make them thirsty and want what you have." Mom crunched another chip and smiled. –Mary L. DeMott How About You? Are you a salty Christian? Do your friends see the joy Jesus brings to your life and that He is with you in everything you go through? Have you told them about what He's done for you? As you show your faith in Jesus each day--even though you have struggles and problems--your friends may become thirsty for the peace and comfort He gives you and want Him in their lives too. Today's Key Verse: You are the salt of the earth. (NKJV) (Matthew 5:13) Today's Key Thought: Make others thirsty to know Jesus


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The Son Still Shines

Bible Reading: Romans 8:35-39 Eva zigzagged around mud puddles as she walked home in the rain, but her feet were still getting wet. I know Mom and Dad both had to work late today, but I wish they'd asked someone to give me a ride, she thought gloomily. And they know I don't like being home alone! But when Eva reached the back porch, she was surprised to see her older sister there. "Hi!" said Kate. "I'm home from college for the weekend." She grinned. "What a beautiful, sunshiny day, don't you think?" "No, I don't!" said Eva, wiping water off her face. "Oh, but it is!" insisted Kate. "Even if it doesn't look like it." "I think you've been studying too hard, Kate. Your brain must be taking the weekend off too." "So you're saying the sun isn't there anymore?" Kate asked, peering up at the heavy clouds. "That it totally disappeared?" "Of course not," Eva answered. "But it's sure hidden. I haven't seen it for days!" "Well, just because we can't see the sun doesn't mean it's not there. Behind those dark clouds, the sun still shines! It just goes to show that we can't always trust what we see--we need to trust the truth." When Eva didn't reply, Kate smiled and added, "Take Jesus, for example." "Jesus?" asked Eva. "What do you mean?" "Well, when bad things happen, we might feel like we're all alone, but we're not," Kate explained. "Jesus is always with us. The truth is that He's there, whether we feel like He is or not." "So the clouds are like our problems," said Eva. "The clouds keep us from seeing the sunshine, but the sun is still there--and dealing with hard stuff may keep us from feeling like Jesus is with us, but He really is there." "Right!" said Kate. "Because Jesus died and rose again to defeat sin and death, nothing can separate us from God and His love. That's His promise in the Bible, and we should trust Him. The sun is always shining, and God's love is always shining too." Eva grinned. "Okay. So how about going for a walk?" She laughed when her sister made a face. "Come on, Kate. Don't let a little rain stop you on this beautiful, sunny day!" –Diane Strawbridge How About You? Have you trusted in Jesus as your Savior? If you have, He promises that He will always be with you and never leave you. You may not always feel like He's there, but don't depend on your feelings. Trust the truth of God's Word, which says He will always be with His children. There is nothing that can separate you from God and His love. Today's Key Verse: [God] himself has said, "I will never leave you or abandon you." (CSB) (Hebrews 13:5) Today's Key Thought: Trust God, not feelings


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Hannah's Prayer

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Hannah looked eagerly at the plates of food the waitress set down on the table. She could hardly wait to eat. "Hannah," said Dad, "why don't you lead us in giving thanks today?" Hannah glanced around the busy restaurant. "Right now?" she asked. "What if the waitress comes back with the ketchup?" "I'm sure she won't mind waiting," said Dad, and they all bowed their heads. Hannah glanced around again, then mumbled a quick prayer. Luke looked up when she finished. "I couldn't even understand what you said!" "Me neither," said Phoebe. "You talked too fast." "I wasn't praying to you," said Hannah. "God understood me, and He knows I'm thankful." "Hannah's right," said Dad. "God does know what she prayed--but, Hannah, Luke and Phoebe are right too." Mom's eyes met Hannah's. "Do you find it embarrassing to pray?" she asked. "No, not usually," said Hannah. "But everybody is watching us here." "Who is?" asked Luke, looking around. "Well, it feels like everybody is watching us when we all close our eyes," said Hannah. "Why can't we pray with our eyes open?" "It isn't your eyes that God is concerned about--it's your heart," said Dad. "We give thanks as a family before each meal because we know God is the one who provides food for us. He provides everything we need--including forgiveness for our sins and eternal life through Jesus. He has given us so much, and we want to thank Him with grateful hearts." "Exactly," said Mom. "Whether our eyes are open or closed or our prayer is silent or spoken out loud, the important thing is to remember that God provides us with everything we need and thank Him for it." Hannah stared down at her plate, thinking about her parents' words. Then she put down her fork. "Can I pray again?" Mom and Dad nodded. "Dear God," Hannah began, and from her heart she thanked God for the food. She finished with a hearty "amen," which was repeated by another "amen" next to the table. Hannah looked up as the waitress smiled and handed her the ketchup. –Heather Tekavec How About You? Do you give thanks before each meal? Even when you're in public and other people can see you? If you feel embarrassed to close your eyes and pray out loud, remember that's not what God is concerned about. What matters to Him is your heart. Do you have a thankful heart? If so, pray and thank Him! Before a meal is often a good time to do that, whether silently or out loud, but don't stop there--give thanks for all the ways God provides for you. Today's Key Verse: Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NLT) (Ephesians 5:20) Today's Key Thought: Thank God for what He provides


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Pruning Muscadines

Bible Reading: John 15:1-5; Galatians 5:22-23 It was a sunny, warmer-than-normal February afternoon. "It's a perfect day to prune the muscadines!" Dad announced. Cole and Ella threw on their warm clothes and met Mom and Dad outside. Dad hooked the trailer up to the tractor while Mom got the pruning tools. Then she and the kids climbed into the trailer while Dad took the wheel. As they rode down to the vineyard, Cole asked, "Why do we prune the muscadines every year?" "Yeah," Ella agreed. "We're cutting back the vines. Won't that mean fewer grapes?" "Actually, the old shoots just take food away from the main vine," Mom explained. "They cause the vines to produce less fruit." "So we prune them so they'll produce more muscadines," said Cole. Dad pulled the tractor up to the first row. He and Mom began snipping away at the old vines while Ella and Cole collected the cuttings to make wreathes later. After a successful day of work, everyone gathered in the living room for devotions. Ella paused her wreath-making as Cole handed Dad the Bible. Dad flipped to a page and read John 15:2. "He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more." "That's what we did today!" said Ella. "We pruned the muscadines so they'll bear more fruit." Mom nodded. "But the Lord has to prune us sometimes too." "What do you mean?" Cole asked. "Well, sometimes there are things in our lives that the Lord has to cut away, such as sinful patterns or unhealthy attitudes. This process can be painful, but if we allow the Lord to prune us, we can be certain that it will help us grow in our relationship with Jesus, our Vine. We can't grow spiritual fruit by ourselves, which is why we need the Holy Spirit to prune us. Then our lives will overflow with spiritual fruit as we shine the love of Jesus to others." "I want to be like a well-pruned muscadine vine," said Cole. "Me too!" Ella exclaimed. –Lisa Fuller How About You? Have you ever seen a plant being pruned? Maybe you've seen your parents trim bushes or workers cut dead branches off trees. This is what the Holy Spirit does to us. When we trust Jesus as our Savior, God gives us the Holy Spirit to transform our lives and give us the ability to produce spiritual fruit. As He prunes us by helping us turn away from sin, we produce fruit such as love, peace, kindness, gentleness, and other character traits that demonstrate God's love to others. Today's Key Verse: He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn't produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more. (NLT) (John 15:2) Today's Key Thought: Let God prune you


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A Special Event

Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:23-25 "My class is going on a field trip to see Mount Vernon, George Washington's home," Anissa told her parents. "We've been learning about him, and I need to get books from the library and write a report on his life." "That's great," said Mom. "I'm sure learning about him before the trip will make it more enjoyable." So Anissa got to work, reading books about George Washington and writing her report. When Anissa arrived home after the field trip, she told her parents about the good time she'd had. "It was so much fun to see the things and places I'd read about. I even knew some things the guide didn't mention." After eating breakfast on Sunday, Dad stood up to help Anissa clear the table. "Okay, Anissa. Let's hear your memory verse before we leave for church," he said. "Um, well, I don't know it yet," Anissa confessed. "I was too busy this week. I'll go study it right now." She hurried off before Dad could reply. Learning the verse took longer than Anissa expected, and she had to hurry to get ready for church. When it was time to leave, her hair wasn't quite dry and she couldn't find her Bible. After hunting a few minutes, she finally shrugged and ran out to the car without it. After church, Anissa sighed as she got into the car. "I haven't been getting much out of church lately," she said. "Anissa," said Mom, "why did you do a lot of reading and write a report about Mount Vernon before going on your trip there?" "My teacher said I had to. But I'm glad, because learning about it ahead of time made it more special!" "Why don't you do the same for church?" suggested Mom. "Prepare for it by setting aside some time the night or morning before to read your Bible, learn your verse for Sunday school, and ask God to prepare your heart to worship Him and listen to what He has to say to you." "Good idea," said Dad. "But don't forget that we go to church to worship Jesus and learn more about Him with other believers. He is present there with us, helping us grow in our relationship with Him--whether we feel it or not." –Mary Rose Pearson How About You? Do you enjoy going to church? Have you tried preparing for it ahead of time? You can do that by giving yourself time beforehand to read your Bible and pray that God will use the church service to speak to you and others. Church is a special event where we get to be in God's presence with other believers. Prepare your heart so you'll be ready to worship and hear what He has to say to you. Today's Key Verse: I was glad when they said to me, "Let us go into the house of the Lord." (NKJV) (Psalm 122:1) Today's Key Thought: Prepare for church


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A Listening Ear

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:7-13 Emery looked at the tall buildings surrounding her new home. A big lump formed in her throat as she thought about the stormy divorce that had taken her father away from her. She tried to tell her mother how lonely she was, but she felt like Mom didn't really listen. I know Mom's nervous about starting her new job today, thought Emery. But I wish she'd think a little more about me and how I'm feeling on my first day at a new school! Emery felt nervous as she walked into her new school, but the principal was kind and led Emery to her classroom to introduce her to the class. When the bell rang for lunch, Sara, the girl sitting in front of Emery, turned around. "Want to eat lunch with me?" she asked. Emery breathed a huge sigh of relief as she went with her new friend to the cafeteria. "What do your parents do?" asked Sara as she and Emery ate. "My mom is starting a new job at the hospital today, and my dad…" Emery had hoped no one would ask about her dad. "He's a salesman," she said vaguely. "How about your parents? What do they do?" "My mom's an engineer, and I never knew my dad." Emery didn't answer right away. "My parents are divorced," she finally said in a small voice. She felt tears rising to her eyes and fought them back. "And Mom just thinks about her own problems and doesn't even listen when I talk about mine." "I know what you mean," said Sara. "I was really lonely until I met my heavenly Father." "Your what?" asked Emery. Sara smiled. "My heavenly Father--God. He always listens. I can talk to Him about anything, and He helps me not feel so lonely." "Must be nice," said Emery wistfully. Sara leaned forward in her chair. "Why don't you come to church with me and learn about Him? He can be your heavenly Father too!" "You mean He'll listen to me too?" asked Emery. "And help me not feel lonely?" "Definitely," said Sara. "He loves us and sent us His Son, Jesus, because He wants us to be His children." She got up. "Ready to go outside?" "Yes," Emery said, "but tell me more about your heavenly Father!" –Matilda H. Nordtvedt How About You? Do you know God as your heavenly Father? Even if you have a dad in your life, you need a relationship with God. You can know Him because of what Jesus did for you when He died on the cross for your sins and rose again. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to He loves you and is always ready to listen to what you have to say. Why not go to Him right now? Today's Key Verse: The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry. (NKJV) (Psalm 34:15) Today's Key Thought: God always listens


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Pleasing Gifts

Bible Reading: Mark 14:3-9 "Our youth group is helping out at a preschool program at church next week," Charlotte told her mother as she helped weed the flower beds. "Bria has a great voice, so she's going to teach the kids songs, and Eduardo's a lot of fun, so he's in charge of games." Charlotte sighed. "I'm just helping with check-in." "Well, that's an important part of the program too," Mom said. "They need to make sure all the kids are accounted for and direct them where to go." Charlotte shrugged. "I really want to help out and serve the Lord--I just wish I had more to offer." "Charlotte, that's not--" Mom was interrupted by a squeal from little Billy, who was hurrying across the lawn toward them. "I make present for Mommy!" he called. Clutched in his soil-stained little hands was a small pot half-filled with dirt. Billy had stuck a dandelion into the dirt. Charlotte grinned as Billy ran toward them with a huge smile on his face. Mom turned to Charlotte. "It's a dumb present, isn't it?" she asked quietly. "That old pot he used is cracked and dirty. And that's just a weed! He should have brought me roses from the florist." Charlotte looked horrified. "Mom! How would he get them? He's only three! You're not going to tell him that, are you?" When Billy reached them, Mom bent down and took the flower pot he offered. "Thank you, Billy Boy! I'll put this right in the middle of our dining room table." She gave him a hug and then turned back to Charlotte as Billy ran off. "Actually, I love Billy's gift, even if it's not perfect. I know he brought it to me because he loves me. And when we offer gifts to God, with real love in our hearts, don't you think He's pleased and accepts them too--no matter how big or small they seem?" "You're talking about me helping with check-in next week, aren't you?" asked Charlotte. Mom nodded. "I'm glad Billy brought me the gift he was able to give me. That's what God wants us to do too. He wants us to do what we can to serve Him out of love and gratitude for all He's done for us." –Tanya Ferdinandusz How About You? Do you give gifts of your time, money, or talents to God? Don't compare what you can do with what others do or spend time wishing you had talents God gave to someone else. He wants you to serve Him with the abilities He gave you. If your heart is filled with love for God and gratitude for everything Jesus has done for you, He accepts your gifts with great joy. Today's Key Verse: We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. (NIV) (Romans 12:6 ) Today's Key Thought: God loves your gifts to Him


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Homeless and Hungry

Bible Reading: Matthew 10:29-31; 25:31-40 The cold winter wind bit at Maryam's nose and ears as she and her mother were shopping downtown. "Can we stop at the pet store and get some birdseed?" asked Maryam. Mom agreed, and they headed for the store. As they passed an alley, they saw a man sleeping there, huddled against a wall. He was shivering in a shabby coat, his hands bare and his toes poking out from his shoes. Maryam grabbed her mother by the hand and quickly pulled her past the alley. "What's wrong?" asked Mom. "That man made me nervous," said Maryam. "Why is he dressed like that? And why is he sleeping on the street on such a cold day?" "He must be homeless," said Mom. "We talked about homeless people at school," Maryam said as they went into the pet store. "But I didn't think there were any in small towns like ours." After buying a bag of birdseed, Maryam and her mother started back to the car. As they passed the alley, they saw that the man was gone. Mom looked sad. "I hope he's okay." When they got home, Maryam filled the family's backyard feeder with birdseed. Then she went inside and rubbed the cold from her tingling fingers. She joined her mother at the window, and they watched birds swoop down to the feeder. "I'm glad we can put out seeds for them," Maryam said. "It's so cold, and it's hard for them to find food. They might die without us." Maryam smiled as she watched the birds flutter around the feeder and peck at the seeds. "You know what? Some verses I read in my Bible this morning said God knows about every sparrow that falls. He cares about birds." "Yes," said Mom. "And He cares about people much more than birds. People are so valuable to Him that Jesus became one of us so we could be saved from sin and live with Him forever." Maryam stared out at the snowy backyard, thinking of the man they'd seen. "We found a way to help the birds through the cold winter. Maybe we could find a way to help homeless people too." "I'm sure we can," Mom said. "Let's come up with some ideas." –Daryl B. Knauer How About You? Do you know of someone who's in need? In today's Key Verse, Jesus tells Christians that doing something for someone in need is the same as doing it for Him. Think about what you could do. Perhaps you could donate food, money, or even your time to your church or another organization that helps people. Ask God to show you how you can share His love by helping those in need. Today's Key Verse: Truly I [Jesus] tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. (NIV) (Matthew 25:40) Today's Key Thought: Help those in need


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Standing on the Bible

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10-17 "What are you doing, Thomas?" William stared at his little brother in shock. "Mom, come quick!" Mom came running into the room. "Who got hurt?" she asked, then frowned. "Thomas, why in the world are you standing on a Bible?" Thomas grinned. "We learned about it in Sunday school today. The Bible is God's Word, and we're supposed to stand on it!" He thrust his hand into the air. William began to laugh. "Thomas, you're not supposed to actually stand on the Bible. That's just a fancy way to talk." Now Mom laughed. "You mean a figure of speech?" "Yeah, that," William agreed, eyeing the Bible. "We aren't supposed to stand on the Bible, we're supposed to read it." "Then why do we sing about standing on it?" Thomas stepped onto the floor, looking confused. "Standing on the Bible means standing firm in its truth." Mom picked up the Bible and flipped to Ephesians 6. "Sometimes people explain ideas using things we're familiar with to help us understand. The armor of God is a good example. Is the armor of God actual armor that you need to buckle and fasten?" Thomas shook his head. "No, but that would be cool. I could be like a knight!" "Ephesians 6:10 tells us to be strong in the Lord," continued Mom. "The devil tries to get us to doubt God's goodness and His promises in the Bible and give in to sinful temptations. Standing firm means remembering that God is so good that He sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins and that Jesus gives us the strength to resist temptation. It means trusting that Jesus's sacrifice saves us from sin completely and being confident in God's endless love for us. As we learn what the Bible says about Jesus and embrace its truth, it helps us stand firm against the devil's tricks." "So, instead of standing on the Bible, we want the Bible inside us?" asked Thomas. William frowned. "What? You don't eat the Bible either!" "Memorizing means the verses are stuck inside my brain," Thomas explained. "So, if the Bible is stuck inside my brain, then I can stand on its truth!" Thomas threw his fist into the air again, making both Mom and William laugh. –Kimberly Brokish How About You? Are you standing firm in the truth of God's Word? Satan is very tricky, and he wants all of us to sin and doubt God. But the Bible tells us the truth about God's goodness and His love for us. It tells us how we have the power to resist sin through Jesus. By reading God's Word, memorizing it, and learning about it with others, we can equip ourselves to stand firm against the devil's lies by remembering the strength we have in Jesus. Today's Key Verse: Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. (NIV) (Ephesians 6:13) Today's Key Thought: Stand firm in God's Word


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Behind Castle Walls

Bible Reading: Psalm 31:1-5 "Hurry! Pull up the drawbridge, Winston!" Mitchell hurried into the cardboard castle in their basement. "The enemy is coming!" Winston pulled up the bridge, and both boys peered through narrow slits in the walls. "Now they won't be able to cross the moat," said Winston. "And even if they do, our strong walls will keep us safe." Just then Dad came down the stairs, followed by the boys' sister, Charis. "I think it's time for a break," he said, holding out a bowl of popcorn. They all sat in the courtyard of the castle, eating popcorn and admiring the corner towers made by big refrigerator boxes. The towers were connected by cardboard walls. "This castle is a lot of fun, Dad," said Mitchell. "Thanks for helping us build it." "This doesn't seem much like a castle to me," said Charis. "I thought castles were big, beautiful palaces with lots of fancy rooms." "This castle is really a fortress, not a palace," Dad said. "Fortresses were used years and years ago to protect people from their enemies." He took a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "Did you know that God is described as a fortress?" "He is?" asked Winston. "How can He be a fortress?" "Well," said Dad, "remember that school shooting we heard about on the news this morning?" Charis nodded. "It scared me." "Me too," said Winston. "What if that happened at our school?" "We live in a sinful world, and bad things happen all around us," said Dad. "But we can find peace by running to our fortress--Jesus, who sacrificed His life to save us from sin and death. We can draw close to Him and trust Him to take care of us." "But we could still get hit by an enemy arrow, even inside our castle," said Mitchell. "That's right," said Dad. "And sometimes even Christians get hurt. But when we take refuge in the Lord, we can have peace knowing we're safe with Him. We can be sure that even if an arrow--some bad thing--strikes us, He will be with us. Even death itself cannot separate us from Jesus, because He conquered death when He rose again. No matter what happens, we can have peace knowing we've been given eternal life in Him." –Jody Hedlund How About You? Have you ever been scared by something you heard in the news? We live in a sinful world where lots of bad things happen, but if you're a Christian, you have a strong fortress where you can run for protection--Jesus! He promises to be with you and give you peace--even if bad things do happen. Tell Him your worries and fears and trust Him to be with you. Today's Key Verse: The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust. (NKJV) (Psalm 18:2) Today's Key Thought: God gives peace


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Slow Cooking

Bible Reading: John 9:1-7 Jana looked out the window as a tear slid down her cheek. She watched as the other kids laughed and played in the snow. Her brother Caleb saw her and threw a snowball. She giggled in spite of herself as it softly hit the window. Sighing, she turned away and wheeled herself into the kitchen. "What are you making, Mom?" "Supper," Mom said. Jana raised her eyebrows and looked at the clock. "At nine in the morning?" "Yes," said Mom. "But I think a better question would be what's causing these tears." She wiped away a tear from Jana's cheek. "Oh, Mom," Jana said, "I just don't understand why my illness has lasted so long. Why doesn't God take away my pain and weakness? I know He could heal me!" The last words came out in a little sob. Mom carefully lowered the meat into a slow cooker, covered it, and set it on low. Then she spoke. "We don't always understand God's ways or thoughts, but He uses the things that happen in our lives." She paused, then tapped the top of the slow cooker. "It's like this meat I'm cooking. It's a special cut that requires careful preparation and cooking that other meats don't require. If I cooked it faster on a higher heat, it would be tough and hard to eat. But when I cook it all day on a low temperature, it's tender and delicious." She grinned. "Even Caleb will be able to eat it with his missing teeth!" Jana thought about that. "So you're saying being sick and in this wheelchair for so long may be God's way of making me tender and more like Him?" "Yes!" Mom said. "I don't know why God hasn't healed you more quickly, but I know He's patiently working in your life for good. He can use hard things to make you more like Jesus, who understands your suffering and promises to be with you through it. I pray each day that He will use this long illness to help you know Jesus better and let His love be seen in your life." She poured hot water into a mug. "Now, would you like to come stir Caleb's hot cocoa?" Jana smiled as she rolled to the table to help. –Myrical Barton How About You? Have you been dealing with something for a long time? Do you wonder if God hears your prayers or even cares about what you're going through? He does. God often uses difficult things in our lives to make us more like Jesus, and sometimes those things can last a long time. Remember that Jesus loves you and is with you, and trust Him to use your difficult experience for good. Today's Key Verse: But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. (NKJV) (Job 23:10) Today's Key Thought: God uses hardships to shape you


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Needy River and Needy Us

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:7-11 Leighton was excited to spend time with his aunt. Since his new cousin was born, he hadn't seen her much. "Let's get right to the card tricks," said Aunt Ellie. "Where did I put my cards?" There was baby stuff everywhere. Leighton helped his aunt go through it. Finally, they found a deck of cards under a stuffed giraffe. Aunt Ellie was emptying out the card box when they heard crying coming from down the hallway. She stood. "That's River." Leighton shuffled the cards as he waited for his aunt. His sister had a birthday party coming up, and he wanted to surprise her guests with the tricks that his aunt knew. "She needs to eat. Sorry." Aunt Ellie reappeared, sitting down and sticking a bottle into the mouth of the crying bundle in her arms. Leighton waited as his cousin ate and as his aunt held her and patted her back. He waited as Aunt Ellie changed the baby's diaper, and he watched her lay her in a bassinet. "Watch Mommy impress your cousin with card tricks, okay?" Aunt Ellie moved back over to Leighton. She was about to do a card trick when River started to cry again. She dropped the cards. "Maybe she has a burp that's stuck." "She needs help burping?" Leighton watched his aunt pick up the baby and start patting her back again. "I'm never going to learn this trick." "Babies need a lot from us," said Aunt Ellie. "I was talking about that with your grandma. She reminded me that's how we are with God. First, we need Jesus to save us from sin and give us new life in Him." Aunt Ellie sat down. "Then we need His forgiveness when we don't listen to what He says. We need His protection. We need His encouragement. We need His peace and joy and the hope He offers…" "Do you think He gets tired of all our needs?" Leighton asked. His aunt shook her head. "Never." River had quieted in her arms, and she looked at Leighton with a smile. "Know what she needs now? Her cousin." She reached over and placed the baby in Leighton's outstretched arms, and he held her carefully. –Emily Acker How About You? Do you know any babies who are always needing something from you and the adults in your life? Babies can't do anything for themselves--they're dependent on others to take care of them and give them what they need. And we need God to take care of us. He is always patient and never grows tired of helping you with your needs. Bring your problems and worries to Him in prayer and trust Him to take care of you. Today's Key Verse: And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. (NIV) (Philippians 4:19) Today's Key Thought: Trust God with your needs


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All About Love

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:43-48; 1 John 4:7-13 "I'm not going to Topher's birthday party," Declan told his mother as they walked down the grocery aisle. "Not if Walker's there." "That's not very nice," said Mom. "For Topher or Walker." "Yeah, well, they both deserve it! Walker's mean and makes fun of people, and Topher just wants to be friends with him so the other kids will think he's cool." They stopped in front of a display filled with bags of heart-shaped candy, and Declan's younger brother eagerly looked for something to pass out to his kindergarten class with his valentines. "Can I get this kind?" Ben asked, picking up a bag. "Let's see," Mom said, reading the package. "We'll need two bags of these. There are only twenty pieces in each bag, and there are twenty-one kids in your class." "One's enough," said Ben. "I'm not giving one to Steven. He's mean, and he doesn't deserve candy." "Ben," said Mom, "Valentine's Day is all about love, remember? It's not very loving to bring treats for all but one person in your class. As Christians, we need to love others the way Jesus loves us--even those who aren't nice to us. Either we buy enough to share with Steven or we don't buy any at all." Ben scowled. "No! I'm not getting one for Steven," he said, crossing his arms. Mom placed the candy back on the shelf and started walking away. "Wait!" Ben exclaimed, tugging at her coat. "Okay, okay, I'll get one for Steven!" Declan smirked at Ben's sudden change in attitude. "You know," Mom said, eyeing him, "that goes for friendships as well as candy." Declan looked at her and grimaced. "You're talking about Topher's party, aren't you?" Mom nodded. "The truth is, we don't get to decide whether someone deserves to have us show them God's love, because none of us deserve it. Yet God showed His love for us all by sending Jesus to take the punishment for our sins on the cross. As His followers, He calls us to love others--even those we don't get along with." "Like Walker," Declan said. He sighed, then nodded. "I'll tell Topher that I'll go to his party. Maybe I can get some candy to share too." –LeAnn Campbell How About You? Do you find it hard to love people who aren't nice to you? Some people aren't easy to love, but God wants us to love them anyway. He loves us so much that Jesus came to earth, suffered a painful death, and raised Himself back to life to save us from sin. We don't deserve His love, but He gives it to us freely, and He will help us love others--even those who aren't easy to love. Today's Key Verse: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. (NKJV) (1 John 4:7 ) Today's Key Thought: Show love to everyone


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The Master's Call

Bible Reading: John 6:37-40; Romans 6:23 "Mom, Sheba won't come when I call her!" said Adam. "Sometimes she comes toward me, but if I try to touch her, she runs away again. Watch!" Adam called to Sheba, his new puppy. Sure enough, Sheba looked at Adam, and when he kept calling, she ran in circles. Each time, she came close to Adam but always dodged away at the last moment. When she was finally exhausted, Sheba lay down, panting. Adam walked over to her. "You need to learn to obey," he said. "You're right," said Mom. "I know! Try offering her a reward to encourage her to come to you. Try a dog biscuit--and when you call her, ignore her silly antics. When she comes, praise her, pet her, and give her the biscuit. Eventually, she'll get tired of wearing herself out for nothing. She'll learn that she needs to come to you so she can have her reward." "Okay," said Adam. "It's worth a try." Several days later, Adam called to Mom as she walked outside. "Look, Mom! Watch Sheba now!" Mom turned to watch as Adam called to his puppy. "Sheba, come!" The puppy stopped chewing on her dog toy, looked at Adam, and cocked her head. Adam repeated the command. "Come, Sheba!" He held up a dog biscuit. Sheba quickly trotted over to Adam. She stood silently beside him, stared at the biscuit, and remained still. "Good girl, Sheba!" Adam patted her and gave her the biscuit, which she ate eagerly. Adam beamed. "Sheba's really smart!" He knelt down and hugged the happy puppy. Mom smiled. "Yes. She is smart to come to her master." Mom came over and scratched behind Sheba's ears. "Sheba reminds me of the way we must come to our Master." "Come to our Master?" asked Adam. "I guess you mean Jesus, right?" "Right," Mom said, "and Jesus offers a reward too. He offers the greatest reward of all--eternal life with Him. Running in circles trying to make life work on our own doesn't get us anywhere--it just tires us out. But Jesus is patient with us, and He calls us to come to Him for forgiveness, peace, and eternal life. When we answer His call, the reward is ours." –Susanna B. Chenoweth How About You? Have you come to Jesus? Do you hear Him calling? He's offering a great reward--the gift of eternal life with Him. It's wonderful and it's free--but you must come. He promises that when you do, He will accept you; He will never turn anyone away. Will you come to Jesus today? (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to Today's Key Verse: All that the Father gives Me [Jesus] will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. (NKJV) (John 6:37) Today's Key Thought: Come to Jesus


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Four Meals a Day

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:16; 1 Thessalonians 2:13 "I've tried to get into the habit of reading my Bible every day," Alanna said as she reached for a piece of pizza, "but I never seem to be able to." Several others in the room nodded in agreement. They were having a pizza party for their Bible study group, and their leader was encouraging them to set aside time for daily devotions. "Bible reading is a bit like eating," said Mr. McRay. "First you take a bite, then you chew it, then you swallow it, and finally you digest it." "How do you take a bite of the Bible?" asked Chloe. "Well, look at this pizza," said Mr. McRay. "It's cut into sections, and the Bible is also divided into sections. You choose one section of pizza, and you can choose one section of the Bible--a book or chapter or even just a verse or two." "So if that's like taking a bite, how do you chew?" asked Marc. "My grandma's always telling me not to bite off more than I can chew!" Mr. McRay laughed. "She says that so you won't choke on your food, but don't worry, you won't choke from reading your Bible. Chewing your bite of Bible just means thinking and praying about the verses you've read." "Okay, but then how do we swallow what we've read?" asked Alanna. "Have you ever heard someone say, 'That story is hard to swallow'? That means it's hard to believe. So swallowing means believing God's Word is true." "So we read a little, think about it, and believe it," said Chloe. "Then what?" "We digest it, remember? And we just studied that in school," said Marc. "Food is changed into something the blood can take to the rest of the body." Mr. McRay nodded. "When we digest food, its nutrients become part of our bodies. And when we digest what we've read in the Bible, its truth becomes part of our lives. We let it make a difference as we listen to what it teaches us about Jesus and who we are as God's children who have been saved from sin." Mr. McRay picked up a piece of pizza. "I think it would be a good idea to eat four meals a day--breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a slice of your Bible." –Sheri Shaw How About You? Are you getting four meals a day? Just like eating is important for a healthy body, reading God's Word is important for a healthy life. If you find it hard to read the Bible, start with small bites. Try reading just a verse or two and think about what God is saying. Then let it make a difference in your life by believing it and doing what it says. Have a bite of Bible every day! Today's Key Verse: People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. (NLT) (Matthew 4:4) Today's Key Thought: Feed on God's Word


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Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-16 Everyone in Daphne's family had blond hair except for her. Her hair was bright red. She stood out in every family picture and too often heard comments about being her parents' "red-headed girl." Some people told Daphne her hair was pretty, and others just looked at her strangely, like she didn't belong. Daphne sat on a camp chair at her little brother's soccer game and tried to cover as much of her hair as possible with her bucket hat. She heard someone sit down beside her and glanced over at her grandpa. "How's my little redhead?" he asked. Daphne sighed. "Do you have to call me that?" Grandpa's gray brow lifted. "No, I don't have to. But what's wrong with it?" "I'm tired of having red hair." Daphne frowned and sat forward, watching as her brother kicked the ball to his teammate. "I don't like being different from everyone in my family. I wish I had blond hair too." "But then you wouldn't stand out," Grandpa said. "Exactly!" Daphne turned to him. "I want to fit in. I want to have blond hair and look like them instead of being the redhead of the family." Grandpa tapped his chin. "I think your grandma felt that way too sometimes." "Grandma?" Daphne asked. "She had red hair like yours before it went gray," Grandpa said. "She's where you get it from." Daphne couldn't remember her grandma well because she had passed away when she was young, and she'd never realized she had red hair. "I think it's a special thing that God passed on to you," Grandpa said. "I love seeing your red hair. And I know God makes no mistakes. If He wanted you to be just like the rest of your family, He would have made you that way." Grandpa smiled at her. "Sometimes it's hard to be different, but it's also good. God made each of us unique in many ways, not just in our looks. It's good to enjoy and embrace that rather than fight it, knowing God created each of us with care because He loves us." "Okay, I'll try," Daphne said. It felt better knowing her grandma had been a redhead too and to be reminded that God had made her that way. –Bethany Acker How About You? Do you embrace the unique qualities God has given you? Or do you feel frustrated because you don't look or act the same way as your family or friends? God made you just as you are, and He loves you so much that Jesus gave His life to save you. Instead of wishing you were different, let Him help you enjoy being the unique person He created you to be. Today's Key Verse: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. (NIV) (Psalm 139:14 ) Today's Key Thought: God made you just right


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Amendments and Salvation

Bible Reading: John 10:27-30 Tyler walked into the kitchen where his mom was preparing supper. They were going to a special program at church that night, so they would be eating earlier than usual. Mom looked up and smiled. "Hi, Tyler. What have you been doing?" "I've been reading," Tyler replied. "I'm learning some pretty cool stuff about the United States." "What kind of stuff?" Mom asked as she began mixing up a salad. Tyler reached for the lettuce and started shredding it. "I found out that once a state approves an amendment to its constitution, it can't change it. I guess the state has to be pretty sure that it agrees with the amendment!" "That's interesting," Mom said. "But what's really interesting is that if a state rejects an amendment, it can change its mind later," Tyler added. He sighed. Even though he had been reading all afternoon, he'd been thinking about something else too. "What's wrong?" Mom asked, glancing at him over the salad bowl. Tyler sighed again. "I don't really want to go to church tonight. Speakers at programs like that sometimes make me feel like I'm not saved. I worry that when I sin, I've lost my salvation and have to trust Jesus to save me all over again." "Tyler, it doesn't work that way," Mom said gently. "If you have truly placed your faith in Jesus and believe He died for your sins and rose again, then He has saved you, and you'll always be saved." "Really?" asked Tyler. "Yes. It's like what you were talking about with states amending their constitutions. Before a person is saved, they can reject the good news of Jesus over and over again, but God never gives up on them. That person can always change their mind. Once you have trusted Jesus as your Savior, there's nothing that can change it. You'll still sin, but Jesus promises to forgive you when you confess your sins to Him." Tyler thought about that. "But how can I keep from sinning?" "Once you're saved, the Holy Spirit lives in you and helps you follow Jesus," said Mom. "But you still have to choose to listen and obey what He says. It isn't always easy, but even when you mess up, God will never let you go." - Julia Kicinski How About You? Are you ever afraid that you might lose your salvation? Do you ever think God will give up on you because you sin too much? God loves you and promises never to abandon you. He will always forgive you when you sin and help you obey Him. When you trust Jesus to be your Savior, He will hold you so tightly that you will never be lost again. Today's Key Verse: And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. (NKJV) (John 10:28) Today's Key Thought: Salvation is forever


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The Right Focus

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:1-3, 8-10; Hebrews 12:1-2 Dinner was finished, and Liam was just thinking about teasing his sister when she interrupted his plan. "Why did you have to stay in during recess today?" Naomi asked him. "I heard you and a bunch of other kids got caught cheating on a test." Liam swallowed hard, and it suddenly became very quiet in the kitchen. Only Nala, their dog, had anything to say as she yipped for a handout. "Nala, quiet." Dad said. Nala sat down immediately and waited. "It wasn't a big deal," muttered Liam, but the look on Dad's face said otherwise. Liam sighed. "Chandler found the answer key and passed it around, and I kept thinking about honor roll, so…well, I snuck a look." Dad cut a scrap of meat and showed it to Nala. The dog licked her lips hungrily. "Nala, stay," Dad said firmly, then placed the meat on the floor in front of the dog. Nala thumped her tail excitedly, but she stayed where she was. "Liam, do you have any idea why Nala is able to resist the temptation to take the meat?" Liam grinned. "She probably knows Naomi helped make dinner tonight, and…ow!" His sister's elbow had made a direct hit to his ribs. "Look at Nala's eyes," Dad said. "She's looking at me, right?" Liam nodded. "If Nala kept staring at the meat, she'd never be able to resist it," Dad explained. "Instead, she's focusing on her master." He turned toward Liam. "Whenever you're tempted, who should you focus on?" "Jesus," Liam replied. "I know that, Dad. But it's so hard!" "You're right. It's not easy," said Dad. "But God gives us the ability to do it. Because we trust in Jesus, He has set us free from sin and gives us power over temptation--and when we do sin, He offers us forgiveness. When we're tempted to do wrong things, it's important to direct our thoughts back toward Jesus and trust Him for the power to resist." "I was definitely more focused on my grades than I was on Jesus," Liam admitted. Dad picked up the scrap of meat and tossed it into the air. Nala caught and swallowed it, barely taking time to chew. She sat down and licked her lips again. It had been worth the wait. - A. J. Schut How About You? What are some temptations that you've experienced? If you're a Christian, remember that even when you give in to temptation and sin, God has already forgiven all your sins through the death and resurrection of His Son. Because you trust in Jesus, He has freed you from sin and given you the power to resist it. The next time you're tempted to do something wrong, redirect your attention to Jesus and the power you have in Him. Today's Key Verse: Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. (NIV) (Hebrews 12:1-2) Today's Key Thought: Focus on Jesus


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Watch Your Walk

Bible Reading: Colossians 1:9-12 "What are these clothes for?" asked Violet. She was at her friend Olivia Johnson's house, and Mrs. Johnson had the dining room covered with dresses, pants, and some items of clothing Addy didn't even recognize. Olivia laughed. "Mom helps the high school drama department with costumes for their plays. She's going through old costumes to see which ones can be used again." Olivia picked up a red dress. "You want to try some on? Mom will let us, won't you, Mom?" "If you girls are careful," said Mrs. Johnson. For the next hour or so, the girls went from being ladies from the 1700s to aliens from outer space. Their favorites were the animal costumes. Violet was a zebra, and Olivia was a lion. The costumes completely covered them except for air holes and a slit for their eyes. "Mrs. Johnson, my dad is out mowing the lawn. Can we walk past my house in our costumes? He won't know who we are, and I can't wait to see the look on his face!" Mrs. Johnson laughed. "Sure." The girls giggled as they quietly went out the back door and then behind some trees to the sidewalk. They didn't want Violet's dad to see them coming from the Johnson house. They waited until he turned the mower toward the sidewalk, then they hurriedly walked past him. Violet's dad turned off the mower. "Oh no! My daughter has turned into a zebra and her friend is a lion! What shall I do?" Violet removed the zebra head. "Daaad! How did you know it was us?" He laughed. "Your walk, Violet. I knew who you were by the way you were walking." The family had a good laugh about Violet's costume over supper that night. Then Violet had a thought. "This is kind of like what we were talking about last week, Dad, when I was having problems with some friends at school. You said people should know I'm a Christian by the way I live my life--that I needed to walk the Christian walk." "Exactly right," said Dad. "The Bible tells us that others should know we belong to Jesus by the way we walk. Every step we take should point to Him and His love for us." - Linda Weddle How About You? Do others know you're a Christian by the way you walk? That doesn't mean whether you tiptoe or march, but how you live your life. Could someone tell you know Jesus and have His love in your heart by your kindness, patience, and joy? Or do you walk the same as everyone else? Walk in a way that shows others the love of Jesus. Today's Key Verse: The one who says he remains in him [Jesus] should walk just as he walked. (CSB) (1 John 2:6) Today's Key Thought: Walk like a Christian


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The Pizza Party

Bible Reading: Matthew 20:1-16; Ephesians 2:8-9 "How was the pizza party?" Mom asked as Addy climbed into the car and buckled her seatbelt. Addy wasn't sure how to answer. She had chosen to give up her lunch recess five days in a row to help pick up litter, pull weeds from the cracked pavement, and spread new wood chips under the monkey bars. Being on the clean-up crew was hard work, but she didn't mind. The playground was looking so much better, and Ms. Chambers, the custodian, had promised the crew a pizza party as a reward. "It was good and bad, I guess," Addy said. "Good because I got my favorite--pepperoni with extra cheese. Bad because Henry was there." "Henry was on the clean-up crew?" Mom's face looked surprised in the rearview mirror. Addy nodded. "But he was late every day and mostly just goofed around. Henry didn't work nearly as hard as the rest of us. I don't understand why he got to come to the party." "That reminds me of a story Jesus told about some workers who were hired to clear a field," Mom said. "Some of them started at nine in the morning, some at noon, some at three, and some at five. When the workday was over, the owner of the field paid everyone a full day's wage." "That's not fair!" Addy burst out. "The people who started later shouldn't have gotten the same pay as the ones who worked all day." "It might not seem fair, but instead of comparing the workers, maybe we can think about how generous the owner of the field was to all of them." Addy was quiet for a minute. She thought about how Ms. Chambers was always patient and kind to everyone--even the kids who made the biggest messes in the lunchroom. "Ms. Chambers is kind of like the owner of the field, isn't she? She kept her promise to all of us--even Henry, who did the least work of all." "Yes, Addy, and the owner of the field is like Jesus, who gives grace and keeps His promises to all of us who trust in Him. The way He works is sometimes hard for us to understand, but we can be grateful that He is always good." –Susie Crosby How About You? Do you sometimes feel frustrated when someone who didn't work as hard as you gets the same prize or payment? Sometimes things don't seem fair, but the good news is that God is generous and kind to everyone. None of us could earn the reward of eternal life with Him, but because Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose again, we are all invited to the party in heaven forever. Today's Key Verse: For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. (NIV) (Ephesians 2:8-9) Today's Key Thought: God offers grace to everyone
