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Spiritual War Trumps Everything

Chuck Marunde

"The real war today is not political, not economic, not military, not social, not philosophical, and not scientific. The real war that is driving everything else is a spiritual war that is thousands of years old. I call this war the War of the Ages. We are living in the midst of a war between God and Satan that has been raging forever as we know time. Understanding this reality will change everything about how you see the world and interpret current events. When the deep reality of this war becomes your reality, your perception of this world, current events, and politics will dramatically change. Learn what all this means for the genuine Christian today, and gain a new perspective on what it means to put on the full armor of God. You'll also see how politicians today are fighting the wrong battles, and how Christian Politicians can align their strategies to God's war strategies." Duration - 1h 48m. Author - Chuck Marunde. Narrator - Chuck Marunde. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2022 Chuck Marunde ©.


United States


"The real war today is not political, not economic, not military, not social, not philosophical, and not scientific. The real war that is driving everything else is a spiritual war that is thousands of years old. I call this war the War of the Ages. We are living in the midst of a war between God and Satan that has been raging forever as we know time. Understanding this reality will change everything about how you see the world and interpret current events. When the deep reality of this war becomes your reality, your perception of this world, current events, and politics will dramatically change. Learn what all this means for the genuine Christian today, and gain a new perspective on what it means to put on the full armor of God. You'll also see how politicians today are fighting the wrong battles, and how Christian Politicians can align their strategies to God's war strategies." Duration - 1h 48m. Author - Chuck Marunde. Narrator - Chuck Marunde. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2022 Chuck Marunde ©.



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