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Welcome to Real Science Radio with co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams who discuss the latest in science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) Not only do we get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott, and easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne, but we also occasionally interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.


Commerce City, CO


Welcome to Real Science Radio with co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams who discuss the latest in science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) Not only do we get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott, and easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne, but we also occasionally interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.




Real Science Radio PO Box 583 Arvada CO 80001 303-463-7789

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On the Farm with Thomas Dykstra, PhD Part II

*Non-Profit Farmers? Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Thomas Dykstra to discuss how an Agriculture Consultation can help farmers make a profit again! *The Natural: Dr. Thomas M. Dykstra is a PhD entomologist and agricultural consultant, and the lab director at Dykstra Labs in Gainesville Florida. Dr. Dykstra received his Masters in entomology from the University of Florida, where he investigated the neurophysiology of pheromone production in moths. He then received a Ph.D. in insect bioelectromagnetics under Dr. Philip S. Callahan at Florida. *Microbes, Micronutrients & Pesticides: Find out why "Low BRIX farming" is expensive, and the pesticides negatively impact the soil by altering the microbiome. *Where Were the Smelling? "Insect Olfaction". (meaning how bugs smell things) has been thought to be a lot like ours. Hear about an alternative theory from Dr. Dykstra that at the very least, "passes the smell test". *Better Farming Better Food: While modern farming techniques, pesticides, and herbicides have increased the global supply of food, the quality of the food could be improved, and with modern technology, and common sense it can be! *Dragonflies Versus Botflies: Find out what's the fastest bug on earth, (or technically "fastest flying insect" in the sky). *Insects Versus Microbes: Find out the difference between bugs! *High BRIX Low BRIX foods: You can measure the BRIX of your vegetables and fruits using a refractometer, and following some simple instructions. *Farm Versus Academia: Hear what it's like teaching high BRIX farming to farmers versus speaking about it in academia. Tom's Favorite Bug? Hands down it's the Praying Mantis! Do you get it? Their hands are always up! Dr. Dykstra will be playing through the weekend, give him a hand... thank you, thank you very much... be sure to try the veal parmesan.


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In the Garden with Thomas Dykstra, PhD Part I

Field Trip: Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Thomas Dykstra to discuss Regenerative Agriculture, Bioelectromagnetics, the decline of efficient function in the creation, and solutions. The Natural: Dr. Thomas M. Dykstra is a PhD entomologist and agricultural consultant, and the lab director at Dykstra Labs in Gainesville Florida. Dr. Dykstra received his Masters in entomology from the University of Florida, where he investigated the neurophysiology of pheromone production in moths. He then received a Ph.D. in insect bioelectromagnetics under Dr. Philip S. Callahan at Florida. 5G & Honeybees: Find out from the expert what's happening with the honey bees, and if it has anything to do with the electromagnetic energy associated with modern communications. BRIX, Dr. Brix & Healthy Plants: Find out why garden variety pests typically do not eat healthy plants, and how you can find out if your plants are healthy enough to go organic & forgo pesticides!


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Refuting Beneficial Mutations with Dr. Jerry Bergman

* Take Me To the Top: Hear Speakers like James Tour, Jerry Bergman, Rob Stadler, Sal Cordova, Joel Brown and our very own Fred Williams Fri & Sat Feb 21 & 22 online at Creation Summit's "No PhD Required" virtual creation conference. *Dr. Jerry Bergman:Fred WilliamsDoug McBurneywho has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at several Universities for over 40 years. Dr. Bergman is a graduate of Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, The University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University. *Spanking David James: a reference to Real Science Radio was added to professor David James Farina's rationalwiki page because Doug called Professor Dave a communist, (but without reference to our debunking, or even a link)! *A Heavy Load: And we don't mean Professor Dave's "debunking" of Special Creation! We mean the genetic load of mutations that are overwhelmingly deleterious, and never add information beneficial for the survival of an organism. *Encode & Haldane's Dilemma: tell us that Professor Dave and his lovely wife would need to bear at least 10 more children to even have a chance of evolving the species. *Another Hunk of Junk: turns out to be functioning DNA, and not what Professor Dave and the disciples of Darwin call "Junk DNA". *All Apologies: Doug apologizes to Professor Dave for making light of his past career difficulties, and extends the gospel to him, knowing that behind the bravado of every atheist is a sad story and a broken heart. *Mutations, Cancer & Evolution's True Path: Hear the truth about genetic mutations based on Dr. Bergman's decades of research where the evidence proves mutations kill cells, and kill organisms, (and radiation is used to CAUSE mutations to kill cancer cells)!


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10 Things People Believe - Proved Wrong!

*Top 10 List: Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney review their list of the top 10 things people still believe, that science has proven wrong. #10: Vestigial Organs - The most popular one growing up was the appendix, remember? Until this (from PubMed in 2016). And don't forget tonsils! #9: GPS won’t work without Einsteinian relativity. It will, and does. #8: Junk DNA - There's no such thing! We're only beginning to comprehend DNA. And to have ever assumed any of it was junk was foolishness! #7: Lucy is a Human Ancestor - Poppycock! #6: Plate Tectonics - The fourth-biggest-dumbest theory going, (after Darwinian Evolution, the Big Bang, and Einsteinian Relativity). #5: Dangerous Anthropogenic Climate Change - Fifth biggest-dumbest... #4: Darwin's Tree of Life - That dog don't hunt, and lies like a rug! #3: The Big Bang: See #'s 4 & 5, the James Webb Space Telescope, and our favorite! Genesis One. #2: Evolution: Ha! Yeah.... right! (Also, see Genesis One again). Neo-Darwinism is so laughably preposterous even foolish atheists like Jimmy Shapiro are beginning to re-evaluate the emperor's outfit. #1: Dinosaurs lived and went extinct millions of years ago. We’ve long had solid evidence that man and dinosaurs lived together, from cliff and cave drawings to the tomb of Richard Bell, to Chinese calendars... and of course all that dinosaur soft tissue in all those fossils!


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Climate Change & the L.A. Fires With Marc Morano

*Climate Depot: Listen in as Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Marc Morano founder of who has appeared on numerous TV shows including Fox news, CNN and with Bill Nye the Fake Science Guy! *The Warmest Year Ever? Here how statistical weaponization going back to Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" has been used to claim almost every year is the "hottest year on record" somewhere... *Big Oil & the Paris Climate Accords: Find out why even the American Petroleum Institute wants to get on board with the "carbon capture" boondoggle, and why and how the president can and must get America out of global climate accords permanently! *Check out the Receipts: Check out all of Marc Morano's books for more evidence and good reporting about what he has almost single-handedly exposed as one big globalist climate scam! *Cautious Optimism: Find out who in the Trump administration is really dedicated to ending the climate communism scam, and who needs to be watched! Reason # 1270: to get, or keep your kids out of the government schools: the climate brainwashing starts in kindergarten, and goes right through graduate school!


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Trinitarian Science with Rupert Sheldrake Part II

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD:Fred WilliamsDoug McBurneywho earned his PhD in biochemistry from Cambridge, is an author or co-author of 15 books and more than 100 scientific papers, and is a brilliant, and humble man who believes that God is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Shermer the Squirmer: Hear about Dr. Sheldrake's debate with Michael Schermer, and the hysterical fear he inspires in materialists. TED Ban Resurrects Truth: Check out "The Science Delusion", Dr. Sheldrake's TED talk that was banned by TED TV, (leading to it going from 30,000 to about 8 million views, and climbing)! Spiritual and Natural: Hear Dr. Sheldrake's thoughts on consciousness, the psychic, telepathy, premonitions, the 6th sense and the idea that The Holy Spirit underlies all reality and sustains everything physical and spiritual.


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Trinitarian Science with Rupert Sheldrake Part I

Rupert Sheldrake, PhD:Fred WilliamsDoug McBurneywho earned his PhD in biochemistry from Cambridge, is an author or co-author of 15 books and more than 100 scientific papers, and is a brilliant, and humble man who believes that God is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Phase Shifting & Red Shifting: Hear about fudge factors and assumptions in the scientific world that Dr. Sheldrake calls the scientific equivalent of monetary "quantitative easing!" Everything's Information: ...and/or "form" (which is the heart of information). Hear how form and the doctrine of the Holy Trinity all contribute to Dr. Sheldrake's fascinating understanding of the Logos, matter, energy, fields, order and structure. Brought to You by the Number Three: Speaking of the Trinity, check out our research on the sophisticated influence of the number 3 on almost everything! More Than Morphic Resonance: Hear Dr. Sheldrake's fascinating musings on memory, the laws of nature, spirituality and materialism, epigenetics and his theory of morphic resonance as it relates to everything from standard testing to Wordle in The Times.


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Gender Insanity

*Sex Not Gender: Listen in as host Doug McBurney welcomes Nicole McBurney on to help us understand how linguists determine that words have a common ancestor, (and how Sal Cordova proved that proteins don't), and how "sex" became "gender" and what's wrong with all that. The Gay 90's: We'll examine etymology and biology and how back in the 1990s the western world saw a full court press to normalize perversion and corrupt the language. Losing the Culture War: In 2009 Bob Enyart interviewed one of the devil's more productive culture warriors; unrepentant sodomite Wayne Besen. You'll hear how few allegedly "christian" leaders have stood, (and how long they've been laying down) against the tide of sexual immorality that brought in the trannies and the child molesters. From Eden to Revelation: Look in on the history of feminism, paganism, divination & witchcraft, and hear how the more and more corrupt the world becomes, the more and more words are used to paper it over.


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Resolve & Resolutions for 2025

*This is Your Brain on: ...pretty much everything, and mostly that phone they call smart that has the potential to turn you into an idiot! *Professing Dave: Check out our response to Professor Dave's response, to our rebuttal, to his attempt to debunk Special Creation! *The Latest Models for 2025! We're not buying them! Here at RSR we want to make 2025 the year that the Creationist Community hears us loud and clear that modelling and mathematics are no substitute for observable phenomenon, experiments and solid forensic science! *Alienating the Masses: We keep hearing from various media carnival barkers and bureaucracy hacks that the American government is covering up the existence of an intelligent extraterrestrial civilization that has been sending investigators in various spacecraft since the 1950s to find out what all that noise from Earth is about. (Yet they have a hard time acknowledging the true and living God). *Our "They" Pibb Climate Theory: Hear how saturation of the atmosphere by the same CO2 that makes Dr. Pepper and Mr Pibb so good likely results in saturation levels that produce a loss in it's already minimal ability to have any impact on the global climate, (as Dr. Paul Homan told us last year).


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Professor Dave's Response Was WEAK

*One Episode of RSR: = enough time to cover less than 10% of David James' mistaken claims and assertions. We got to 2 out of at least 29... *David James' Carbon 14 Mistake: Professor Dave over at "David James Explains" on Youtube asked us to do the math on exactly how many half lives it would take to get to zero c-14 atoms in a gram of C-14, so we did the math! And we appreciate him giving us the opportunity to prove the point. *David James' Antimatter Mistake: Professor Dave's flat-earther-like answer to the Big Bang's missing antimatter is really just a quantum fluctuated version of "nu-uuh." So we bring in others, (like FermiLab) with further evidence that the problem of the missing antimatter predicted by the big bang is, in fact, a problem for the theory. *Giving the Devil His Due: David James got a few things right! 1. Doug's impression of David James' screaming child cartoon was flat wrong! 2. According to a CSU professor of Biochemistry: "Professor Dave has some useful videos on biochemistry for high-school and college students!" 3. David James accurately posted a link to our answers to all 29 of his errors at


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The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem

* Boulder, Colorado's Planetarium Show on Christ's Birth: For Christmas, we're enjoying this classic Real Science Radio broadcast about the University of Colorado's Fiske Planetarium presentation of a live program, The Astronomical Star of Bethlehem, by amateur astronomer Gil Buller. From the planetarium's website, "This exciting program examines the sky at the time of the birth of Christ to see which astronomical phenomenon may have been the Star of Bethlehem." * Orbital Mechanics Help Identify the Star of Bethlehem: Using computer-generated images of the night sky in ancient Israel, this planetarium program does in great style what Bob Enyart's DVD does using more modest computer simulation software. Click to get Bob's classic DVD, The Planets, Stars, and The Bible. * The Materialist's Star Problem: You may enjoy the bulleted list at our broadcast show page. And whereas unbelievers say that young-earth creationists have a "starlight and time" problem, remember, materialists have:


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Robert Malone Part II

Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Robert Malone to discuss (among other things) his new book PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order. *Robert Malone, M.D.: Author of February 2020's “Novel Coronavirus” (since disappeared off Amazon) and 2002's “Lies my Government Told Me” and his new book, "PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order", received his medical training at Northwestern University (MD) and Harvard University (Clinical Research PostGraduate) medical school, and in Pathology at UC Davis. Scientifically trained at UC Davis, UC San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories, Dr Malone is an internationally recognized scientist (virology, immunology, molecular biology) and is known as one of the original inventors of mRNA vaccination and DNA vaccination. His discoveries in mRNA non viral delivery systems are considered the key to the current COVID-1 9 vaccine strategies. Dr. Malone has appeared before the Health Committee of the Texas Senate, on Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, NewsMax, and quite a few others, and now Dr. Robert Malone can add Real Science Radio to his list!


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Robert Malone Part I

Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney welcome Dr. Robert Malone to discuss (among other things) his new book PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order. *Robert Malone, M.D.: Author of February 2020's “Novel Coronavirus” (since disappeared off Amazon) and 2002's “Lies my Government Told Me” and his new book, "PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order", received his medical training at Northwestern University (MD) and Harvard University (Clinical Research Postgraduate) medical school, and in Pathology at UC Davis. Scientifically trained at UC Davis, UC San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories, Dr. Malone is an internationally recognized scientist (virology, immunology, molecular biology) and is known as one of the original inventors of mRNA vaccination and DNA vaccination. His discoveries in mRNA non viral delivery systems are considered the key to the current COVID-1 9 vaccine strategies. Dr. Malone has appeared before the Health Committee of the Texas Senate, on Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, NewsMax, and quite a few others, and now Dr. Robert Malone can add Real Science Radio to his list! *No Nobel for you! Hear how the Nobel prize for the COVID vaccines took political precedence over a prize for the discovery of mRNA technology. *Dark Horse: Hear the background on how Dr. Malone became the black sheep of the pharmaco-medical industry for simply reporting on the facts related to the work-product of Operation Warp Speed and the risks involved in the deployment of mRNA vaccine technology in Dec of 2020 and beyond.


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God's Creation & Design in the Headlines

Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney for the latest science news from the worlds of science and medicine from a biblical. creationist worldview. *God Given Immunity: Hear about the potential for human regeneration of organs and limbs. Check out Robert Metheny's work on regenerating cardiac tissue, (and revisit this amazing interview with Bob and Kevin Anderson). *The Sky is Falling: Well, not yet. But the amount of space junk is of concern because what goes up must come down. So a wooden satellite might not be a bad idea. *Monkey Business: Have you heard the one about all the monkeys on Earth typing out Shakespeare? The math proves that it is, in fact a joke! *Sealing up the Sum: Hear about ancient mesopotamian cylinder seals that feature images of men and dinosaurs together! (Hat tip to RSR's resident Crationist Curmudgeon).


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JFK & the Art & Science of Conspiracy Theories

*The CIA, Zapruder & Geraldo Rivera: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they examine the evidence for a lone gunman versus a conspiracy to assassinate JFK. (And First of all, let's be clear! the CIA says they didn't do it). *Primary Evidence: Hear about how the police found the rifle, the shell casings and other evidence tying Lee Harvey Oswald to the assassination in the immediate aftermath. *The Warren Commission & The Bipartisan House Select Committee on Assassinations: Hear about the scientific studies that the governing officials commissioned and referred to form their opinions, and other studies, articles, and reports that either support or refute the commission's findings. *The Acoustics & the Wounds: Acoustic anomalies, and disputes over the nature of President Kennedy's gunshot wounds have also been extensively modelled and reviewed. *Oswald Fits the Pattern: of politically deranged, relatively young, mostly male, social misfits, (some involved in conspiracies, and some not) who've shot, (and shot at) presidents of the United States from Abraham Lincoln, to William McKinley, (who's assassin was convicted, and executed by the State of New York in under 2 months!) to Teddy Roosevelt, to JFK, to Jerry Ford (twice!), to Ronald Reagan, and right on up the the two mental cases who most recently tried to assassinate President Trump! *Jack Ruby Just Doesn't Seem to Fit: The low level, but certainly mobbed up night-club owner who killed Lee Harvey Oswald is the most difficult character to reconcile with a lone gunman theory, which, (along with the Federal government's persistent refusal to declassify all the documents associated with the Kennedy assassination investigation) is one more reason many suspect Oswald was likely involved in a wider conspiracy of some sort.


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The Election, Science, and Creation

* With Doug on assignment, Ryan Williams is back in the studio to talk about the recent election and the latest Creation Magazine. * Election Results: Ryan and Fred each share their thoughts on the Trump victory in the recent election. Tune in to also find out what Fred and Ryan think about the question "Does God Pick Our Leaders?", and visit for the article they discuss. * Parent's Monkey Business: Tragic child development experiments that reveal consequences of a worldview of evolution and natural selection. * Dating Problems In Tibet: No, this isn't referring to boy meets girl and a Tibetan dating app. Instead, a recent study in this country shows just how dating methods in archaeology can be unreliable and problematic. * Going Batty: Bats use echolocation in fascinating ways to navigate their environment. * Avoiding Sharks: Find out if Fred's encounter with a shark was real or imagined. Also find out about new techniques to avoid predator attacks. * Iron Lady Refuted: Strong experimental evidence has knocked Mary Shweitzer's iron rescue device off the table. The soft tissue discovered in dinosaurs is irrefutable evidence that dinosaurs are just thousands of years old and easily fit within the timeframe of the Bible. * Ryan's Brain is Worth Billions: The complexity of the human brain continues to astonish researchers. What about Fred's brain?


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The Perfection of Life with Sal Cordova

*Sal Cordova: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they welcome Sal Cordova, who recently published a paper on Structural Bioinformatics through Oxford University Press which relates to today's topic. Sal also published a peer-reviewed reference chapter critical of evolutionary theory through Springer-Nature. That book can be found on secular University Library shelves. He is also presently a PhD student in Bio-molecular engineering, he holds 5 science degrees including Masters in Biology and Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins University, with Undergrads in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Previously He was a Senior Engineer and Scientist in the Aerospace and Defense Industry working for MITRE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research and Engineering) and Fort Belvoir Army Night Vision Labs. He is a graduate of Dulles Aviation Flight school and is a licensed pilot. Prior to all this he studied concert level classical piano. *Somebody Call Me a Doctor: Here Dr. Daniel Stern Cardinale confirm "atheist" Aron Ra's confession that evolutionary biologists are well aware of the fact that proteins share no common evolutionary ancestor. *The Nature of Things: Hear how Sal Got to give his testimony in an issue of Nature magazine, and how the design evident in God's creation helped rescue his faith! *An Apostasy of Cowardice: Sal and your hosts discuss the battle creationists, home-schoolers, (and their kids) are in! against not just the principalities and powers in the world, but the "Christian" leaders who are ashamed of the creationist truth that undergirds the Gospel! *Darwin & The Problem of Evil: Hear how genetic decay, information science, Shannon's noisy channel coding theorem, music and literature, and the observed optimization of biological performance destroy Darwinian evolutionary theory, and are all evidence for the truth of the fall and reveal the problem of evil as it is being solved by the creator God, and his Son Jesus Christ the Savior of the World. *For the Birds: The Arctic Tern can fly from the North to the South Pole because they appear to sense quantum fluctuations in Earth's magnetic field. When compared to radar and GPS, hear how the bird's eye view proves that man can do engineering good. But God can do it better, (even very good)!


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After Darwin with Sal Cordova

*Sal Cordova: Join Fred Williams and co-host Doug McBurney as they welcome Sal Cordova, who recently published a paper on Structural Bioinformatics through Oxford University Press which relates to today's topic. Sal also published a peer-reviewed reference chapter critical of evolutionary theory through Springer-Nature. That book can be found on secular University Library shelves. He is also presently a PhD student in Bio-molecular engineering, he holds 5 science degrees including Masters in Biology and Applied Physics from Johns Hopkins University, with Undergrads in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science. Previously He was a Senior Engineer and Scientist in the Aerospace and Defense Industry working for MITRE (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research and Engineering) and Fort Belvoir Army Night Vision Labs. He is a graduate of Dulles Aviation Flight school and is a licensed pilot. Prior to all this he studied concert level classical piano. *Peak Darwin? Listen in as Sal recounts the Richard Sternberg scandal, and quotes darwinist after darwinist acquitting Sternberg and departing from Darwin. *Evolutionary Evangelism: Sal compares the theoretical foundations of electromagnetism with evolutionary theory, and reveals that no legitimate scientific application requires evolutionary theory to advance, (not biology, not embryology, not even underwater basket-weaving), meaning Darwinism barely qualifies as a false religion. *Dissent from Darwin? It's not just RSR and Sal who are over the hump on "Peak Darwin" - Check out the list of Scientists Doubting Darwin! *Have a Heart: Hear about the research and products of Dr. Robert Metheny (and others) who practice regenerative medicine from a Chriatian Creationist worldview.


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IVF Science and the Bible with Tony Robinson Part II

*Getting Real: With Fred Williams on assignment, RSR co-host Doug McBurney welcomes Tony Robinson, a former federal law enforcement agent, a believer, a husband, a father, and the author of “An Introduction to Biblical Jurisprudence” available on Amazon *Step by Step: We wrap up the step by step description of IVF from beginning to end so you can understand what's involved physically, spiritually, and legally, and make a godly decision about it. *Turning Good Evil *Sign Up: to Keep RSR on the Air! If you support us, thank you! We couldn't do it without you. It's telethon month at Real Science Radio, and we need 50 new supporters to sign up, (or existing supporters to double their support) so we can stay on the air on KLTT in Denver.We've got an exciting new announcement! With October being our telethon month, we're looking for 50 new sign-ups for Bob Enyart Subscriptions. These are the best of the best available only at ENYART.SHOP! Please do whatever you can to help us reach our telethon goal of 50 new sign-ups to keep the ministry alive and well!


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IVF Science and the Bible with Tony Robinson Part I

*Getting Real: With Fred Williams on assignment, RSR co-host Doug McBurney welcomes Tony Robinson, a former federal law enforcement agent, a believer, a husband, a father, and the author of “An Introduction to Biblical Jurisprudence” available on Amazon *Step by Step: Learn a step by step description of IVF from beginning to end so you can understand what's involved physically, spiritually, and legally, and make a godly decision about it. *Turning Good Evil *Sign Up: to Keep RSR on the Air! If you support us, thank you! We couldn't do it without you. It's telethon month at Real Science Radio, and we need 50 new supporters to sign up, (or existing supporters to double their support) so we can stay on the air on KLTT in Denver.We've got an exciting new announcement! With October being our telethon month, we're looking for 50 new sign-ups for Bob Enyart Subscriptions. These are the best of the best available only at ENYART.SHOP! Please do whatever you can to help us reach our telethon goal of 50 new sign-ups to keep the ministry alive and well!
