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Hebrew Nation Online - His Kingdom • His People



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Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Forgiveness, Resolution, Reconciliation & Restoration | Part 2

How important is forgiveness? Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us to Matthew chapter six where he shows us the “model prayer” given by Yeshua when His disciples asked how they should pray. In the prayer, which is just an outline for how to pray, Yeshua hits the issue of forgiveness, from the vertical, the Father, and […]


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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 140 (A Gift Horse)

THE GIFT HORSE This week we will do more work with the gift exchange between the bride and bridegroom. These exchanges occur from the time between their betrothal at Mt. Sinai and when the Bride is drawn into the Cloud of His Presence at the resurrection. To review from last week, the Bride sent gifts to the Groom to build a place for His Presence to dwell. In return, the Groom gifted Betzalel and Oholiav with the Divine ruach to transform those gifts into the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The Bride brought the Bridegroom thirteen items as gifts for the building of the Mishkan: Gold Silver Copper Turquoise wool Purple wool Scarlet wool Linen Goat hair Red-dyed ram skins Tachash skins Acacia wood Shoham stones Stones for the settings This list does not include items that were depletable, such as olive oil and spices for anointment. Then the Bridegroom gave her similar gifts, each mirroring one of her gifts to Him for the preparation of a Mishkan to make a place for His Presence to dwell with her: “I also clothed you with embroidered cloth and put sandals of porpoise skin on your feet; and I wrapped you with fine linen and covered you with silk. I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck. I also put a ring in your nostril, earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your dress was of fine linen, silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, honey and oil; so you were exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. Then your fame went forth among the nations on account of your beauty, for it was perfect because of My splendor which I bestowed on you,” declares the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 16:10-14) Enumerated for easier reading: Embroidered cloth Tachash (porpoise or badger) sandals Fine linen (priesthood) Silk ("cloud of glory”) Ornaments Bracelets (tablets of Ten Words) Necklace (words of Torah bound around the neck/heart) Nose ring (justice) Earrings (Shma) Crown of beauty (Divine Presence Is 60:19) Gold (purity of Torah) Silver (redemption) Fame (of the Groom's Name) Again, the pattern is that the Bride brings earthly gifts, which the Bridegroom matches with spiritual gifts. The Bride contributes earthly resources, and the Groom mirrors them with Heavenly resources. If she understands that that are two realms, and she understands He is Creator and she is created, she realizes the gifts weren't hers at all. It was because of Adonai that the Hebrews plundered the Egyptians. He redesignated the wealth of the Egyptians to the Hebrews. The gifts Israel gave were His. He created them. It's all His. Adonai puts wealth in our pockets, so we can't think when we contribute something to the congregation that it's coming out of our pockets. It's coming out of His creation. He even gives the ability to earn that money or that gift. Without His giving the ability to earn, we could bring no gift. Lots of people on this earth do not have the ability to earn anything at all. They have disabilities. Some can only earn a little. Simply to be born with the ability to go out and earn, labor, and collect that paycheck is a gift from Heaven. We are brought up to believe we earn our paychecks, but they all originate in His Creation, and Elohim chose to make us able-bodied and healthy so we could give back to Him. He lets you put it in your pocket as if it's yours. But we can’t be too sassy because He created both the Bride and the earth that yields its resources to her. That's hard to acknowledge when we associate reward with the work that we do. Yes, you contributed. You contributed your earthly natural resources to that paycheck, and you contributed some of that treasure back to Him. This made it holy. Designated. Just like the Bride. She is holy to the Groom. Designated to Him alone. The Groom rewarded you with the spiritual resources so that its status changed. It’s no longer secular, mundane, but a holy offering or tithe. The earth and its fulness...


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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayechi” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The annual-cycle Torah reading week, parsha Vayechi (Genesis/Bereshiet chapter 47:28-End) not only concludes the story of the life and times of Yakov or Jacob, but of Yosef (Joseph) as well, and the Book of Genesis. The Erev Shabbat reading: Among other things, including Yakov’s blessings for his sons, and thus the tribes of Israel, this […]


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Decoding the Qumran Zadokite Priestly Calendar (PART 2)

Real Israel Talk Radio Episode 168 On today’s program, my guest is Professor Jonathan Ben Dov of Haifa University and Tel Aviv University. Professor Ben Dov received international recognition through his scholarly work on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Fragment 4Q324d, with Professor Dr. Eshbal Ratzon. Together, their work on DSS 4Q324d taught them about a […]


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

News, commentary, and an extended look at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 11 January, 2025… …from arson of the Rule of Law in New York, to the merely grossly negligent kind of fires that are burning LA like a modern version of Rome. You can almost see the Truth through the flames.


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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call discuss the major events of a VERY busy week.


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“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly

America, and indeed the entire world, arguably face more “existential threats” now than in any other time in human history. And while there may not appear to be much that we as individuals can do about many of them — other than pray! — there are things that we can, and must, do to prepare […]


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday

News and commentary for Thursday, 9 January, 2025. From arson to Not-so-Peaceful Transitions, to mind control, and a coverup that spans 70 years – there’s a pattern here. And the pre-emptive “pardons” still likely to come are a big part of the continuing story.


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Wedneday

News and commentary for Wednesday, 8 January, 2025.


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Image Bearers Radio Ep. 170- The Mitzvah Project: What is Work? (Part 2)

Welcome to the new IBR series, “The Mitzvah Project”. In this series, we are going to be looking at ways to better & more consistently observe the commandments, beginning with Shabbat. We invite you to come along on this amazing journey! OAM Website https://www.outofashesministries.org/podcast/ GIVE: https://www.outofashesministries.org/give YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnWucfsRXCaeDioM-nlwgHa_fC1_wB50C Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/out-of-ashes-ministries/id1487385984 Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3V0b2Zhc2hlc21pbmlzdHJpZXMub3JnL3Nlcm1vbnMvZmVlZC8/episode/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cub3V0b2Zhc2hlc21pbmlzdHJpZXMub3JnL3Nlcm1vbnMvaWJyLWVwLTEzMy13aGF0LWRvLXlvdS13YW50LXBhcnQtNS8?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahgKEwj414P_3KaEAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQ1AE


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday

News and commentary for Tuesday, 7January, 2025.


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday

News and commentary for Monday, 6 January, 2025.


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Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday

It has been clear ever since the landslide that was “too big to rig” that a “peaceful transfer of power” to President-elect Donald Trump was NOT the Deep State’s Preferred Plan. What remains “up in the air” during this Time-Between is just what types of events are on-tap to impede it. And this week, we […]


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Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Darkness & Light | Part 15

As he begins the text for this teaching in 1 John 1:1, Rabbi Steve Berkson points out that the apostle John confirms all the scriptures that refer to Messiah Yeshua as the Word, and from the mouth of Yeshua as He refers to Himself as the Life, when he says he has looked upon and […]


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Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Forgiveness, Resolution, Reconciliation & Restoration | Part 1

Regardless of what others may teach about this subject, Rabbi Steve Berkson brings a more comprehensive approach to this vital, yet misunderstood, subject. • What are the two things that you MUST do when someone has wronged you? • Does the other person have to apologize before you forgive? • Does forgiveness always include reconciliation […]


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Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 139 (The Bounty on Your Head)

When those four riders of the apocalypse come, think about... In Scripture, the head often represents the authority, the will of the person. When we dedicate our heads to Yeshua, we submit our will to him. Because he submitted his will to the Father, he has bounty in his hand. That bounty consists of the Bride, those who respond to the Father, who drew them to Yeshua. They have a marriage covenant with Heaven as described by King Solomon in the Song of all Songs: Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits, henna with nard plants. (So 4:13) It was customary for the bridegroom to send pomegranates as gifts to the bride in the interim between the betrothal and the actual ceremony and consummation of the marriage. These are gifts of the Bridegroom to the Bride to “wear" until he comes. It is the way for the Bride to learn the nature of her Groom until they physically dwell together. When she learns who he is, his will, what pleases and displeases him, she adjusts her own attitude and behavior to reflect those desires. She prepares for him just as he prepares for her. Ultimately, Yeshua is preparing a place for the Bride "in my Father's House." Because no one can dwell in the Father's House in rebellion, the Bridegroom is preparing the bountiful Bride to dwell in the Presence of the Almighty's House. As she walks in the Father's will, and therefore Yeshua's will, the Living Word, she builds the reputation of the King of Kings. She proclaims His Name on earth by her deeds, which are His deeds. She re-introduces mankind to their Creator and Lover of their Souls. The Good Name built by the pomegranates, whose pips (seeds) represent the 613 commandments, is pictured by the ancient marriage customs. Although betrothed and technically married, the couple lives apart until the final stage of the marriage, kiddushin. Only then will they dwell together. In the meantime, though, the bride is considered already married, forbidden to all others, and she wears the name of the bridegroom. This gift of a good name reflects unity with the Bridegroom, who by His “pomegranates” has set apart the Bride from all other nations and gods who represent an adultery for her: “And what one nation on the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself, and to do a great thing for You and awesome things for Your land, before Your people whom You have redeemed for Yourself from Egypt, from nations and their gods?” (2 Sa 7:23) “So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’” (Dt 4:6) The Mishkan (Tabernacle in the Wilderness) is a template of the Famous Name gift exchange between Bride and Bridegroom. The Bride brought the Bridegroom thirteen items as gifts for the building of the Mishkan: Gold Silver Copper Turquoise wool Purple wool Scarlet wool Linen Goat hair Red-dyed ram skins Tachash skins Acacia wood Shoham stones Stones for the settings This list does not include items that were depletable, such as olive oil and spices for anointment. Then the Bridegroom gave her similar gifts, each mirroring one of her gifts to Him for the preparation of a Mishkan to make a place for His Presence to dwell with her: “I also clothed you with embroidered cloth and put sandals of porpoise skin on your feet; and I wrapped you with fine linen and covered you with silk. I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck. I also put a ring in your nostril, earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your dress was of fine linen, silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, honey and oil; so you were exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. Then your fame went forth among the nations on account of your beauty, for it was perfect because...


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Mark Call – Parsha “Vayigash” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa

The reading form the Torah this week, parsha Vayigash (Genesis/Bereshiet chapter 44:17-47:27) picks up at the last, dramatic, “cliff-hangar,” in the third reading dealing with the life and times of Yosef (Joseph). And it begins with one of the most dramatic transformations in the Bible, in what Mark Call refers to as “Judah ‘Mans Up.’ […]


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America, the Promised Land? Part 1

Is America the actual end times promised land of Israel. Is America Israel’s promised inheritance? We recently received an email which stated that it was and that the Land in the Middle East with the name Israel was an abominable land that now belongs to Esau. We were given scriptures in support of this theory or doctrine. That is what we are going to look at today… Is America the spiritual promised land of end times Israel or is it perhaps instead the spiritual daughter of Egypt? A place of safety and provision at the ends of the earth before the ultimate regathering of the WHOLE Nation of Isreal, YHWH’s remnant faithful at the end of days just before the Millennial Kingdom? Will Y’shua rule the earth in the righteousness of YHWH’s Word from America as suggested in the email we received or from a completely cleansed and restored Promised Land of Israel in the Middle East where our fathers and the prophets walked? What does scripture actually say. Listen in to parts 1 and 2 of this message which are filled with tons of scriptural evidence for our findings.


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Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapter 64 into 65

The Torah teachers continue the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah (YesheYahu) and complete chapters 63, and then 64, which set up the final two chapters of the entire Book.


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Drive Time Friday

David Justice and Mark Call discuss the first week of the year 2025, and what the “terror” circus suggests is coming next, before that “date certain” just over two weeks away. The only thing that we seem to know for sure at this point is that whatever the truth is – it isn’t likely to […]
