Extended Summary Of Who Moved My Cheese? - An Amazing Way To Deal With Change In Your Work And In Your Life-logo

Extended Summary Of Who Moved My Cheese? - An Amazing Way To Deal With Change In Your Work And In Your Life

Quickbooks Editorial

EXTENDED SUMMARY: WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? - AN AMAZING WAY TO DEAL WITH CHANGE IN YOUR WORK AND IN YOUR LIFE BASED ON THE BOOK WRITTEN BY SPENCER JOHNSON ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK Who Moved My Cheese? is a motivational book that was published in 1998. With a style that brings it closer to the parable, its author, Spencer Johnson, clearly explains the typical reactions that people manifest when there is a change in work or life. His teachings are truly useful in all times and areas of human development, whatever the goal you want to achieve. The characters are two mice and two “little people”. They live the experience of change in their quest for Cheese, which represents the goal: happiness, work, money, love. The labyrinth in which the action takes place is the real world, with unknown and dangerous areas, with dead ends, dark corners and rooms full of cheese. It is a bestseller in the business field since its launch and its validity lasts through the years. CONTENT The Origin A Reunion Of Friends Once Upon A Time… The Cheese Makes You Happy It’s Not Easy To Conserve The Cheese If You Don’t Change, You Will Fail “What Would I Do If I Was Not Scared?” Walking Without Fear Towards A New Direction, Helps Find New Cheese The Drive Of The New Cheese Images: Change Is Necessary The Small Changes Lead To The Great Change That Allows To Find The New Cheese What Does This Story Teach You? Attention To The Leaders Duration - 22m. Author - Quickbooks Editorial. Narrator - CLS Creative. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2022 Quickbooks Editorial ©.


United States


EXTENDED SUMMARY: WHO MOVED MY CHEESE? - AN AMAZING WAY TO DEAL WITH CHANGE IN YOUR WORK AND IN YOUR LIFE BASED ON THE BOOK WRITTEN BY SPENCER JOHNSON ABOUT THE ORIGINAL BOOK Who Moved My Cheese? is a motivational book that was published in 1998. With a style that brings it closer to the parable, its author, Spencer Johnson, clearly explains the typical reactions that people manifest when there is a change in work or life. His teachings are truly useful in all times and areas of human development, whatever the goal you want to achieve. The characters are two mice and two “little people”. They live the experience of change in their quest for Cheese, which represents the goal: happiness, work, money, love. The labyrinth in which the action takes place is the real world, with unknown and dangerous areas, with dead ends, dark corners and rooms full of cheese. It is a bestseller in the business field since its launch and its validity lasts through the years. CONTENT The Origin A Reunion Of Friends Once Upon A Time… The Cheese Makes You Happy It’s Not Easy To Conserve The Cheese If You Don’t Change, You Will Fail “What Would I Do If I Was Not Scared?” Walking Without Fear Towards A New Direction, Helps Find New Cheese The Drive Of The New Cheese Images: Change Is Necessary The Small Changes Lead To The Great Change That Allows To Find The New Cheese What Does This Story Teach You? Attention To The Leaders Duration - 22m. Author - Quickbooks Editorial. Narrator - CLS Creative. Published Date - Sunday, 22 January 2023. Copyright - © 2022 Quickbooks Editorial ©.



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