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The Cryptid Huntress


Jessica Jones is a paranormal investigator and remote viewer based in northwest Georgia. She is an active field researcher and member of Enigma Research Group (ERG), Anomalous Studies and Observation Group (ASOG), and North Georgia Cryptid Researchers (NGCR). All are action-oriented research groups which conduct field research associated with all things paranormal, particularly Bigfoot. These groups have obtained ground-breaking evidence at several paranormal hot-spot hubs in the southeastern United States, comparable to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch. What sets her team apart from other groups is they are trained in remote viewing (RV). In addition to utilizing RV in the research field, Jessica assists in missing persons/cold cases. She has presented her field research at Disclosure conferences and is often interviewed on podcasts and radio shows across the globe. Jessica is a host at Spaced Out Radio with her show "Off the Trails," with the best in cryptid field research and real-life encounters with Bigfoot, Dogman, and other creatures around the world. She has weekly shows on her YouTube channel, The Cryptid Huntress, on cryptids, remote viewing, field research, and other paranormal topics.


United States


Jessica Jones is a paranormal investigator and remote viewer based in northwest Georgia. She is an active field researcher and member of Enigma Research Group (ERG), Anomalous Studies and Observation Group (ASOG), and North Georgia Cryptid Researchers (NGCR). All are action-oriented research groups which conduct field research associated with all things paranormal, particularly Bigfoot. These groups have obtained ground-breaking evidence at several paranormal hot-spot hubs in the southeastern United States, comparable to the infamous Skinwalker Ranch. What sets her team apart from other groups is they are trained in remote viewing (RV). In addition to utilizing RV in the research field, Jessica assists in missing persons/cold cases. She has presented her field research at Disclosure conferences and is often interviewed on podcasts and radio shows across the globe. Jessica is a host at Spaced Out Radio with her show "Off the Trails," with the best in cryptid field research and real-life encounters with Bigfoot, Dogman, and other creatures around the world. She has weekly shows on her YouTube channel, The Cryptid Huntress, on cryptids, remote viewing, field research, and other paranormal topics.



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The Weaponized Dolphin Enigma - Ancient Secret Knowledge & the Missing Link Between Humans & ETs

On this episode, Jessica goes "On the Hunt" with Author E.D. Testerman to explore the worldwide weaponization of dolphins and their non-human intelligence. Is it actually illegal to communicate with dolphins in the wild? Do dolphins hold the key to ancient secrets and hidden knowledge? E.D. Testerman is a Disabled Veteran and single Father of two amazing daughters. He loves to write and express his dreams and love in his writing. He writes to help others to be able to go on adventures, live in a different time, and escape day-to-day life. He lives in the country, loves riding motorcycles, and spends his free time writing and coming up with new book ideas. E.D. has a Norwegian background, incorporating it into his writing. He incorporates his love of history, SIFI, Superheroes, Cryptids, and mythology into his works. You can find E.D. on his weekly live shows on his YouTube & Rumble channels, The Bizarre and the Unknown, and on Nighthawk High Strangeness Podcast. Follow Eric: Follow Jessica:


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Human Life on Red Dwarf Planet Ross 128-B & The Ummo - Remote Viewing Investigation

Ross 128 b is a confirmed Earth-sized exoplanet, likely rocky, that is orbiting near the inner edge of the habitable zone of the red dwarf star Ross 128, in the constellation of Virgo. Located just 11 light-years away from Earth, researchers in 2017 determined Ross 128 was sending out ‘strange’ radio signals with experts saying they can’t rule out that it’s coming from aliens. The radio signals from space appear to be coming “almost periodic” from Ross 128, a red dwarf star that’s not yet known to have any planets around it. It is considered one of the best candidates for habitability. The planet is only 35% more massive than Earth and is expected to be a temperature suitable for liquid water to exist on the surface, if it has an atmosphere. But could there already be life there? In the 1960s, a unique and perplexing UFO-related phenomenon unfolded in Spain, which became known as the Ummo Case. Letters and documents allegedly sent by extraterrestrial beings from a planet called Ummo. These communications were packed with intricate details about advanced technology, alien society, and existential warnings for humanity. Whether seen as a genuine extraterrestrial contact or an elaborate hoax, the Ummo case remains a fascinating chapter in the history of UFO phenomena. Barry Littleton tasked Jessica with Ross 128 b and the Ummo as coordinate remote viewing targets and they discuss the data here. For full access to the raw remote viewing data, join Patreon here: Follow Barry: Follow Jessica:


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Dulce Secret Underground Base: Hybrid Experiments, Abductions & the Alien War

On this episode of “A Glitch in the Matrix,” Jessica and Barry Littleton explore the Dulce Underground Base and the Dulce Alien War, which whistleblower Phil Schneider testified on in 1995. He claimed that the there is an alien agenda, where various races of extraterrestrials and Draco reptilians are planning a complete takeover of the planet, exterminating the majority of the human population by 2029 as part of the New World Order. He also claimed the military had known about It for at least 45 years, at the time of his testimony. Follow Jessica -


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Half-Human Beasts of the Bayou - Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau & the Grunch

On this episode, Jessica and Dr. Dennis Carroll explore the half-human, half-beasts of the Louisiana Bayou, including the Grunch and its ties to Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau! Creole and voodoo influences certainly give Louisiana its unique character. Conjured creatures are said to run rampant throughout the bayou and New Orleans has its share of werewolves and vampires. One of the most unique and interesting creatures of local legend and lore is the Grunch. The Grunch is a deadly beast which is often compared to a Goatman or a bloodsucking chupacabra, but other times, the Grunch refers to a group of half-humans living outside New Orleans who have resorted to cannibalism as a result of a deal they made with the Devil. Sightings of The Grunch date back as far as the 1800s. However, there was a resurgence in sightings just after Hurricane Katrina. Rumors suggest that the beast is actually the child of Marie Laveau, the famous New Orleans herbalist of the 1800s often referred to as the “Voodoo Queen." Other accounts claim that Marie created a pair of Grunches after caring for a defomed child and after castrating the child, developing a set of beasts which almost killed her, leading us down the path of conjuring cryptids and the case of the half-human, half-beasts of the bayou! Follow Jessica:


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U.S. Super Soldier Human-Animal Hybrid Program: Elimination of Assets

On this episode, Jessica goes "On the Hunt" with Author and cryptid and paranormal field researcher E.D. Testerman to discuss Dogman super soldiers and the secret CIA/DARPA project involving special forces soldiers who were dispatched and dropped all over the world in male/female pairs, and how this program became out of control! Official reports show the CIA requesting Congressional funding to bring this program to an end after it went terribly wrong a couple of years ago. Jessica and Eric explore the implications, the Clinton connection, and connect the dots with Dogman sightings and missing persons inside national parks. E.D. Testerman is a Disabled Veteran and single Father of two amazing daughters. He loves to write and express his dreams and love in his writing. He writes to help others to be able to go on adventures, live in a different time, and escape day-to-day life. He lives in the country, loves riding motorcycles, and spends his free time writing and coming up with new book ideas. E.D. has a Norwegian background, incorporating it into his writing. He incorporates his love of history, SIFI, Superheroes, Cryptids, and mythology into his works. You can find E.D. on his weekly live shows on his YouTube & Rumble channels, The Bizarre and the Unknown, and on Nighthawk High Strangeness Podcast. Follow Eric: Follow Jessica:


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The Tisul Princess: 800-Million-Year-Old Sleeping Beauty - Remote Viewing Investigation

In the summer of 1969, an incredible discovery was made in a small village in the Kemerovo region in the Kemerovo region of Russia. While working at the local coal mine, a miner named Karnaukhov came across an intricately crafted marble coffin approximately 70 meters below the surface of the Earth. What he and his crew discovered inside the coffin has the potential to change the human understanding of the history of our planet and refute the theory of evolution. Inside the coffin was a beautiful woman, around the age of thirty, with crystal blue eyes (which were open), dressed in a sheer white dress. She was embalmed in a pink and blue liquid. She appeared to be sleeping. The miners also found a rectangular metal box. When the news spread around the village of the discovery, a helicopter showed up at the site, quarantined the area and the coffin was removed from the site. Scientists determined that the woman inside the coffin was at least 800-million years old. Her body was older than the coal that had formed around the coffin. How is this possible? How did she get there? Where did she come from? Why hasn’t this had more attention on a world-wide scale? This leaves us with more questions than answers. Jessica was tasked with “The Tisul Princess” as a coordinate remote viewing target and discusses the data here. For full access to the raw remote viewing data, join Patreon here: Follow Jessica -


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Werewolves of World War 2 - Guerilla Warfare & the Occult Connection

On this episode of "A Glitch in the Matrix," Dr. Dennis Carroll joins Jessica to explore the werewolves of World War 2, from the Nazi Werewolves who terrorized allied soldiers towards the end of the war, to the terrifying suspected werewolf attack on soldiers during the Winter War of 1939. Follow Dr. Dennis Carroll: Follow Jessica:


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Georgia Skinwalkers in the Appalachians with Brice of Esoteric Atlanta

On this episode, Brice of Esoteric Atlanta joins Jessica to discuss her encounters with actual shapeshifting Skinwalkers off the trails in the Appalachian Mountains of North Georgia. They discuss Brice's personal encounters, Jessica's personal encounter, the history of the area, the legends and lore, and why Brice believes that shapeshifting Skinwalkers target certain individuals. Brice Elizabeth Watson grew up in the deep South with a love for folklore, legends, and stories associated with the South. Spending her summers with her mother’s family in the low country of coastal South Carolina, Brice was inundated with ghost stories, Gullah culture, and a deep respect for the mysteries of the world. As a lover of Eastern philosopher and traditional yoga, in her early 30s, Brice packed her bags and started one of many trip to India to study the lineage of Ashtanga Yoga at its source. After many years, Brice became the only female in the state of Georgia to carry an authorization to teach, a title she still holds to this day. After receiving authorization, Brice began teaching sold out courses on Ashtanga and Eastern philosophy until, like many, the lockdown of 2020, shut her business down. During the lockdown, while stuck at home, Brice returned to her first love of storytelling and opened the YouTube Channel Esoteric Atlanta. What started as a way to explore the eccentric stories of the deep South, turned into a fast-growing channel of deep research and presenting alternative ideas to some of our wildest history. On top of running her YouTube Channel, Brice continues to teach two yoga classes a week in the Atlanta area. She also runs a nonprofit out of India to aid slum kids as well as a dog rescue for the street dogs of India. On top of working with countless children during her time in India, she has successfully brought six Indian streets to America where they were placed with loving families. Brice currently lives in Atlanta with her partner and her dog Ravi, who is also a rescue from the streets of India. Follow Brice: Follow Jessica:


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Area 59: Close Encounters with Bigfoot on My Property with Neal of BigfootTalk

2/10/2025 this episode, Jessica goes “On the Hunt” with Neal of grew up on a 77-acre property in Georgia. Starting at a very young age, he would steal away into the woods, around his family’s property. One of the things he loved to do, back then, was to go to an overlook and watch the wildlife in the valleys below him. Years later, Neal and his wife were looking for a property to call home, his wife knew about his desire to buy a property with acreage, so she started looking for a property where he could interact with wildlife. Close to 10 years after they moved to the new property, Neal started to notice strange things that were happening there that weren’t easy for him to explain. Finally, he came to realize that something with hands was visiting his property and doing those things. After doing several tests, to try to identify who or what he was dealing with, he came to a stunning realization. A Sasquatch had done all those things. Neal has built a unique relationship with Bigfoot on his property, from exchanging gifts to observing communal behaviors amongst them. You can find Neal at or visit the Bigfoot Talk Facebook page. Neal is organizing the Encounters Conference 2025, which will be held on March 14-15th in Jonesboro, Georgia. For more information, please email Follow Neal: Follow Jessica:


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Secret Space Program: Black Midas Warship with Arkehim Ra & Sean Bond

The Black Midas is a Black Triangle Galaxy Class Warship, according to Secret Space Program testimony from Arkheim Ra and Sean Bond. They believe that they have alters serving on this ship, anchoring timelines in positivity and ridding them of Archonic forces. They tasked Jessica with the coordinate remote viewing target of this Warship and discuss the data here. Arkheim Ra is a star seed who was targeted for a super soldier espionage mind control program in US Public School's Talented and Gifted (TAG) program. He served at Montauk under Project Phoenix and has several alters which engaged with time travel and alternate reality programs in what he believes may have been a swap alternate reality. Arkheim's alters have also worked with Nacht Waffen, Mars Defense Force, Solar Warden, Lunar Command and more. Disclosure Now! - Sean Bond is the founder of Psionic League and Silver Cord Spiritual Science. He is a spiritual healer who aids others in holistic healing and spiritual growth. Problem solver and Spiritual Conduit for teaching others about multidimensional awareness and interaction with all their individual DNA technologies, higher functions and operation systems within anyone’s soul sparks/chards of their multidimensional self to help them manifest in the physical. Follow Sean - For full access to the raw remote viewing data, join Jessica's Patreon - Follow Jessica -


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BatSquatch, Living Gargoyles and Other Winged Cryptids

On this episode of “A Glitch in the Matrix,” Dr. Dennis Carroll joins Jessica to discuss the legendary Batsquatch, the mysterious flying Bigfoot-like creature first seen in Washington in the 1980’s after the eruption of Mount St. Helens. This hulking beast is said to have yellow eyes, a dog-like muzzle, blue fur, sharp teeth, bird-like feet and leathery bat-like wings that span up to fifty feet. It’s said to be 9 feet tall and has the ability to affect car engines and electronics. Batsquatch is one of several large flying cryptids and they explore them here! Follow Dr. Dennis Carroll: Follow Jessica:


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Subterranean Reptilians: Whistleblower Testimony & Missing People

On this episode, Jessica explores subterranean reptilians, namely the Alpha Draconian race, based on the testimony of Phil Schneider, Alex Collier and other whistleblowers, and the connection to these reptilian humanoids to the missing persons epidemic and the alleged connection to government agencies and secret societies. For info on the FULL Disclosure Now Conference: Follow Jessica:


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When Summoning UFOs Goes Terribly Wrong

On this episode, Jessica goes "On the Hunt" with Author E.D. Testerman and Barry Littleton to explore what happens when summoning ETs and UFOs goes terribly wrong, based on a case Jessica was involved with in North Georgia, involving a family's nightmare situation after the mother called in UFOs for fun. Jessica, Barry and Eric explore the fascination with extraterrestrial contact, and the dangers of what turned out to be at the detriment and harm of an entire family. E.D. Testerman is a Disabled Veteran and single Father of two amazing daughters. He loves to write and express his dreams and love in his writing. He writes to help others to be able to go on adventures, live in a different time, and escape day-to-day life. He lives in the country, loves riding motorcycles, and spends his free time writing and coming up with new book ideas. E.D. has a Norwegian background, incorporating it into his writing. He incorporates his love of history, SIFI, Superheroes, Cryptids, and mythology into his works. You can find E.D. on his weekly live shows on his YouTube & Rumble channels, The Bizarre and the Unknown, and on Nighthawk High Strangeness Podcast. Follow Eric: Follow Barry: (10) Barry Littleton - YouTube Follow Jessica:


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Secret Space Program: Planet Angua with Arkheim Ra - Remote Viewing Investigation

On this episode, Arkheim Ra tasked Jessica with the coordinate remote viewing target of the forced colonization of the planet of Angua against the native people's will. According to Arkheim, Angua is a desert planet, similar to Arrakas from the movie Dune. They discuss the data from this target here. Arkheim Ra is a star seed who was targeted for a super soldier espionage mind control program in US Public School's Talented and Gifted (TAG) program. He served at Montauk under Project Phoenix and has several alters which engaged with time travel and alternate reality programs in what he believes may have been a swap alternate reality. Arkheim's alters have also worked with Nacht Waffen, Mars Defense Force, Solar Warden, Lunar Command and more. Disclosure Now! - For full access to the raw remote viewing data, join Jessica's Patreon - Follow Jessica -


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Reptilian Hives & the LA Fires - Cryptid Disclosure & More with Nick Sylvester

On this episode of "A Glitch in the Matrix," Nick Sylvester joins Jessica to discuss government cryptid cover-ups, recent and future disclosure events, underground warfare, deep underground military bases, hybrid programs, cryptids, Space Force and more! Nick is a leader in the Truther community. He co-hosts "The Bridge with Nick and Dylan," discussing the cosmic, spiritual, and the nature of reality, bridging the known with the unknown. Follow Nick - Follow Jessica -


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The Anderson Werewolf with Dr. Dennis Carroll

In 1945, around the town of Anderson, South Carolina, hundreds of people encountered a large black animal that howled and stood on two legs, that became known as the Anderson Werewolf. Multitudes of reports were made with local officials and news outlets, and a local sheriff had his own encounter. A team of investigators searched for the creature and a werewolf expert was called in to hunt it down. According to newspaper articles, the werewolf smiled and howled at local residents and slaughtered numerous farm animals in the area. On this episode, Jessica explores the Anderson Werewolf with Dr. Dennis Carroll. This is a local legend for Dr. Carroll, and they take a deep dive into the legend and lore of Anderson, South Carolina’s most terrifying cryptid! Follow Dr. Dennis Carroll: Follow Jessica:


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Masters of the Hunt - Appalachian Bigfoot with Trey of Squatch Me Now

On this episode, Jessica goes "On the Hunt" with Bigfoot researcher and film maker Trey Howell of Squatch Me Now and Masters of the Hunt! Trey is a lifelong researcher of all things esoteric. For twenty years he’s worked in the film and marketing and currently owns Howell Media a digital marketing agency focused on content and social media strategy. In 2019 he launched Squatch Me Now, a social media presence where he curates the best evidence for Bigfoot phenomenon. In the last three years Squatch Me Now has grown to half a million followers across multiple social platforms. He is currently producing a film series on the subject of Sasquatch entitled Masters of the Hunt. “Since prehistoric times, indigenous people across the globe have encountered Bigfoot-like beings. The reports persist to this day. From ancient giants to the art of the hoax, wood apes to the woo factor, this series will be a comprehensive investigation into the full spectrum of the Sasquatch phenomenon. We’ll take a journey through history and around the world to seek the truth behind the origins and ongoing reality known as Bigfoot. Our adventure begins in the mountains of Appalachia in what is now the southeastern United Sates. Here the ancient Cherokee were visited by giants from the west. They were known as the Lords of the Game or Masters of the Hunt” Follow Trey: Follow Jessica:


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Egg-Shaped UFOs & the Solway Spaceman - Remote Viewing Investigation

On 23 May 1964, Jim Templeton, a firefighter from Carlisle, UK, took three photographs of his five-year-old daughter while on a day trip to Burgh Marsh. Templeton said the only other people on the marshes that day were a couple of old women sitting in a car at the far end of the marsh. He was shocked when the middle picture came back from Kodak displaying what looks like a spaceman in the background, insisting that he did not see the figure until after his photographs were developed, and analysts at Kodak confirmed that the photograph was genuine. Many believed the picture inexplicably showed a spaceman. After the photo was made public, strange things began to happen, including a visit by two MIB's inquiring about the figure in the picture. This week, a former Antarctica worker released a video on Reddit of a UFO being recovered inside a cave in Antarctica, igniting a firestorm online and in the UFO community. There was another leak of an egg-shaped UFO in a cave of Antarctica, which possibly has been hidden for centuries, maybe millennia. The UFO appears to have been buried or concealed, and it is covered in hieroglyphic-like glyphs. It is debatable whether this "leak" is a hoax, or part of a larger disclosure movement. Jessica was tasked with the Solway Spaceman and the leaked footage of the alleged egg-shaped UFO in Antarctica as a coordinate remote viewing targets and she reveals the data here with Barry Littleton. ]For full access to the raw remote viewing data, join Patreon: Follow Barry: Follow Jessica:


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Indigenous Ties to Dogman with Lakota Medicine Man William Nighthawk

On this episode of "A Glitch in the Matrix," Lakota Medicine Man William Nighthawk joins Jessica to discuss the Indigenous connection to the Dogman, Bigfoot, and other cryptids. William Nighthawk is an ordained minister for Native American Indian and Metis people. He is a military veteran and 32-degree Scottish Rite Free Mason with over 35 years of paranormal encounters and investigation experience. William grew up with a dark black magic witch for a parent in a haunted house with highly active paranormal property. He is the survivor of two near death experiences which made his connection to the paranormal even stronger. From ghosts to UFO's and cryptid creatures to aliens he has been through it all. You can watch William on his YouTube channel, Nighthawk High Strangeness on his live shows throughout the week and his weekend show, Weekend Morning Brew. Subscribe to Nighthawk High Strangeness Podcast: Follow Jessica:


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The She-Wolves of Julich with Starfox of Midnight Lycanthropy

There is a historical account of 300 female werewolves, terrorizing the Duchy of Jülich after making a pact with the devil. This story was published by Georg Kress in 1591 in Augsburg, which later became Germany. These women lycanthropes attacked men, boys and cattle, slaughtering their victims. Eighty-five of them were apprehended and burned at the stake in Ostmilich on May 6, 1591. There is a woodcut image depicting women and wolves committing wild acts of violence that paints a terrifying scene. The image is accompanied by a series of verses outlining the violent acts of the She-Wolves of Jülich, which include cannibalism, infanticide and demonic communion with the devil. On this episode, Kenny “Starfox” Thibodeau of Midnight Lycanthropy joins Jessica to discuss the She-Wolves of Julich and other female werewolf and Dogman encounters across North America and beyond. Kenny Thibodeau is a field investigator and representative of the Maine Chapter of the North American Dogman Project. He is an Actor, Journalist, Designer, Videographer, Dogman Historian and Author. Subscribe to Starfox Media: Follow Jessica:
