The Day of Atonement
Charles Spurgeon
In this sermon, Charles Spurgeon discusses the Day of Atonement. While himself a Reformed Baptist preacher, Spurgeon respected the deep symbolism of this Jewish tradition. He carefully analyzes the parallels between the Old Testament high priest and Jesus as the High Priest, who makes the atoning sacrifice. In remembrance of Christ’s sacrificial act, Spurgeon writes urges us to “clap our hands with joy, for he liveth, he liveth; the atonement is accepted, and we are accepted too; the scapegoat is gone, our sins are gone with it.”
Author - Charles Spurgeon.
Narrator - Bryan Nyman.
Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023.
Copyright - © 1900 Charles Spurgeon ©.
United States
In this sermon, Charles Spurgeon discusses the Day of Atonement. While himself a Reformed Baptist preacher, Spurgeon respected the deep symbolism of this Jewish tradition. He carefully analyzes the parallels between the Old Testament high priest and Jesus as the High Priest, who makes the atoning sacrifice. In remembrance of Christ’s sacrificial act, Spurgeon writes urges us to “clap our hands with joy, for he liveth, he liveth; the atonement is accepted, and we are accepted too; the scapegoat is gone, our sins are gone with it.” Author - Charles Spurgeon. Narrator - Bryan Nyman. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 1900 Charles Spurgeon ©.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3