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Relationships and Relatable Life Chronicles


Relationships and Relatable Life Chronicles is for education, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, and enlightenment. People all over the world experience similar issues on different levels/degrees. People desire and want for the same or similiar things, which also depends on if mindsets are mature or immature. Most people seek in others, things they lack in self, often ending up in unhealthy relationships and terrible situations. How people think is formed out of their experiences in life. Unfortunately, most people hold on to the negativity they've experienced. It's why the world is full of people with unhealed hearts and minds. This podcast is one that many can personally relate to or at least may know someone who can relate to it. I've combined my podcasts into one. Listen, enjoy, and share! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Relationships and Relatable Life Chronicles is for education, motivation, inspiration, encouragement, and enlightenment. People all over the world experience similar issues on different levels/degrees. People desire and want for the same or similiar things, which also depends on if mindsets are mature or immature. Most people seek in others, things they lack in self, often ending up in unhealthy relationships and terrible situations. How people think is formed out of their experiences in life. Unfortunately, most people hold on to the negativity they've experienced. It's why the world is full of people with unhealed hearts and minds. This podcast is one that many can personally relate to or at least may know someone who can relate to it. I've combined my podcasts into one. Listen, enjoy, and share! Become a supporter of this podcast:



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Episode 589 If You Mess With the Devil He Will Mess With You

If you choose to go down the path of darkness, it can potentially swallow you up. If you let the devil in, his crew will set up camp and take over. Demons are real. It's easy to get into the darkness, but can be very hard to get out of it. Don't let the devil fool you! People seek out the devil for many reasons, but the devil doesn't love you, he wants you in hell with him, that's his only purpose to have you on his side. The devil is the author of confusion and the biggest liar. The devil will make you think everything glitters is gold - it may glitter but it doesn't mean it's gold, what looks good is good for you - when it can kill you or destroy your life, what looks good taste good - when it may taste good but it can kill you, and that superficial things brings you love and happiness - when it's a blatant lie. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 588 America Has Never Been White

I challenge any person in the world to show me when America was ever White. Anyone! Back in slavery, America was never White. Although in slavery, Blacks still dominated, because they literally carried the White man and everything it took for White familites to survive. There were free Blacks in America long before White Europeans showed up, also Indians were on the soil too. All of this was before White people came along, Don't be misconstrued! Just because the White Forefathers developed a White social construct, where they wanted every other race below them, doesn't mean America was ever White. It wasn't and never will be. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 587 It's Time to Look at Yourself

Most people want to point the finger and blame, yet never want to look at the real problem, which is self. Instead they project all of their insecurities, hurt, and pain on others. Until people take accountability, ownership, and responsibility for the choices and decisions they make, and for who or what they've chosen to become, they won't ever progress towards mental maturity. Therefore, they will continue to make bad choices and decisions based on superficial things, simply because they're mentally immature and blind. When people choose to blame, they inhibit their own growth and therefore, remain the same; prisoners to their own mindsets. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 587 To Black People, For All People, About Black People

Blacks must break free of the mental chains that has been planted by the White Forefathers and others Whites who continue to carry the torches of their White Forefathers. Blacks must fight for the rights mandated in a few areas of the constitution specifically for Blacks. Facts don't lie! If Black people don't stop bowing down and instead choose to bow out of being brainwashed, fanagled, bamboolzed, conditioned and indoctrinated mindsets, like the entire world has been agaisnt Black people, and learn the truth about their own identity, Black people will always be where they've always been. The construct was built by White Forefathers and carried on by White people, which has always been designed to leave Blacks out, although almost everything all races enjoy, is due to Black people. Black people without a doubt, have inheritance and must reclaim what's rightfully theirs! Black people are not immigrants, everyone else are immigrants. All Blacks are not descendants of slaves, because free Blacks always existed, but because of the White man's contruct and slavery, ALL Blacks have been treated the same, unless they were passing as White. Especially those in America, for which they are natives. I've always said that Blacks are the most mistreated group of people in the world and has been for hundreds of years. Because of what the entire world has been led to believe, Blacks have been hated, neglected, and done wrong by every other race, and some Blacks have bought into it and hated and neglected their own. It has always been designed by the White man for Blacks to hate within their own race. It has been by design that the entire world hate Blacks and for racism to exist and continue to be prevalent, keeping division, so that ALL people will never find out the truth about Black history. But it's time Blacks wake up! Much truth has been buried in the Vatican and many places around the world, but there's enough Black history uncovered, to prove what I and many others have said. We all, and I mean every race, can blame the White Forefathers for brainwashing, bamboozling, indoctrinating, and conditioning the entire world to be racist against Black people. However, for Blacks and all others, to continue to have that mindset, is no one's fault but each person individually. We all should be smart enough to know that something profound is up, when you have the entire world against one race! Blacks get your inheritance, you deserve far more than 40 acres and a mule. The inheritance given to most Whites and their offsprings come from what was stolen from Blacks. Please do your own research! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 586 You Got Who and What You Chose Without Knowing What Else Came With Them

In relationships, you get exactly what you've chosen! People suffer the consequences of their bad choices and decisions, because people choose who they are with, based on their own mental states. We all make choices and decisions based on our mindsets and unfortunately most people are mentally immature, because healing, self love, and mental growth hasn't occured. The problem is in relationships people get what they signed up for and more. Then, they turn around and act as if they should have something different! No, you get what you chose, you just didn't have any idea, what else came with your choice. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 584 Common Sense Tells Us We've All Been Lied To

Many people won't like this post, but if you choose to keep your head in the sand, it's because that's exactly where you want it. You'll never grow by remaining the same! You'll never learn the truth by continuing to feed into the lies and/or by continuing to believe the lies. For centuries people around the entire world have been lied to, and without ever trying to research for themselves. Research has always been available. They're master manipulators. Regardless of all other races, why is the fight always the Whites against the Blacks? It's time to wake up! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 583 Don't Be Upset or Blame Him Or Her Remember You Chose Them

Many people love casting the blame on others. If you chose someone it's just that, your choice. When it goes wrong, regardless of what a person did or didn't do, you can't put all the blame on him or her because it is you, who chose them. It's time to look at yourself and take ownership and responsibility for the choices you've made. People who are immature thinks and acts similar. Allow yourself to let healing take place inside of you, love and know yourself, and learn and grow from every situation. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 582 You Allow the Ones on Top to Keep You on the Bottom

The power lies in the hands of the people but people are so full of lust for the things of the world, they are allowing themselves to be used and abused by the systems, businesses, corporations, agencies, and organizations. Many people suffer because they've allowed the ones on top to keep them on the bottom. Wake up and realize you have more power than you think, then act on it! Stop allowing these people who care nothing about you to swindle your money from you. If they cared for you, they wouldn't be robbing you. Their only concern is for their own well-beings. Fight back, it's your right! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 581 Colorism Is A Thing But It Isn't What You Think

We're all connected! People all over the world have been bamboolzed by the White Forefathers and those who continue their false narratives. They've hidden it for hundreds of years. It's not about the Black skin, if it were Whites of all people, wouldn't tan for the same colors they say they hate. I say colors, because Black people comes in all shades. Wake up people, there's far more to this thing, than you are willing to admit and/or accept. You've been conditioned to believe it's one thing, when they know it's another. Therefore, they choose to doctrinate the world to racism, rather than to let the secret out. However, it's already out and coming to the light and that's why we see the uptake in racism, especially in the U.S. They feel if they keep the lie going they'll remain on top. All other races are so blind about Black people they can't even see they are on the chopping blocks too! They'll never be excepted as White, but they don't care. The ones on top are still perpetuating the lies and false narratives and are master manipulators. Those racist Whites knows they are the inferiors one, but have brainwashed people to believe they're superior to every race on earth. ONLY a weaked minded person behaves that way! White Forefathers and those here today, are very fearful of the truth being found out! The truth can't be stopped, "what's done in the dark, SHALL come to the light." Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 580 Blaming All Women For The Behaviors of Immature Women

Many men are bashing women, because they think all women are the same. It goes to show you they themselves are of immature mindsets. A mature man doesn't entertain a immature woman and vice versa. So, stop thinking all women are the same. Look at yourself and figure out why you're interested in such an immature woman in the first place. It says something about you! Instead, you want to blame her, but forgetting the fact that it was you, who chose her. You get what you choose and expect it to be something different. No, it will be exactly what you're chasing, seeking after, or chose! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 579 Born a Blank Slate

We were all born a blank slate. Everything we know was learned. As a child we learnt from family, friends, others, and via other ways (television, radio, internet, etc.). When it comes to racism, people all over the world have been taught racism, which was passed down through generations. That in itself should be profound enough for people to be curious to know the truth. For the whole world to hate one race to the degree Black people are hated is a phenomenon. Yet, instead of people trying to figure it out, they can't see past their conditioned mindsets. It's been passed down from generation to generation. Some people are in such denial, they don't believe racism even exists.Racism has breeded colorism. If you hate anyone, it means you don't love yourself! Crazy part is this; people think because they're white their exempt. No, you're not, because you'll never be a part of their actual group. You're suffering through crap like everyone else. You're not exempt because you're White. That's what many people don't understand. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 578 You May Lack Something But It Isn't Why They Cheated

Stop believing your the reason they cheated. They cheated because it's exactly what a cheater will do. A cheater will cheat because of their own inner issues, which caused the mindsets they have and their lack and their many insecurities. It's the characteristics of unhealed people. They are master manipulators and therefore, will make you feel that you're the problem, because they don't understand that they (him or her), are the problem. Love yourself enough to not allow anyone who is unworthy of you, into your life. If you let someone cheat on you, you're a problem too, and you're creating the monster in your life. People who make these choices as the cheater or the one who allows the cheater in their lives, are individuals who have unresolved internal issues. When a person doesn't love self, it affects their lives, in many ways. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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577 The Truth About DEI

I've heard about people being given opportunities because of their race, but that isn't DEI. To place a person other than White in a position amongst mostly White isn't because of their race, it's because they were qualified to be there. How it works in colleges may be different, but in the workforce it hasn't worked that way, at least in the almost 25 years, I've never seen it. Why is it bad that there are programs to give ALL people a chance, rather than only a certain group? It's strange they hate that there's DEI Training, but are okay with other types of Trainings. It's all a part of the assignment to conquer and divide. It's still very prevalent today. Just because in your mind you have a seat at the table by being White, doesn't mean you're not on the menu with everyone else. If you're not on their level, you're on the menu too! That's the part people have yet to learn. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 576 If You Can't Change It Let It Go

When you hold on to something you can't do over and allow it to torment you internally, it is affecting you mentally. You're causing yourself unecessary self-inflicted pain. Regret will keep you stuck mentally. It's time to heal and let it go. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 575 The One You're Divorcing Is The Same One You Married You Were To Blind To See It

You think the one you're divorcing isn't the one you married, but they are; you just failed to see the signs and red flags. You went into the relationship blindly and with only your heart. They didn't change, they are exactly who they've always been. Fortunately, you changed and now you can see them for who they are and has always been. You must go into your relationships being able to see and accept the truth and be prepared to walk away from negativity. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 574 Stuck in a Self Driving Car

People are so mentally disconnected and focused on the wrong things, that they aren't concerned for their own lives. People are caught up in technology until they are blind as can be. All new technology isn't good and in fact, some is down right dangerous! In what could have been a deadly situation, the passenger's concern was with getting to the airport on time/not missing his flight, rather than being concerned for his life. Unbelievable! Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 573 God is Unchanging While Things are Constantly Changing

The powerful and rich are constantly changing things in the world, not to benefit you, but to benefit themselves, yet because of unhealed hearts and minds; people believe it's for their benefit. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 572 Not Perfectly Compatible but Equally Yoked

No couple will be 100% compatible but you still should be equally yoked. We're all different and therefore, although we may not be perfectly compatible, the person you're with, you should be equally yoked with. People who aren't, will always face issues those who are equally yoked, won't have. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 571 Your Darkness Can Lead to Self-Destruction

Millions are in darkness because of their dark hearts and minds. Whoever or whatever you choose to become is on you! Knowing that, people should do everything they can to be better. Unfortunately, it's not the case. People go through life the very same, never changing, living in that comfort of pain, yet are miserable all the way. This darkness is something many have become comfortable with and it often leads to destruction that comes in many forms. Become a supporter of this podcast:


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Episode 570 A New Day, A New Year, A New Beginning 2025

2025, Let's go! It's time to get off the wheel and do better. You can't become better by remaining the same! Stop, and get off the wheel so the cycles can stop! Be the best you can be! There's no way you can be, if you haven't allowed healing to take place! Forgiving, allowing healing to occur, and loving yourself is your starting point, to your new beginning! Let's go!!!! Become a supporter of this podcast:
