The OZ Effect: & The Daniel Gifting For Living Counter Culture-logo

The OZ Effect: & The Daniel Gifting For Living Counter Culture

Justin Littlejohn

Do you desire to grow in influence, and discover your gifting's? Or maybe you want to increase your ability to impact the world in which we live? In this book, Justin Littlejohn utilizes principles and concepts from the popular book turned movie, "The Wizard of Oz" to metaphorically convey the correlations between the imaginary world of “OZ”, and the image driven culture of today. Furthermore, Justin unveils what he believes to be causing a phenomenon of mistaken identity issues, not only in the world, but inside the church. Throughout the book, Justin carefully identifies and explains the Daniel gifting; detailing key factors that allowed Daniel to influence the Babylonian culture in a powerful way during his captivity. Furthermore, Justin identifies parallels between Babylon and America today, and how the Daniel gifting is being downloaded inside of many believers and young adults in our present time to change culture in an authentic way! If you struggle with insecurity, accepting your identity, and being an effective influence, this book is for you! Duration - 2h 44m. Author - Justin Littlejohn. Narrator - Dalan Decker. Published Date - Sunday, 01 January 2023. Copyright - © 2019 Justin Littlejohn ©.


United States


Do you desire to grow in influence, and discover your gifting's? Or maybe you want to increase your ability to impact the world in which we live? In this book, Justin Littlejohn utilizes principles and concepts from the popular book turned movie, "The Wizard of Oz" to metaphorically convey the correlations between the imaginary world of “OZ”, and the image driven culture of today. Furthermore, Justin unveils what he believes to be causing a phenomenon of mistaken identity issues, not only in the world, but inside the church. Throughout the book, Justin carefully identifies and explains the Daniel gifting; detailing key factors that allowed Daniel to influence the Babylonian culture in a powerful way during his captivity. Furthermore, Justin identifies parallels between Babylon and America today, and how the Daniel gifting is being downloaded inside of many believers and young adults in our present time to change culture in an authentic way! If you struggle with insecurity, accepting your identity, and being an effective influence, this book is for you! Duration - 2h 44m. Author - Justin Littlejohn. Narrator - Dalan Decker. Published Date - Sunday, 01 January 2023. Copyright - © 2019 Justin Littlejohn ©.



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