Living in Light of Genesis
Brian Thomas
Like many Christians, Brian Thomas was taught to believe that Genesis is at least partly myth. He was told that history, archaeology, and science contradict supernatural creation and that there were no Adam and Eve in a Garden of Eden, so their sin wasn’t what brought death into the world.
But on deeper inspection, Dr. Thomas discovered that the evidence actually supports the truth of the Bible’s opening book. He found that Genesis is vitally important to how we understand our world, our lives, and the God who made us because it provides the foundation we need for all aspects of faith, science, and culture.
Join Dr. Thomas on his journey that, as he says in chapter 1, led him “to accept the Bible’s history as literally true not in spite of historical and scientific knowledge but in light of that knowledge.”
Duration - 6h 40m.
Author - Brian Thomas.
Narrator - Brian Thomas.
Published Date - Friday, 12 January 2024.
Copyright - © 2023 Brian Thomas ©.
United States
Like many Christians, Brian Thomas was taught to believe that Genesis is at least partly myth. He was told that history, archaeology, and science contradict supernatural creation and that there were no Adam and Eve in a Garden of Eden, so their sin wasn’t what brought death into the world. But on deeper inspection, Dr. Thomas discovered that the evidence actually supports the truth of the Bible’s opening book. He found that Genesis is vitally important to how we understand our world, our lives, and the God who made us because it provides the foundation we need for all aspects of faith, science, and culture. Join Dr. Thomas on his journey that, as he says in chapter 1, led him “to accept the Bible’s history as literally true not in spite of historical and scientific knowledge but in light of that knowledge.” Duration - 6h 40m. Author - Brian Thomas. Narrator - Brian Thomas. Published Date - Friday, 12 January 2024. Copyright - © 2023 Brian Thomas ©.
Opening Credits
Dedication and Acknowledgments
Prologue, Sort Of
1. What Genesis Says
2. Genesis and Evolution
3. Science that Supports Genesis - Section 1
3. Science that Supports Genesis - Section 2
4. Culture Without Genesis - Section 1
4. Culture Without Genesis - Section 2
5. Genesis and the Bible
6. Genesis and Truth
7. Why Genesis Matters More Than Ever
Ending Credits